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  1. #421
    Service would be better for orc if used correctly.

  2. #422
    I could use some advice.

    I've been stuck on the stupid bird on rank 6 brawlers guild for a few weeks now. I am trying to finish rank 6 just so i can buy the BoA claws so i can then level a monk with them so this has been annoying.

    I'm fairly well geared for a casual guild (2 piece tier normal,26k+ spell damage 60% mastery (70 raid buffed) most of the rest is valor gear with a few LFR pieces or better. I have the epic LFR staff with the 500 int gem on it.) and i had little trouble up to this point playing affliction or occasionally switching to destruction. However this fight has me baffled. I know im suppose to kill all the ravens as soon as they spawn to keep the big bird from enraging, but no matter what i do as affliction, i end up getting a ton of birds and dying very quickly. even as destro with supremacy, I've had RoF + Abyssal + void going all at once and that somehow still enrages. I hear demo is the better choice here, but i have not played demo in a very long time. The brawler thread said that all i have to do is HoG twice to kill the birds....well okay thats fine for the first wave but the second one is going to come less then 5 seconds after that second cast, and suddenly im out of HoG's to cast. Can someone give me a pretty detailed writeup of how to kill the bird quickly as demo? the icy veins guide contradicts itself, telling me to use GoSac and my void tanking at the same time.

    I have managed to get through one or two waves, but then suddenly i have a crapload of ravens or the bird enrages. My pet dies so quickly in this fight, i dont know what im suppose to be doing.


  3. #423
    Quote Originally Posted by Shodan30 View Post
    I could use some advice.

    I've been stuck on the stupid bird on rank 6 brawlers guild for a few weeks now. I am trying to finish rank 6 just so i can buy the BoA claws so i can then level a monk with them so this has been annoying.

    I'm fairly well geared for a casual guild (2 piece tier normal,26k+ spell damage 60% mastery (70 raid buffed) most of the rest is valor gear with a few LFR pieces or better. I have the epic LFR staff with the 500 int gem on it.) and i had little trouble up to this point playing affliction or occasionally switching to destruction. However this fight has me baffled. I know im suppose to kill all the ravens as soon as they spawn to keep the big bird from enraging, but no matter what i do as affliction, i end up getting a ton of birds and dying very quickly. even as destro with supremacy, I've had RoF + Abyssal + void going all at once and that somehow still enrages. I hear demo is the better choice here, but i have not played demo in a very long time. The brawler thread said that all i have to do is HoG twice to kill the birds....well okay thats fine for the first wave but the second one is going to come less then 5 seconds after that second cast, and suddenly im out of HoG's to cast. Can someone give me a pretty detailed writeup of how to kill the bird quickly as demo? the icy veins guide contradicts itself, telling me to use GoSac and my void tanking at the same time.

    I have managed to get through one or two waves, but then suddenly i have a crapload of ravens or the bird enrages. My pet dies so quickly in this fight, i dont know what im suppose to be doing.


    I am quite sure that the claws are rank 8 only. I may be mistaken.

    Anyways, I've done all the fights up to rank 8 this week (haven't bothered with those yet), and there was only one fight I wiped on as demo ( the gnome/goblin fight on rank 7), where having pets simply made the fight impossible, so I had to play a different spec.
    Anyways, I did all the fights with a pretty simple spec (check glyphs/talents):|com. Of course KJ/manneroth's fury changes a bit depending on fight (I think Manneroth's fury would be best here).
    I can't remember the fight completely, but from what I remember is I tanked everything myself. Just use Sacrificial pact in the start, throw a few corruptions, pop doom guard, (if you dont have around 30-35 fury then throw in some more corruptions) imps, 1st hand of guldan, dark soul -> 2nd hand of guldan -> meta, and just let double felstorm and crazy shadowflame ticks finish the adds off. Throw in carrion swarm, 1-2 void rays and it should be it.

    Just focus on single targetting the boss while having the passive aoe going on. If the boss isnt dying within 30 seconds just chain defensive cooldowns. When Sacrificial pact wears out chain unending resolve, axe toss and mortal coil, and use dark regeneration+healthstone if you get to 20% health.

    Maybe your gear is much worse than mine, but things just die immediately when playing demo below rank 7. If you dont have any demo experience I wouldn't suggest playing the spec.

  4. #424
    Quote Originally Posted by Methens View Post
    I need posts so I can post links in my guilds recruitment thread, hope no one minds my random posts.
    Might be better suited to the off-topic forums, unless you can toss in at least some mildly-relevant nuggets :P
    I am the one who knocks ... because I need your permission to enter.

  5. #425
    Few Questions:

    1-So far, what are the heroic fights that Demonology excels over Affliction (if played right)
    I have heard of Heroic Winlord for the Demo AOE potential. Any other fight?

    I actually read through this thread and I still do not know what is the optimal opener
    the guide suggests delaying DS until 700 fury.
    Prepot > Precast Shadowbolt > Service / Imp Swarm > Meta - Doom - Cancel Meta > Felstorm > Corruption > Hand of Guldan
    Is this correct?
    What about If I were to cast DS at start? Will the opener look like this:
    Prepot > Precast Shadowbolt > DS > Service / Imp Swarm > Felstorm > Corruption > Hand Of Guldan > Meta - Doom > stay in meta until meta runs out?

    3- Question regarding AOE

    In Fights like Heroic Windlord, how does the AOE rotation look like?

    Do I start by tab spamming corruption, use Hand Of Guldan, then switch to meta and tab spam Doom, Switch out of meta, Hellfire (Or Drain Life?), at 700 fury enter meta, Immo Aura and Void Ray?

  6. #426
    I have a noob question.
    Is haste in meta any good? I mean im only spamming ToC so it will only reduce my gcd right?

    I want to write a macro which activates Dark Soul and Lifeblood(Haste from herbalism) together and then go meta.

    Is this a good idea?

  7. #427
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    demo aoe on windlord invloves basically getting corruption on all targets and using void ray to ensure that it never fallsoff, aiming for 100% doom uptime on all targets (buffed doom if possible) and hand of guldan ->stack shadowflame as standard then straight to meta to buff the 2nd HoG with hellfire as filler while building fury, and immo aura and void ray as fury spending (or drain life if you have loads of fury and corr is at max duration on all targets. demo aoe has really long ramp up time but ends up being phenomenal.

    for the 2nd post..haste is nearly worthless in meta, but causes you to generate fury faster and so spend longer in meta relatively speaking.

  8. #428
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malic View Post
    I have a noob question.
    Is haste in meta any good? I mean im only spamming ToC so it will only reduce my gcd right?

    I want to write a macro which activates Dark Soul and Lifeblood(Haste from herbalism) together and then go meta.

    Is this a good idea?
    You would be better served to do it after a DS + Meta phase. For example this is what I tend to do.

    Curse of the Elements -> Hand of Gul'Dan -> Imp Swarm -> Grimoire: Felguard -> Summon Doomguard -> Dark Soul: Knowledge -> Corruption -> Hand of Gul'Dan, Metamorphosis -> Doom -> Lifeblood.

    What normally ends up happening is, I fire off a few ToC and then run out of fury (every so often I get lucky and stay in for a while). After I drop out of Meta I still have Lifeblood going so I use it to fire off Soul Fire (MC procs) faster. Now because of two things. DS and Lifeblood being both 2 minutes (no 4pc) and because I always line up DS, GoServ, and Imps. After I finish my DS + Meta phase I pop Lifeblood and use it to burn through MC procs.

    Short version:
    Use Lifeblood after DS to burn MC procs.

  9. #429
    Haste procs (and on use) in meta are only golden when you are burning demonic fury with tons of Molten Core procs during Dark Soul. But you can't do this reliably on every fight. Windlord heroic for example (during heroism) is an absolutely gorgerous fight to do this on, and it will net you at least 2-2.5 million real time DPS doing so.

  10. #430
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    This guide has outlived it's usefulness and is no longer accurate enough so we are continuing the discussion in this new guide made by the awesome Zinnin:

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