"The MAX is a very heavy class and he can't get in a vehicle-er, I mean, he can't drive a vehicle, so if you want you can have your friends, this guy probably doesn't have friends, but if he did, he could get in a Sunderer or Galaxy."
Oh god, so cruel Margaret.
I don't understand why do people say these scandinavian countries are "communist". Is that a joke or something or people seriously think that?
Ziru log on LoL and get Regi to play too![]()
"Would you please let me join your p-p-party?
I think we intercept by waiting until' they are over sea and then sending a missile into the bomb, exploding it in the air. But we also have things like override codes and such. 98% of it is in computer codes. Hackers are the real enemy today
Yes, some people actually do. But not in here, though. It would amaze me :P
Though there are some truth to it. I mean, I am a Marxist by heart. And Denmark is definitely so socialist a country that it is literally dripping welfare.
Mostly running bot games for now anyway until i can get some champions I might enjoy and a good build for each. Oh and a funny bit about that last round. we were LOSING initially due to overfed Lux obliterating us. We eventually pushed mid hard and slaughtered them of course, then decided 'hey, let's smack baron while we're at it.'
Yeah. No. The MOMENT we started to hit him all 5 AI bumrushed us and butchered.what. the. Fuck.
So we can track, target, launch, and intercept missiles with other missiles then. I wonder how good that system is.
I also remember seeing somewhere that a system was developed for tanks to track incoming rockets, and when they are feet from impact, spraying them with bullets so they prematurely explode, consuming their forward energy before they reach the armored hull. I wonder how that would work against say, Javelins.
Lux is annoyingly squishy, even when fed (although Lux bot might be different), so if you can keep her CC'd you won't have any problems.
"This is a 17+ podcast, so it's quite alright [in reference to margaret second guessing her use of "badass"]". I'm not breaking a technical law anymore. :3
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