last post on page bleh.
i gonna stream drawing now. link in sig if you wanna watch
For some stupid reason the password I had written down didn't work. I'm guessing my shift key borked somewhere along the line while typing it the first time. :/ So I requested a password reset. But for some dumbass reason the email isn't coming. I requested it yesterday btw, even sent an email to support.
---------- Post added 2012-07-09 at 05:19 PM ----------
Then I'd sit down for a good 20 minutes or so and try every possible password combination that could come from it, borked shift key / caps lock left on or not.
I take it you've checked junk mail / requested a new password multiple times?
I'm way too slacky to do it
Requested twice so far. Actually by written down I mean saved to a wordpad file so I can copy and paste anywhere applicable. (I've run into exactly one single site that didn't let me.) So I KNOW it's right.
Eyup. I type it into a WP file as I said and then C&P it to the signup thing. So I know I have it right. I just had a brain fart when I thought that might be the issue.
Oh something about dreams I read?
Oh well, I had a lucid dream today
It was about doing some sort of activity in the park outside my old shool (why?).
Not the best dream I would've wanted... especially when it was lucid >_>
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