<Semi Retired> - Recruiting for 9.2!
Wonder if Free-To-Play accounts have access to PTR... Anyone know?
Holy sheeeet ! September 4th or 11th are looking pretty good for MoP release, now ...
So I have a normal game account, one named as wow1 for ptr, and wow2 for mop beta, yet I still can't use ptr? That seems kinda ehh...
3 months is not "Right around the Corner." They wouldn't be announcing 5.1 coming to the PTR soon if it was 3 months away, I'd put it at a month tops, and even that seems too far away for an announcement. What'd I'd like to ask is how long is a pre-launch patch on the ptr before it goes live, if any reasonable average can be deduced from past events. We already know that release is about 2 weeks after 5.0 is released on Live, so with a little math here and there, maybe we can come up with a better estimate.
So never mind, I realize he meant that the ptr stuff makes it onto live, as opposed to the ptr you know, coming out. Ignore my post
Last edited by Faerwen; 2012-07-03 at 04:29 PM.
why would you care about the PTR if you have beta access they prob dont want the PTR flooded
Pre-orders going up mid august said my game retailer, and are generally always shipping 2-3 weeks after that date :P
Well finally.
They've had the pre-patch migration data up on the background downloader for over a month now :
So If you've still had the PTR installed from the last PTR they did . when you open the launcher for the PTR it would start downloading data
It's been well over a decade. Tons of movies, books, games, albums, everything, have been released on that date in the various years since.
Maybe they wouldn't have released, oh, say, Cataclysm, with its trailer of a flying object destroying buildings, on that date (at least not anytime this century), but I think Mists is safe.
I am the one who knocks ... because I need your permission to enter.
Talent patch PTR > 2 weeks > Talent patch on live + Invasion event on PTR > 2 weeks > Invasion event enabled on live > 2 weeks > MoP Launch.
---------- Post added 2012-07-03 at 04:36 PM ----------
Being on a list at a small retailer is not the same as pre-orders going live at the biggest retailers of the world.
Fair enough that they want to give people who didn't get a chance to get into the Beta something to do aswell, but isn't it a little odd that you get locked out of something after paying?
Not that i'm personally really bothered about it.. just struck me as odd
Won't be launched on that day, it's an American company so not going to happen 28th of August or 4th of September are the dates.
---------- Post added 2012-07-03 at 04:38 PM ----------
Won't happen on beta. Pre-event is scaled for 85, not for 90. It's coming to PTR.