I might be old fashioned, but I would argue that if there is a child as a factor, the equation only have one definite answer: You have to be there for it.
I would suggest you make that your first priority. I usually say "You live for yourself until' you get a child, then you live for your child". I think that, when a couple gets a child, everything becomes hectic and strange and confusing, because neither of you know what to do about it. But it's there, and it's a hard fact, and it's one of those things where one have to just say "This is how it is" and do the best one can - Because if you do your best it's bound to work out in one way or another.
While I agree that the couple should be there for the child, I would never state that I think they need to be together. When I was young, my father would beat my mother and harrass her family until' we fled. When I had been tumbled around in a few foster cares and such, I realized that it was really hard growing up, as a boy, without a father. It gave me some deep scars that I still see today. You might not live up to every expectation your child has, and believe me they are big, but as long as you are there for it, then you have done your job.
I think I agree with you - You need to sit down and talk about this. Make a plan, and let emotions stay out of it for the first 10min. Get the important things sorted out, economics, the child, habitat etc. Then talk about your relationship. A child doesn't need a mother and father living under the same roof, especially not in todays society. But it does need both a mother and a father.
I'll send some luck your way, mate. And I hope, whatever you do, you will see it bloom.
well sonic im a pegasus with a floating crystal above my head and i dont see you freaking out about it. yeah it doesnt do nothing but still its a crystal and it glows.
ohh my goodness...
They know the inevitable is going to happen..