This is great, i've mostly been trying to find them on my own, but there's a certain 5 or so that i just can't seem to find. So for the sake of completion it's time to finish those up with this guide, cheers!
Nice post, thank you!
Winter Wonderland is super easy - it should not be medium - hard.
I got it on my 2nd try and never failed once after that, and the only reason I failed the first time was I briefly got lost at the end and my health ran out. It was nothing compared to the halloween puzzle which took me quite a few tries, mostly because you were jumping blind with all the other characters in your face. It was a true challenge.
The halloween one was only difficult to me due to the fact that i kept getting stuck on objects, and being a sylvari my hit box is located BEHIND my character model, which really throws me off...
That being said, the wintersday one is freaking easy, the only reason i'd say it should be under medium and NOT hard is because it's timed (granted you have a LOT of time, and there's room for a decent amount of errors).
I gotta say, i just did the branded mine last night, it was pretty fun and difficult. i'd rank it on the lower side of medium
The gate closes within a minute I believe (may have taken longer for me to die). To get around needing a buddy to open the gate, once inside the gate, log an alt & position them inside the gate, in the event of dying you can then simply log over to the alt, open the gate & then relog to go through.
It's linked in the stickied Community Guides & Discussion Index Thread:
btw GW2 players should bookmark Dulfys GW2 guides anyway
Sing like no one is listening - Love like you've never been hurt
Dance like no one is watching - Masturbate like no one else is on the bus
My favorite jumping puzzle was the one in Southsun Cove. not sure if it's there anymore but I remember it took me hours to do.