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  1. #41
    Seems interesting, the discomfort complaint. Perhaps you could try other options, like wireless. I'm currently sitting on a banana chair next to my coffee table with my wireless keyboard and mouse and can play like this for hours comfortably. And if I choose I can go sit on the couch too, it's just not as ideal for mouse use unless I find something to prop my arm up, but thats all it would take. Personally though my most comfortable spot for long sessions is the desk with the smaller monitor. My eyes get exhausted playing long sessions on the 64''...

  2. #42
    Titan draykorinee's Avatar
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    Yeah I have a wireless keyboard and mouse, I use it occasionally, so as a comfort thing its great, my friend has his nostromo that he uses on the sofa, looks very comfortable, but then its very expensive and still needs a 3rd party software to be able to play gw2 so like a controller may well not be optimal for some (doesnt make it corrupt :P)
    Last edited by draykorinee; 2012-08-02 at 08:55 AM.

  3. #43
    Titan draykorinee's Avatar
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    Well, before i leave these forums for good just want to highlight my post, something i created for the community, but in all honesty I dont feel in anyway a part of this community, its quick to attack anyone considered outsiders. I hope there are people who get some benefit from my video and everyone else enjoy GW2 its gonna be great.

    Yeah I know, i wont let the door hit me on the way out.
    Last edited by draykorinee; 2012-08-05 at 09:25 PM.

  4. #44
    Has anyone tried using the gw2 with the microsoft 360 controller?

  5. #45
    Titan draykorinee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asifx3me View Post
    Has anyone tried using the gw2 with the microsoft 360 controller?
    Yes! And as soon as the game is released I will knuckle down and get some footage to show its not as clunky as people think :P

    Yes i came back now the game is due for release :S
    Last edited by draykorinee; 2012-08-23 at 07:28 PM.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by draykorinee View Post
    So heres a quick video I made if anyone is interested in using a controller for playing GW2, I personally will because I have RSI and playing both wow and GW2 via a keyboard will send me over the edge :P
    Playing GW2 and mmo's as a whole whole with a controller will never be optional, that isnt a debate we need, I have however played WoW and end game raided with a controller in the past, it is completely viable. So if your interested in controller and gw2 and not sure how maybe this video will help :P
    GW2 profile
    As someone who had to stop playing WoW for 3 months because of RSI, I wish developers would include *optional* gamepad controls right out of the box.
    It's good though that independent developers and the community bring alternative solutions to players.
    Thumbs up

  7. #47
    Titan draykorinee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gurv View Post
    As someone who had to stop playing WoW for 3 months because of RSI, I wish developers would include *optional* gamepad controls right out of the box.
    It's good though that independent developers and the community bring alternative solutions to players.
    Thumbs up
    Yup RSI was the reason I quit wow originally, I raided as a hunter using a gamepad was challenging at first but you eventually get accustomed to it, also helps with bad backs, no need to sit hunched over a computer.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by gurv View Post
    I wish developers would include *optional* gamepad controls right out of the box.
    The thing is, if a game says "gamepad supported" on the box then people will have certain expectations as to their experience - you can use 3rd party software to make a pad work...but it's never as optimal as if the game UI were developed specifically for a pad.

    If developers started spending development time on true pad mode for every game - where would that time/cost budget come from? What other features should they cut to make room? Or should they increase the box price? How will this impact gamers who prefer to use the KB/Mouse?

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by draykorinee View Post
    Ah fencers as pedantic, abstruse and punctilious as ever, at least your bumping my thread for me, now I remember why your on my ignore list, its that ingratiating thought your always correct all the time that rubs the wrong way, and then the delve in to big words to make you sound clever.
    You nailed the reason why I was kind of irritated when reading his/her comments, but never knew exactly why.

    ---------- Post added 2012-08-23 at 08:47 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Haggerty View Post
    The thing is, if a game says "gamepad supported" on the box then people will have certain expectations as to their experience - you can use 3rd party software to make a pad work...but it's never as optimal as if the game UI were developed specifically for a pad.

    If developers started spending development time on true pad mode for every game - where would that time/cost budget come from? What other features should they cut to make room? Or should they increase the box price? How will this impact gamers who prefer to use the KB/Mouse?
    I see what you mean and I think cost would be a valid point for a single player game.
    But MMOs have an extended life and such an investment would probably not be that much of a burden for this kind of game.

    I'm more worried about you first point.
    Implementing gamepad support would make it like they're endorsing it.
    And there would indeed be a risk of backlash concerning the "subpar" game experience on the gamepad.

    Oh well, I'm glad my hands recovered and that I can still play KB/M but I feel bad for those who can't.

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by gurv View Post
    I'm more worried about you first point.
    Implementing gamepad support would make it like they're endorsing it.
    And there would indeed be a risk of backlash concerning the "subpar" game experience on the gamepad.
    That's it - if they're gonna do it, they need to nail it...or people will complain - and rightly so, because then they're buying a game with a dodgy interface.

    This seems like an opportune time to shriek "skyrim! why is your interface so horrible! And why wasn't it fixed in the first expansion!".
    Last edited by mmoc1be39d8ac1; 2012-08-23 at 08:51 PM.

  11. #51
    Titan draykorinee's Avatar
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    If a company can nail an mmo with full controller support it becomes portable to any games console which opens up a large playerbase, but for some reason it hasnt happened, I guess it might eventually, the restrictions of gamepad support are obvious the lack of functionality compared to kb/m but I hope for that day when they do offer true support.

  12. #52
    I suspect the control mechanism would be the least of the worries if a company wanted to port an MMO to a console TBH.

  13. #53
    Titan draykorinee's Avatar
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    So what else would hold a company up from making GW2 useable on the ps3 or xbox? I dont know much about game design but if any other game going can be ported why cant an MMO? Im not talking cross platform functionality here just porting on to consoles. I always assumed the interface was the big issues. I guess im just naive to the struggles of large game development.
    Last edited by draykorinee; 2012-08-23 at 09:17 PM.

  14. #54
    Well, I do take back what I said actually - at least a little...the controller *is* fundamental to the console game. It's just that they'd have so much else to do too - I was more trying to say that the controller is just one of the issues of creating a multi-platform game...

  15. #55
    Titan draykorinee's Avatar
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    Agreed yes controller and interface would be but a tiny obstacle in the long list of issues.

  16. #56
    The link on the OP for the profile wasn't working for me, so I checked the description on your youtube video and that link works:

  17. #57
    Titan draykorinee's Avatar
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    Thanks, ive updated the file now. Anyone having success? I really should get to uploading some play with is, I found my thief to be harder than warrior as its less stationary but I really enjoy it.
    Last edited by draykorinee; 2012-09-01 at 10:26 PM.

  18. #58
    Too the Op thanks for your wonderfull input on the subject . I have destroyed my right hand through years of gaming abuse never thought i would turn to the darkside *cough* console ware so i can play gw2 but it works really great for me so a big hoooory

  19. #59
    Titan draykorinee's Avatar
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    Bit of a necro, and a bump to my own post but just wondering how people are getting on with the controller and the game, I played 100% with a controller and found it to be perfect for me, even if the game wasnt, it was so well suited to a controller.

  20. #60
    Pandaren Monk Chrno's Avatar
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    I don't think i'll ever get arround trying it, but cool to hear it works for you at least
    I am just waaay to used to my keyboard/mouse setup
    Warrior, getting my face smashed in because I love it

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