Hey everyone, it has being more than a month since GW2 was released and alot of you are probably reached or about to reach L80. I thought this would be a time to release my endgame gearing guide that I wrote in the past week. Basically, if you are not sure what to do at L80 to get all exotics, then this might be a worth a read.
Guide: http://dulfy.net/2012/10/03/gw2-endgame-gearing-guide/
The guide is fairly lengthy and and to reduce the amount of vertical scrolling, I have enclosed most of the information in dropdown boxes. This allow you to skip the sections you don't want to read and jump onto the important bits right away. I will also include a TL: DR summary here.
Those who care only about exotics might find these three charts helpful
- Exotic Gear Stats distribution chart
- Crafted exotic armor stats breakdown
- Exotic Weapons stats distribution chart
TLDR summary
Basic Information
• Item tiers (White (trash) < Blue (fine) < Green (masterwork) < Yellow (rare) < Orange (exotic) < Purple (legendary)
• Item affixes (Berserker, Rampager etc)
• Salvage everything that is L70+ for rare mats w/ discussions on salvage kit usage
• Map Completion your 60-70 and 70-80 zones for L70+ exotics
Trinkets & Backpieces
• Skip rares and get Masterwork trinkets instead (stats upgrade is minimal and rares are about 45x the prices of masterworks)
• Mats you need for exotic trinkets
• You can get a rare guild backpiece for 5 gold (waste of money really)
• Fine/Masterwork: Cursed Shore karma vendor location and stats
• Fine/Masterwork: WvW karma vendor location and stats
• Rare: What mats you need to get a full set crafted (1.5-2 gold for the full set)
• Rare: WvW karma vendor also sell a rare set for 95k karma
• Exotics: Select sets based on your stats preference
• Exotics: Four ways to get full exotics: crafting (10-12 gold for full set), Dungeons (token grinds), WvW (Badges of Honor grind), or Karma (Orr Temple karma grind at 42k karma/piece)
• Fine/Masterwork: Cursed Shore Karma vendors or WvW vendors
• Rare: WvW karma vendors or T3 cultural vendors if you got spare karma (63k karma)
• Rare: How to get them crafted w/ full mat list.
• Exotics: Full mat list for regular crafting, mat list for mystic forge crafting, you can also get them from dungeons and wvw
• A list of most exotic runes/sigils in the game with methods on obtaining them (mat list for those that are crafted)
• Peach tarts for 26% magic find and +60 power (<20 copper each)
• Onomnomberry stuff if you want 30% magic find
• Lotus Fries are a cheaper alternative if you just want 30% magic find (1/3 price of Onomnom stuff)