It's one video, because:
1. I'm not wasting any more of my time arguing with people on the internet when I know that in two to three weeks, what I was arguing about will be completely irrelevant because the meta game will have shifted. It has nothing to do with the class I play. And 2.
2. It's an overwhelming victory, not a marginal one and shows the inherent problems with the strategy.
It has nothing to do with the fact that I play a guardian. It has everything to do with people proclaiming that what they perceived now based on about 5 days of playing is anywhere close to how things will be a month from now.Now it does seem like you take it personal if I, or anyone, feels like your class of choice could use some tweaking.
One out of three points is not enough to win. This goes into the whole meta game of guardian bunker. In order for bunker guardian to work, he or she has to be sitting on the point. They can't roam from that node. However, the other team, if playing more mobile, can always engage other nodes at a player advantage. And by the way, for a good chunk of the game, the keep was contested while the guardian was there. The red team was able to knock him off long enough to contest the node, severely hindering the overall strategy. Sure, the guardian stayed alive long after, but they weren't getting points for it. Then they were later 3-capped and therein lies the problem with bunker guardian. The bunker guardian is awful at capturing a point.I mean, forget the fact that the video that you linked the guardian pretty much owned the most important node of the game, often alone.
forget the fact that the blue team got as far as he did because of the guardian pretty much, because of his survival and good play in the middle.
Irrelevant. Since they only killed both once (even split the first time), the difference is +30 more points in BWE2 compared to BWE3. Red won by over 200. If anything, BWE2 hurts your argument because the bonus HP from using Tome of Courage was reduced in BWE3, making it harder to stay alive as a guardian.forget the fact that this was what, bwe2? and that bosses gave you 40 points, and now they only gives you 25 points each. And that's because they were being too valuable (which red team did a good job exploring yes).
I don't play an elementalist, so I couldn't say. But you can say that about other players on other teams too. It works both ways, since no one on every team is going to play as well as others. It only starts to matter when the team with the strategy that is being claimed too powerful can use sub-par players and win consistently.forget the fact that the ele looked like a fool 80% of the time.
That's not a fact; that's an opinion. A fact would be a comparison of how many teams employ the bunker guardian strategy and their rankings compared to ones that don't. But then you're getting into statistics - the third type of lie. And we don't really have access to those numbers.Now I do happen to agree that there are ways with some abilities and traits that help counter, but I do not believe they are enough because the guardians are a little to good, and that's a fact, specially in one mode only and that being Conquest.
From what I've seen, bunker guardians tend to be weak against conditions, spike damage, and knockdowns/knockbacks. Stability allows anyone to enter the bubbles and is a huge part of the meta-game as well. With the nerf to Tome of Courage I mentioned earlier, it's not hard to spike down a guardian, or force him to take cover long enough to contest the point. If you can contest the point before help shows up, the bunker guardian has failed. Most bunker guardians cannot kill 1v1, so all but one player is free to leave if the guardian is not dead. The only way the guardian will get the point back is for help to show up, and then you just overwhelm at the other node. Obviously it's not that simple, the general principle is sound.