I never played Team Fortress 2 and the game has been out for 5 years, I would probably suck too much to be real.
Not really. Still run into a lot of bad players. Do the training tutorial. It helps you understand the basics of the classes. Also, everyone is a spy. That rule of thumb may save you a lot of backstabs and saps in the future.
Not really. Still run into a lot of bad players. Do the training tutorial. It helps you understand the basics of the classes. Also, everyone is a spy. That rule of thumb may save you a lot of backstabs and saps in the future.
Shoot em once. If they bleed, shoot em again. The best spy checker.
This video shows everything that is wrong with Youtube. Idiot random nobody begging for subscriptions. Covers up the video for stupid chat bubble about begging for OMGLOOKATME subs. I wanna see a video that doesn't have anything like that shit.