1. #3101
    So if I'm an original backer I automatically have both? (45$ tier IIRC)

  2. #3102
    Quote Originally Posted by Nerraw View Post
    So if I'm an original backer I automatically have both? (45$ tier IIRC)
    Yes, as long as you backed before the 14th (this Sunday) you have both.

  3. #3103
    Quote Originally Posted by mascarpwn View Post
    As for its performance:

    Taking off: The strafing is barely controllable because it basically boosts you upward/downward/etc. Unlike in E.D. where it actually works with controllable force.
    Landing: Suffers from the same issues as taking off and what makes it even worse, is the automated landing option. This has no place in a SIM.
    Flying: Latency is blatant which makes the already ridiculous targeting mechanism counter intuitive. Why not use ED's straight-forward system?
    Walking around: Animations are horrid, avatars 'slide' across the map and glitch everywhere.

    A few notes:
    A. Include "imo" at the end of every statement I made, if that makes you feel better.
    B. I used ED a few times as a comparison but that doesn't mean I think it's good game. It's a horrible game, if you ask me. Nevertheless, it does have a well functioning engine.
    A: This is an Alpha. I wasn't too impressed with this myself and agree with many of the issues you and others have pointed out, but this is an Alpha. It didn't make me want to rush out and back it, or even put it on my "must buy or at least check out when released" list but it hasn't put me off getting it some time in the future.
    B: ED I think has a better, more developed engine. A lot of people say ED got space combat and flight right....and, IMO,it did. As I understand it, things are being built up in ED. ED just released a barebones model and is adding to it, while SC is trying to release and develop it all at once - but otherwise, they should end up with pretty much the same in both. Having said that, SC does some thing better than Elite as well...for example, I liked the navigation system which had destinations pop up on the HUD. ED has that as well, but the ability to lock it in was nice. And I'm not personally sold on the Pitch&Yaw model of SC as opposed to the Pitch&Roll model of ED. It felt very arcady.

    But it's an Alpha. Still plenty of time for SC to improve.

  4. #3104
    So Star Citizen is going to sell its Single Player and Multiplayer modes separately.

    Star Citizen is splitting its component parts into multiple products and beginning to sell them separately. The "package split" breaks off the single-player campaign, known as Squadron 42, from the MMO-like persistent universe. Either product will now be $45 by itself, while one can be added on to the other for a $15 fee. This effectively increases the base price of the total Star Citizen experience from the $45 to $60.
    Well since the totaly price doesn't raise about $60 I guess I'm ok with it. Seems kinda odd the same has a Single Player anyway.
    Check me out....Im └(-.-)┘┌(-.-)┘┌(-.-)┐└(-.-)┐ Dancing, Im └(-.-)┘┌(-.-)┘┌(-.-)┐└(-.-)┐ Dancing.
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  5. #3105
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    1) The split has been known since before the kickstarter began (granted, only if they had enough money for both games)
    2) Whats odd about the single player game? Squadron 42 was the actual game they were wanting to make from the start.

    EDIT: The single player is a story-mode that takes place just prior to the main universe of Star Citizen. You play as someone that's part of the UEE military. It is optional, but there is a benefit to completing it. IIRC, something along the lines of a better standing with the UEE and some sort of licence.
    Last edited by masterhorus8; 2016-02-17 at 09:13 PM.

  6. #3106
    Pit Lord Omians's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    1) The split has been known since before the kickstarter began (granted, only if they had enough money for both games)
    2) Whats odd about the single player game? Squadron 42 was the actual game they were wanting to make from the start.

    EDIT: The single player is a story-mode that takes place just prior to the main universe of Star Citizen. You play as someone that's part of the UEE military. It is optional, but there is a benefit to completing it. IIRC, something along the lines of a better standing with the UEE and some sort of licence.
    my understanding was that if you skip the single player you start off with a Dept for your new ship and licences. unless you were a backer
    Omians- 80 Troll Enhancement shaman, Emerald Dream

  7. #3107
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Omians View Post
    my understanding was that if you skip the single player you start off with a Dept for your new ship and licences. unless you were a backer
    oh, yeah something along those lines. but it wasnt supposed to be major at all.

  8. #3108
    SC Alpha 2.2 has been released to the Public Test Universe servers on a rolling invite basis.

    Highlights of this patch are...

    Flyable Aegis Sabre (I have this ship and can't wait to try it out)

    Hanger ready Xi’an Khartu-Al Scout

    Bounty system in monitored space (from 1-5, 1 meaning other players can attack you with no consequence to collect a bounty to 5 where you will be auto kicked from the server and have to load back up again. Non-criminals will get extra missions from the authorities)

    Party system

    Physical EVA

    And a bunch of patches and First Person improvements.

    I'm guessing it will be out to all backers in two weeks.
    Last edited by carnifex2005; 2016-02-23 at 07:01 AM.

  9. #3109
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Can't forget about the better components system, updated FPS animations, and TONS of bug fixes. It truly is my favorite wall of text.

  10. #3110
    Patch 2.2 is now live to the Alpha servers for all backers. It's 32gb in size, so it will take a while to download. Can't wait to try out my Sabre and try some bounty missions.

    Here are the full patch notes...


  11. #3111
    How is the mouse-based support for this game? I tried to play the tutorial of ED with the mouse, but I gave up in frustration after 5 minutes of not being able to hit my target.

  12. #3112
    Mouse is good for flying. It is a bit of a controversy because in some cases it is better than using a HOTAS.

  13. #3113
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Also, the tutorial is borked right now and they don't really have any intention of fixing it in the near future (they specifically said it's on the back burner). I'd suggest either free flight or Vanduul Swarm to test your flying right now.

  14. #3114
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Free Fly is going on again for anyone interested in trying. Every flyable ship is available for free to fly up to the 20th.

  15. #3115
    Star Citizen Alpha Patch v2.3.0 has been released to the Public Test Universe. Expect it to live in about two weeks.

    This patch provides access to our new flyable Khartu-al, the hangar-ready Starfarer (and a corresponding hangar bay it can fit in), as well as two new FPS weapons, new components, updates to FPS animations and EVA, as well as numerous fixes across the game. During this initial testing phase, PTU access will be restricted to a small group of players that we will expand on over time as required.

    Patch Notes here.

    Here's a video of the hangar ready Starfarer. It's pretty damn big inside. Love the addition of all the crawl spaces. Should make for pretty good FPS battles while flying...

    Also a nice behind the scenes video featuring Andy Serkis of Squadron 42.

  16. #3116
    Patch 2.3 came out faster than I thought. It is now live to the public with the hangar ready Starfarer. Here's a teaser video of the ship...

    Also, the price of the ship if you want to pledge for it is now $300 instead of the previous $200 pretty much because of the increased size. I suspect my Banu Merchantman get a similar bump in price by the time it comes out since it is about as large but carries far, far more cargo (I'm guessing towards the end of next year).
    Last edited by carnifex2005; 2016-03-26 at 09:34 AM.

  17. #3117
    Over 9000! zealo's Avatar
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    Key point summary of recent RTV stream with Chris Roberts at top of link, most notably server side persistence to have first implementation in 2.4, along with some basic character customization in 16 different faces to pick from.

  18. #3118
    Everyone now has access to tour the Starfarer in your hangar. It actually defaults you to the Revel & York hangar and you'll just have to run over to the huge bay where the ship is. It's pretty huge. Should be an interesting ship to fly in (I'll get access to it in the PU when flyable because I own a Banu Merchantman).

  19. #3119
    Be interesting to see how the big ass ships handle out in space.
    "You six-piece Chicken McNobody."
    Quote Originally Posted by RICH816 View Post
    You are a legend thats why.

  20. #3120
    Probably about like flying a Rorqual in EVE...

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