I heard this all went bellyup, that true?
I heard this all went bellyup, that true?
the accusations from "former" employees were never vetted, thus unconfirmed if they were actually the employees themselves and actually were the writers of the blog who were in collaboration with derek smart, who has a very unhealthy obsession of doomsaying that this game will never come to fruition.
so the answer is, no it hasnt bellyupped, and there has been no indication that it will be, if anything, the more recent video releases and the 2.0 PTU available to a portion of backers should say it's steaming right along.
That's how anonymized sources work, the escapist stated their own vetting procedure and that has to suffice. Essentially, by publishing such an article based on anonymized sources they are vouching for their validity. It's not like they could've printed the names in the questions sent to CR and say "Hey do (or did) these guys and gals work for you?". Worth noting there's been no retraction of the article.
Anyhow, development is trundling along and hopefully the game turns out to be somewhat close to what was pitched.
they're "Vetting" procedure consisted of falsified and copied quotes that were posted on a job review site glassdoor that was posted a day before the escapist that was confirmed from a troll. Escapist used a false quote and put it under a "confirmed" source.
The escapist is a fucking joke.
They also "confirmed" that they were employees based on name badges, which CIG doesnt issue.
not only that, if there were actual emails of Sandi Gardiner spewing racist, discriminatory statements to the employees, there would be ELECTRONIC EVIDENCE that would have already popped up from these so called sources, and huge lawsuits, none of which have ever happened.
What's more plausible is that the writer of the original article of star citizen had already known large ties with derek smart, and the article itself reeked of smart's doomsaying on star citizen.
it was pretty clear that it's all bullshit.
if i look at the advertising they made at Games awards (paying for ad space with backer money) there is no mention of bugs, it says PLAYABLE NOW!
- - - Updated - - -
comparing BF4 at release with SC PRE Alpha Alpha 2.0 is like comparing humans with amoebas.
does anyone has the feeling that their income graphs are made up? 4 days 38k +- 1% what are the odds?
Last edited by mmoc11f5768ffa; 2015-12-07 at 07:02 AM.
its almost as if people didnt want to spend any more money after the massive sale that went on for the last 2 weeks! and if you notice, it went down from the 2nd to the 3rd, then up on the 4th then 5th after the commercial
and this is why we dont ask you, because almost everything you say has no factual basis whatsoever.
Last edited by masterhorus8; 2015-12-07 at 07:49 AM.
but i thought crowdfunded games (especially not released games) don't need marketing ? cause that's why it's crowdfunded , to by pass the evil publishers and marketing stuff.
if you ask me , the crowdfunded part is the 2.5 mil $ on kickstarter , the rest 98 mil $ is selling game assets (most of the non existant assets in a non existant game) for real cash.
imo "the biggest crowdfunded game" is just another lie. but it's not that important though.
You really need to read the timeline for these events again, the Glassdoor stuff occurred after.
Scenario: After discussing matters with the escapist they then posted to Glassdoor while everything was fresh in their head. That's a perfectly reasonable scenario and very human-like behaviour.
That occurred for a single source and was only one of the two verification methods used, the other being a payslip iirc. That particular source was rejected anyhow.
Anyhow it's done and dusted, Nothing's been retracted, nobody's been sued.
Who on earth has ever said, or hinted at this? It's not uncommon to see banner adds for games currently on Kickstarter, because you can pay a pretty nominal fee to get some additional visibility. Marketing has no inherent connection to a publisher.
You have to spend money to make money in crowdfunding, bro.
Sure, they basically have a huge cash shop open early. I'm not a fan, but plenty of people are. They're buying things in it to help fund the games development and expand its scope.
But it is. As far as I know, all their funding has come directly from consumers/fans. You know, "the crowd".