Hey everyone, I am not sure if you have all noticed but there are 37 jumping puzzles (35 are distinct) in GW2 totaling to 38 achievements under the explorer section of your achievements tab. Some puzzles are simple 5 minutes quickies while others are more elaborate and take hours to complete (or days if you are bad like me). I finally managed to complete all the jumping puzzles with achievements (there are 4-5 puzzles without achievements called mini-puzzles that I havn't done yet) and I thought I would throw a guide up for those who are not aware of their existence.
What are Jumping Puzzles?
Think of them as elaborate hidden vistas - some of them are even part of certain vistas! You can find them in almost every leveling zone (there are some exceptions) and Lion's Arch. Certain zones like Caledon Forest (4 in one zone!), Diessa Plateau, Lion's Arch have more than one jumping puzzle.
Completing the puzzles reward you with an achievement and a chest (or 3 chests in the case of Scavenger's Chasm). This chest reset daily so you can come back the next day and get it again.
Jumping puzzle difficulty
Jumping puzzles vary in difficulty and length. Some are super simple and short while others are long and feature difficult jumps. If you are just starting with jumping puzzles, it is highly recommended that you start with the easier ones rather than banging your head on the more difficult ones right away! (Save those for later). As you do more jumping puzzles, you will get better and better. Soon enough, you will be able to gauge what distances your character can and cannot jump, how to make really long jumps, and improve your finger dexterity.
If you are really bad at those jumping puzzles, don't worry! I was absolutely terrible with them myself in the beginning and would fail every other jump. With enough practice and time, I was able to complete all 37 puzzles! I have compiled a list of the jumping puzzles sorted by difficulty at the bottom of this post. Keep in mind that difficulty is arbitrary, some people will have some puzzles easier than others so your experience may not agree with my.
Jumping Puzzle list & guides
All of the regular jumping puzzles are listed below. To not take the fun out of the discovering the puzzle by yourself, I included in the beginning of every guide a map location of the puzzle and a brief description of how to start the puzzle. This should be enough to get you started in most cases if you hate spoilers.
If you like a more guided approach, all of them have videos and most of them (there are a few where I got lazy) have written walkthroughs along w/ pictures if you don't like watching videos.
Holiday Specials
- Mad King's Clock Tower - Mad King's Labyrinth - 2012 Halloween special
- Winter Wonderland - Winter Wonderland - Medium to Hard Wintersday 2012 special
Southsun Cove
- Under New Management - Super Easy
- Skipping Stones - Hard, shortcut no longer works
Lion's Arch/WvW
- Troll's End - Lion's Arch (Trader's Forum) - Medium to hard (for tall races)
- Urmaug's Secret - Lion's Arch NE corner - easy puzzle
- Weyandt's Revenge - Lion's Arch SE corner - medium difficulty
- Obsidian Sanctum - Eternal battlegrounds - Hard (long and potential to get griefed)
- Sapphire, Garnet, Emerald Sanctum - Borderlands - Medium (potential to get griefed)
- Loreclaw Expanse - Plains of Ashford - SE corner, Loreclaw Expanse (easy to medium - some traps)
- Crimson Plateau - Diessa Plateau - South, north of Breached Wall (easy)
- Grendich Gamble - Diessa Plateau - Middle, Blasted Moors - Easy
- Wall Breach Blitz - Diessa Plateau - South, part of Breached Wall Vista -Easy
- Behem Gauntlet - Blazeridge Steppes - East end, Behem Gauntlet- Very Easy
- Branded Mine - Fields of Ruin- NW corner, south of Varim’s Run- Medium
- Craze's Folly - Blazeridge Steppes- NE corner, Terra Carorunda (easy to medium)
- Chaos Crystal Cavern - Iron Marches - SW corner, Old Piken Ruins Waypoint (easy to medium)
- Pig Iron Quarry - Fireheart Rise - SE portion, Pig Iron Mine - Easy to Medium
- Vexa's Lab - Foreheart Rise - East of Keeper's Sanctum - Mini dungeon/JP hybrid.
- Demongrub Pits - Queensdale - SE corner - Easy (Chest room hard to solo)
- Collapsed Observatory - Kessex Hlls - South, Cereboth Canyon -Easy
- Swashbucker's Cove - Gendarran Fields SE corner- Medium (bring a friend)
- Fawcett's Bounty & Revenge - Harathi Hinterlands NW corner, east of Feral Dens - Medium (bring a friend)
- Professor Portmatt's Lab - Bloodtide Coast West, near Sorrowful Sound (Underwater) - No jumping
Maguuma Jungle
- Morgan's Leap - Caledon Forest - SE corner, Morgan’s Spiral- Easy to Medium
- Dark Reverie - Caeldon Forest SE corner, Morgan’s Spiral - Medium to hard (bring a friend)
- Spekk's Lab- Caeldon Forest - West end, Sandycove Beach -Medium (timed jumps)
- Spelunker's Delve - Caeldon Forest - SE corner, Sleive’s Inlet- Easy
- Goemm's Lab - Metrica Province- East end, south of Cuatl Waypoint- Medium to Hard
- Hexfoundry Unhinged - Sparkfly Fens - SE corner - Easy to Medium
- Conundrum Cubed - Mount Maelstrom - NW corner, Govoran’s Waypoint - Easy to medium
- Hidden Garden - Mount Maelstrom - 4 different access points - Easy to Medium
Shiverpeak Mountains
- Shaman's Rookery - Wayfarer Foothills West end, Osenfold Shear-Easy
- King Jalis's Refuge - Snowden Drifts- East end, near NE corner - Easy
- Griffonrook Run - Lornar’s Pass West end, near False Lake - Medium to Hard (if chest)
- Forsaken Fortune - Dredgehaunt Cliffs - NW corner - mini dungeon/JP hybrid.
- Tribulation Rift Scaffolding - Dredgehaunt Cliffs- SW corner (behind Vista) - Easy to Medium
- Tribulation Caverns - Dredgehaunt Cliffs - Cavern after Tribulation Rift - Medium
- Coddler's Cove - Timberline Falls - SE corner, Okarinoo Waypoint, Medium to Hard
- Only Zhul -Timberline Falls- NE, Foundation 86 Waypoint- Easy to Medium
- Shattered Ice Ruins - Frostgorge Sound- North, Shattered Ice Floe- Easy to Medium (lots of trash)
Ruins of Orr
- Vizier's Tower -Straits of Devastation -South end, part of Vista- Easy
- Antre of Adjournment - Malchor’s Leap - South end, east of Valley of Lyss - Easy to Medium
- Scavenger's Chasm - Malchor’s Leap - South end, east of Valley of Lyss- Hard (lengthy)
- Buried Archives - Cursed Shore SW corner, extension of Vista - Easy, chest hard to get
Purely arbitrary jumping puzzle difficulty list
YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary
Super easy ones – jumping puzzle 101
- Professor Portmatt’s Lab (Bloodtide Coast – no jumping involved, more of a brain puzzle)
- Under New Management (Southsun Cove – takes less than a minute to complete)
- Urmaug’s Secret (Lion’s Arch – safe environment to practice rock jumping)
- Shaman’s Rookery (Wayfarer Foothills – teaches you about dodging circles )
- King Jalis’ Refuge (Snowden Drifts)
- Behem Gauntlet (Blazeridge Steppes – teaches you about jumping down)
- Spelunker’s Delve (Caledon Forest – good puzzle to get hang of jumping)
- Demongrub Pits (Queensdale – some basic jumping involved but quite a few mobs in the final room)
- Crimson Plateau (Diessa Plateau)
- Buried Achieves (Cursed Shore, more of a climbing rather than jumping puzzle)
Mini Dunge/Jumping puzzle hybrid (bring friends)
- Forsaken Fortune (Dredgehaunt Cliffs)
- Vexa’s Lab (Fireheart Rise)
Fairly easy ones – may take a few tries
- Loreclaw Expanse (Plains of Ashford – trap dodging 101)
- Grenrich Gamble (Diessa Plateau – a few weird jumps)
- Wall Breach Blitz (Diessa Plateau – standard jumping puzzle, also required for vista/skill point)
- Collapsed Observatory (Kessex Hills – confusing at first until you know where to go. Some tricky jumps)
- Pig Iron Quarry (Fireheart Rise – Conqueror your fear of heights!)
- Vizier’s Tower (Straits of Devastation – required to get the vista/skill point).
- Conundrum Cubed (Mount Maelstrom – takes a bit of jumps to get used to this cubed environment)
- Tribulation Rift Scaffolding (Dredgehaunt Cliffs – required to get vista, a few tricky jumps).
- Hexfoundry Unhinged (Sparkfly Fens – no hard jumps once you know what to do)
- Hidden Garden (Mount Maelstrom – jumps are not hard but if you die for whatever reason, you need to revive outside)
Medium difficulty – Best to do them once you get a few jumps under your belt
- Troll’s End (Lion’s Arch – very annoying for tall races – i.e. Norn/Charr due to low ceiling)
- Branded Mine (Fields of Ruin – some jumps are a bit difficult, high chance of dying if you miss a jump)
- Craze’s Folly (Blazeridge Steppes – a bit long and some difficult jumps)
- Chaos Crystal Cavern ( Iron Marches- a bit of RNG dependent)
- Swashbucker’s Cove (Gendarran Fields - need to fight through quite a bit of mobs)
- Fawcett’s Bounty/Revenge (Harathi Hinterlands – lots of mobs to fight through, some hard jumps)
- Morgan’s Leap and Dark Reverie (Caledon Forest – failing Dark Reverie forces you to repeat Morgans’ Leap)
- Griffonrook Run (Lornar’s Pass – puzzle is not too bad if you don’t do it with the bomb)
- Only Zhul (Timberline Falls – quite a bit of trash and traps)
- Shattered Ice Ruins (Frostgorge Sound – annoying trash)
- Antre of Adjournment (Malchor’s Leap – some tricky jumps)
- Coddler’s Cove (Timberline Falls – tricky jumps, maybe take a lot of tries but thankfully short puzzle)
- Tribulation Caverns (Dredgehaunt Cliffs – if you die, you need to repeat Tribulation Rift Scaffolding)
Lengthy/Elaborate puzzles (prepare to have some time invested)
- Weyandt’s Revenge (Lion’s Arch- has a few parts but not too bad in terms of jumping)
- Obsidian Sanctum (Eternal Battlegrounds – very long puzzle, some difficult jumps, risk of grief from enemy players)
- Sapphire/Garnet/Emerald Sanctum (Borderlands – shorter and easier than Obsidian Sanctum but still risk for grief)
- Goemm’s Lab (Metrica Province – long puzzle with a few tricky bits)
- Scavenger’s Chasm (Malchor’s Leap - very long puzzle, Easter Egg hunt)
- Skipping Stones (Southsun Cove – a bit difficult, timed portion in the first part.
Timed Challenges
- Spekk’s Lab (Caledon Forest – platforms only exist for a short duration after you activate them but has checkpoints)
- Griffonrook Run w/ bomb (Lornar’s Pass – can be pretty annoying if you try it with bomb but not required for achievement).
My personal favorites
- Morgan's Leap - beautiful scenery (especially if you do it at day time) but too bad the fact that you have to repeat this if you fail Dark Reverie (without a friend to rez you) make me hate it.
- Pig Iron Quarry - This puzzle was very interesting if you have a fear of heights..
- Goemm's Lab - very beautiful scenery.
Be sure to share your experiences with the various puzzles, love to hear if a puzzle I had trouble with also stomped you etc!![]()