I love Parry Gripp so much.
I just wanna go up to Golden Sparkle's defense here. Does it really Matter what type of OC golden sparkle makes? There are many many bronies who have alicorn ocs I have seen plenty of them. Golden Sparkle can easly exsist in an alternate universe like most of the fanfic does. Golden sparkle is not claiming anything other than the Oc is an alicorn thats all. no mentioning is part of equestria ect. Just a simple ponysona.
I know there are some bronys out there that are trying to place an iron rule and limit what ocs can be. they quickly attack anypony who makes an alicorn (as we are seeing) but seem not to care much if there are ocs that are ponydragons (not dragons) like drafo;s oc and many other wierd ocs out there.
Let it slide. Golden sparkle is not harming nopony and if golden sparkle wants an oc alicorn because he/she likes alicorn then that is his or her choice. Lets all respect that.
where the love n tolerance.... especially the tolerance.?