I wish I could see into the future like you can.
...and the people who have backed it understand that. It can take as long as it wants if the end result is good. That said, I don't think you're giving enough credit for their development thus far...which has pushed forward considerably this last year.
This game has turned from something I waited for like no tomorrow into one of the largest obvious scams in recent history.
Modern gaming apologist: I once tasted diarrhea so shit is fine.
"People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an excercise of power, are barbarians" - George Lucas 1988
I can read just fine. And I know games aren't made overnight. However, it has become pretty clear at this point that this game is in management hell of incompetent people especially well pointed out by various reviews of employment in the company. It's not a first time a good designer and good intentions, hell entire studio go sour because of financial bullshit and people sitting on their high horses.
There's one thing that's continuously being repeated here and it's terrible management through and through.
Modern gaming apologist: I once tasted diarrhea so shit is fine.
"People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an excercise of power, are barbarians" - George Lucas 1988
This is a fairly new company working on the largest crowd funded game ever. One of the first AAA games to be published without a publisher in an incredibly long time. Of course there are going to be problems with management and so forth at first. But they are clearly getting stuff done.
Cloud Imperium Games has more than 260 employees working on Star Citizen. 4/8 reviewers on that site you linked said it was a horrible experience working there. There is no knowing who wrote those reviews or if they ever actually worked for CIG. Even if they are real, I don't see how 4 unhappy employees means that this company is being run into the ground and it's all a huge scam.
I would love for you to link me to a company where every single employee says "I love management."
If you have to start cutting things that both the backers & developers want then I'd say 'soon' is edging towards 'too soon'. I'm perfectly content with waiting if it means getting the game I want.
What you describe is essentially what Egosoft did and the result was X:Rebirth, a shiny but soulless game compared to it's predecessor.
*edit* Also worth noting that the things you refer to as crap are at the heart of why the project even exists. I remember when it was first announced and the crowd-sourcing started, it was the promise of things like breathing, sleeping, permanent injuries etc and the developers passion for that level of simulation that drew in a lot of the earliest & most important backers.
Last edited by Nirawen; 2015-05-06 at 01:56 AM.
Her hall is called Eljudnir,
her dish is Hunger,
her knife is Famine,
her slave is Lazy,
and Slothful is her woman servant.
Apparently you didn't get the memo, but the FPS portions of the game: Which includes those fancy breathing effects and all of the FPS "stuff" is being done by Illfonic in Denver. They are a wholly separate team from Foundry42 et al in the UK which are working on Squadron42 and many of the ship designs. Which are separate from the CIG teams they have in Texas and CA.
You can't just delete the FPS team and think they can throw more money somewhere else and automatically speed it up—debugging takes time, and needs central oversight.
That said, the stuff on Glass Door is interesting. Certainly the stuff about Roberts having a big ego and wanting it his way or the highway is not surprising in the least. I wonder if this stuff has been brought up on the forums or does it get quashed there? I imagine backers would like to make sure the staff are being properly paid, etc. but with an inherent bias of course, getting that through may be hard.
Something else they're working on atm that I didn't even consider that is crucial to the game: Grabbing/throwing objects and pushing off objects while in zero-g. This requires some complex physics and will be central to any EVA working, boarding, taking of cargo if power/artificial gravity has failed, etc.
Last edited by stellvia; 2015-05-06 at 01:59 PM.
There are plenty of backers that are bound to end up getting disappointed regardless of what happens, personally I will be happy as long as I get a at least somewhat decent space flight mmo that isn't EVE and has more refined combat.
A common theme on that glass door page is a rabid fan base, that probably says a fair few things about said fan base having unrealistic expectations.
I guess they should leave the forums to the PR reps more, or take it more with a grain of salt and realize there are always a bunch of hyper idiots on game forums, and/or ones that don't know how actual game development works.
Modern gaming apologist: I once tasted diarrhea so shit is fine.
"People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an excercise of power, are barbarians" - George Lucas 1988
But c'mon, sometimes the autism is funny as long as you don't replyOne guy was taking as gospel that the description of the Hull series says the Hull-C could operate anywhere fine on its own, the D requires escort in the frontier and the E "always" requires an escort. Like the E would spontaneously explode or something should one do a run without escorts or something, I dunno.
I just waited a week to download this patch+ all the previous ones, just to play the tutorial ( I haven't entered the game in almost a year)
A total disaster... I don't have a super pc (i7 @3.50, 8gb ram, gtx 750 card) but the game ran in only a few frames per second (4-5 my guess). Anyway, after reaching the ship in one frame per minute, I do all the steps, then Press R ( Strafe UP). Barely touched it, my ship went full speed up, hit something, then stuck into a corner, all shields down.
After 3 attempts I get up in the air ( space) and I press Y then M, to follow the guy at his speed.. all I had to do was steer. Nevermind the clunky UI, and all the useless informations and panels, I had 3 fraking circles in the middle of my screen, and manouvering the ship was worse than riding a bull. Total out of control, as soon as I did some quick down / up manouver, I was hearing panting, panting, then red foggy image.. I had no idea how to stop the ship, I was getting dizzy myself, so I quit.
The game looks amazingly well, but what the hell are they doing with the gameplay and optimization jesus balls. Yes alpha, yes "early", still... not even fully customizable controls? That to me is simply ridiculous, even a Tetris game has customizable controls.
Pointless question: You were running the game in performance mode, right?