Well this post is more directed at healing since i mostly play a resto druid but i have been playing a rsham and a priest to some degree as well.
I've only recently got back into WoW and this is something that is really bugging me. What i mean by homogenised gameplay is that healers spells are now grouped similarly for all the classes. You have a mana efficient spell, a healing efficient spell, both (this will be your dominant class skill eg. riptide, swiftmend) and a flash heal spell. For me, this leads to all the healers feeling exactly the same, i can use the exact same placement of skills in relation to keybinds and the same strategies.
I'm mostly concerned in re playability when rolling new classes, i used to be an altaholic as i really enjoyed seeing the other side of the spectrum, but finding almost no desire to roll another class as it plays almost exactly the same.
I've also noticed very similar playstyles on dps as of late, CD>DoT>filler basically sums up most of the classes.
Perhaps i'm seeing things where i shouldn't be seeing them, however i don't see any discussion on this area and am wondering what your opinions are on the matter. Feel free to tell me i'm crazy, as i am a little bit.