Firstly before you think it, I am not anti semitic, infact I'm all about human rights and against fascism. I'm also gay to know what it means to see people have something against your culture.
What I want to discuss though is something I can't get out of my head, every time I see a goblin in wow. There mannerisms, there accent, how they have this obsession with gold all the time and big noses. Your probably thinking right now 'what, is this how you think all jewish people are like?', No, it is not.
However, this IS how comedy shows like south park, family guy, american dad, and sometimes the simpsons portrays the Jewish community.
For example:
Now, I'm not raising this as an example of what I think they would base the jewish culture on, but to me, it seems like the wow team purposely designed the goblins to have many of the mannerisms you'd expect a show like south park of family would portray them as. Maybe it was done on a subconscious level even, but its still there.
The reason I brought this up, is because the other day when I was in orgrimmar, a player on his goblin character, low level, was asking for gold, for whatever reason maybe he didn't have a main to get some. But anyway the first response this guy got was "Ah ha, a goblin asking for gold, typical jew !'. I did tell the guy he was being a dick, but it made me think, is the way blizzard portrayed the goblins something that causes people to think this, since this is how comedy shows parody jewish people?