Hey guys,

I'm getting back into working out, and I was wondering if any fitness junkies would happen to know any good resources where I can find a good fitness community, and workout guides (the MMO-C of weightlifting, if you will).

I'm a bit against the typically bodybuilding.com (and forums.bodybuilding.com) because I've found their nutrition articles to be out of date or straight out inaccurate. (E.g. some still stress meal timing when it's shown to be largely irrelevant). Also, there's quite a fair bit of trolling going on that really detracts from any solid posts online.

TLDR: I'd like to seek help in finding good forums + guides online that avoid broscience ("work dem curlz to tonez those broceps, bro"), and trolling. Community members that seek to help and guide people are a definite plus

Thanks in advance for any help, fellas.