Have you ever considered getting a razer naga or Logitech G600? Plenty of buttons to bind all your keys to.
Have you ever considered getting a razer naga or Logitech G600? Plenty of buttons to bind all your keys to.
I did try it...got it working and playable etc - that was fun. Switched back to KB and mouse and thought "aaaaaah, that's better".
Was an interesting project...and something I'll keep in mind, but my G13 and Hex are better for me.
This is pretty interesting. I think I'm going to really give it a shot when the game lands, just because it seems so novel. A controller worked AMAZINGLY well for DC Universe, perhaps it'll work great here. I'm already thinking in my head how I would best want the buttons to be mapped.
How is it against a 'design', GW2 is the most controller friendly rpg ive played since rusty hearts, no need for targetting, restricted action bar, more action orientated combat, its ideal for a controller, Ive done it, just wish i had in game footage.
As to why well its down to 2 things
1) Repetitive strain injury, my reason, I can only tolerate so long using a mouse and keyboard
2) Comfort, sitting on a sofa on my hd tv beats being hunched over a keyboard
Its never going to be optimal, its never going to be for everyone, and yes people have done it with D3, I did it with Wow and raided for 2 years as one of the top dps, you just get used to it.
Sd to other comments about nagas, its a costing issue for me, but my friend uses his and finds it very comfortable, I personally didnt put the time in to see whether I liked it.
Last edited by draykorinee; 2012-08-01 at 06:08 AM.
Well, unless the game was created for use with a controller specifically [DCUO, PSO or FF14] that is pretty much against design. I do believe the expectation and all the supporting systems are based on KBM.
Your own admission of; "its never going to be optimal" also speaks to my point. Like Ocarina of Time isn't intended to be played with KBM either. A good deal of OoT's design is lost as such. Or Quake with a snes joypad, Robotron with a single stick, etc.
Being able to do something doesn't mean it was designed to work that way. That's what I was speaking toward. It seems an odd and false method of control.
Last edited by Fencers; 2012-08-01 at 02:04 AM.
Its just another way of pressing buttons, but not to delve in to a debate Ive said why its done, Ive said how its done, thats all that really matters, symantics about whether its designed for it doesnt really matter, it can and will be done even by a tiny little percentage. Its very relaaxing to sit in front of my hd tv on my gaming chair for a 3 hour stint instead of hunched over my keyboard, but I doubt I can convince you of that :P
Last edited by draykorinee; 2012-08-01 at 06:06 AM.
I don't get why people are so pesky about using controllers. My friends the same way, however he will be giving in for this game and is buying a nostromo for it. Overall the controller can work but there are just several aspects of the game where using a controller is just awkward and slow. Like target area spells for one. And then movement while moving forward is fine but you're basically just a keyboard turner if you ever have to turn around fast. So you're just going to get facerolled in pvp.
Going to give this a try! Maybe not straight away, I can see how more relaxing!
Come to think of it too, GW2 is a perfect game to use a controller with
Yeah, I quickly realised that the target area spells would be a pain...and the turning, for me, was inferior to using the mouse.
It's a nice method for the simple things...but as the complexity of the UI interaction increases it just becomes more and more burdensome unless the UI is specifically designed for that (DC Heroes Online was).
I'm fortunate in that I can pick and choose - but I do appreciate that some folk just aren't physically able to use a mouse for very long...in which case, you do the best you can.
Last edited by Fencers; 2012-08-01 at 01:56 PM.
Alright, so it's against the game's design. It's nice that you've pointed that out, Fencers.
Are you saying it's wrong for people to use a controller, then?. You sound like a backseat cop telling everyone they're breaking the law or something. If you really have a problem with people using it, then bring it up to ANet. If not, then get off the subject.
Nah, not wrong. The OP is just kind of a defensive dude.
Don't care about Arena.net or someone enjoying my POV on a given subject. Open forum, sometimes people are going to say "Hm. That's sorta weird.".You sound like a backseat cop telling everyone they're breaking the law or something. If you really have a problem with people using it, then bring it up to ANet. If not, then get off the subject.
I'm not sure I'd say it was against the games design, that sounds a bit too strong for me...more just that the game wasn't designed with that mechanism in mind and is less optimally experienced without more compatible devices. I appreciate it's a very subjective term though.
Against the games design, for me, is someone insisting on going pure tank or pure healer...and that's all they'll do. There's probably been a design meeting in which that was discussed and those methods of play specifically designed against...whereas, a controller, anet hasn't decided "right, we're gonna make it near impossible to use controllers" - they've simply decided to concentrate on support for other input.
Nah. They would both be equally against design. Actually the controller more so as Anet have a blog post up saying you can play a preferred tanking or healer role within GW2. Just without the the artifice of threat generation or heal spams.
Interface is part of design.
Last edited by Fencers; 2012-08-01 at 06:20 PM.
It is - but to me it's more like they just didn't bother with controllers...rather than specifically not bothering with them, if you see what I mean. The former is inaction - whereas the latter is specific action against...
On the other hand though, using a controller does cause friction with the intended design...so I can see your point.
Yea, I get your meaning. It's not really a big deal either way. Just an interesting option.
I wonder how other PC games would play with a controller where none are supported. D3 seemed very interesting a choice when someone brought it to my intention. Because the genre is lowly called, "click & loot".
The first thought that came to mind was the PS1 port of Diablo 1, and the the imprecise method of control a playstation controller offered comparatively. Specifically forcing the game into an odd kind of hexagonal movement scheme.
I really enjoy seeing what people do with games - multiboxing, for instance. Without wanting to start a "is it the work of satan" debate - the lengths some people go to and the things they achieve...they've taken the game, a hobby in its own right, and use it to create a new kind of game and hobby...the meta-game...it's fascinating.
I think a lot of games would rapidly turn my hands in to painful claws...fine-grained selection of things is where it falls down, RTS, click&loot...or games like WoW, with 3 million spells.
I dont believe for a second its against a design or a corruption, you put a good point across but we dont agree, if that makes me defensive then so be it, its no different from your over the top desire to push your opinion across as fact and making out i agree with you when i dont, its all about what the controller does, which is act as an input device, there is no design break, no corruption, it pushes buttons and does what a keyboard does just not as well.
---------- Post added 2012-08-01 at 08:00 PM ----------
Diablo 3 destroyed my right index finger, click click click click
Last edited by draykorinee; 2012-08-01 at 07:03 PM.
Now you're saying stuff that is contradictory, nonsensical and fantasy.
Indeed. Very fascinating. I find it interesting how interface can change a game dramatically. Such as playing Street Fighter with a pad vs. joystick.I really enjoy seeing what people do with games - multiboxing, for instance. Without wanting to start a "is it the work of satan" debate - the lengths some people go to and the things they achieve...they've taken the game, a hobby in its own right, and use it to create a new kind of game and hobby...the meta-game...it's fascinating.
Last edited by Fencers; 2012-08-01 at 07:29 PM.
Ah fencers as pedantic, abstruse and punctilious as ever, at least your bumping my thread for me, now I remember why your on my ignore list, its that ingratiating thought your always correct all the time that rubs the wrong way, and then the delve in to big words to make you sound clever.
Utilising different input devices always throws up amusing and challenging scenarios, I enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCfTiV2PhmA voice controlled warlocks lol, again not optimal but fun none the less.
Last edited by draykorinee; 2012-08-02 at 05:30 AM.