<Sleep Walkers> Alliance
http : // sleepwalkers . guildomatic . com

We are currently recruiting for Mists of Pandaria and for limited openings for immediate placement into our active rotation. We do not recruit for the bench. In-game contacts: Eliitz, Fatherjuan, Oakkenshield, Rumlidorgah - officers. Burning Holes raid leader - Begosa, Brown Aspect raid leader - Legnedercas, Weekend raid leader - Rolabor. PvP lead - DMSkippy.

10PM-1AM EST Raids
Modified EPGP loot distribution

10man Dragon Soul Progress:

Aspect of the Brown Flight: 8/8HM Tues/Thur/Mon (9hrs/week):
Recruiting 1 healer, 1-2 DPS, hybrids a plus!

Burning Holes: 5/8HM Tues/Thur (6hrs/week):
Recruiting 1 tank

Weekend Team: 3/8HM Sat/Sun (6hrs/week):
Recruiting 1 tank, DPS and heals

PVP: Daily, 11PM - ??
Open recruitment

Mission Statement:
"To maintain a consistent, professional and competitive raiding team for the late night WoW raider. To create a strong bond between teammates in order to cultivate a challenging, friendly, drama free dependence upon each other for laughs, personal improvement and accountability. And to compete with ourselves, always striving to improve while demonstrating that real life balance, not server firsts, will always be our priority."

Sleep Walkers is a guild composed of like minded, mature, late night gamers located on the Kargath server. We have an active community of raiders and PvPers, achievement hogs, and alt-o-holics. Many players in our guild have real life obligations that prevent us from playing during peak times, such as work, school, spouses, children, grandchildren and parents. Real life is always considered more important than WoW. However, we still take our time seriously when we do play.

Our raid times are 10PM to 1AM EST, with strong emphasis on starting and ending on time. We currently run three 10 man groups. Current progression on 10 man Dragon Soul is 8/8 HM, and this team runs three nights a week, Tuesday, Thursday and Monday for 9 hours total. We run a second group on Tuesdays and Thursdays that is 5/8 HM, and a third group on Saturdays and Sundays that is 3/8 HM. We run random battlegrounds and world PVP every night, with occasional Rated Battlegrounds.

We take our raiding and PVP time seriously, and all we ask is the same of our applicants and guild members. Cauldrons and feasts are provided during raids. Please be appropriately prepared and geared for current content. If you are someone who likes to raid or PVP and are looking for a consistent schedule that allows you to spend time with your family, then feel free to put in an application to Sleep Walkers at:

http : // sleepwalkers . guildomatic . com.