Star Citizen introduced a new career path for the game today... Intergalactic Food Delivery.
Star Citizen introduced a new career path for the game today... Intergalactic Food Delivery.
Another free fly weekend has started up for anyone who is interested.
Sorry, I'm new to this game. So I want to ask. I saw this video on youtube. It was a short video, but it seems that Star Citizen will not be your regular open world space sim. In that video I think they showed procedurally-generated world... and that is amazing. So this game will be like No Man's Sky, but with Cryengine graphics??
Eventually. A lot of the content is stuff that's meant to be delivered post release.
Also, don't be fooled by the PG prototypes, sure they look pretty but they are nothing more than random height maps with atmospheric scattering, ie
I think it's great that they're working with PG for planet generation but they're clearly not at the stage where they want to show off their own PG work.
The Procedural Generation of planet surfaces is mostly being done to save on file size. As it stands right now in super-alpha the game rocks about a 30GB installation and that's just on ships/characters, the three alpha maps and some prebuilt social areas. Given that there will be dozens of star systems with multiple planets, it makes more sense to have the engine build them on-demand using blueprints rather than having them be structured assets, it would bloat the size of the game to ridiculous levels (100GB+).
So in that sense it's not like No Man's Sky where it's generating new planets with random seeds and so on (like Starbound). It's building predefined planets using PG blueprints, so Planet X has Y parameters and then the engine would recreate it for each person(s) that are in that area. If there's a landing base or station, that collection of assets is then plopped on to the surface of the generated world.
Question at this point is how detailed will these PG planets end up.
Star Citizen Alpha 2.4 has been released to the Public Test Universe (PTU). The last step before being released to the public at large. The biggest thing with this patch is that it brings Persistence (meaning your ship and character state will persist after logging off). To be able to repair and heal yourself, you can start earning money from doing missions. Here's a short video from STL Youngblood about what 2.4 brings...
Here's a Reddit post with all the patch notes...
any comments on how they will fix the fact that on the top end systems with top graphic cards you get like 10 fps?
2.4 is practically an involution. there are millions of bugs, everywhere. the tech demo barely runs at 10 fps.
Please post productively and do not troll. Infracted. -Edge
Last edited by Edge-; 2016-05-22 at 07:48 PM.
Bugs? In an alpha no less!? Say it ain't so!
If you keep stretching like that, someday even you might reach the stars.
i have a top end computer and have little problems with fps, and also this is an early alpha of a game in constant development, where things keep changing, they could of just held back with the alpha but at least your getting a taste of whats to come and to help improve the games evolution,
A game in development is never going always run smoothly, at least post something constructive, plus unless you have a 980ti or above i wouldn't even consider that a top end card these days.
STAR-J4R9-YYK4 use this for 5000 credits in star citizen
should i post this here or make a goat simulator thread. anyway, i think it's the first time when a developer is openly mocking another "developer", on a level never seens before, and entire game themed on irony and making fun of another developer.
p.s. to the mods, constructive talk about star citizen should be prioritizing protection of innocent customers.Hooves in spaaace: Goat Simulator goes galactic
Caprine capers continue with Waste of Space expansion
25 May 2016 at 13:40, Lester Haines
Swedish games outfit Coffee Stain Studios has announced it's releasing a galactic expansion to its popular 2014 ram-'em-up Goat Simulator, which finally offered goat wannabes the chance to fulfil their caprine fantasies.
Entitled Waste of Space, the expansion's premise is that players "get to beat or trick people into crowdfunding you their hard-earned money, and then spend it on your own dreams of being a space McGyver in space or whatever space nerds do instead of huffing paint in their underwear like normal people".
To trumpet tomorrow's launch, Coffee Stain Studios has produced an entertaining vid, in keeping with its previous cinematographic efforts. The original Goat Simulator promo scored high points for its parody of the intro of the trailer (probably NSFW) for zombie chopfest Dead Island.
The exciting features of Waste of Space include:
Visit space today or get old waiting for that other space game that you already paid for
Crowdfund a space colony and get other people to pay for it and do all the work!
Fly and shoot stuff in space, because nobody makes games about flying and shooting in space anymore
Learn how to be a real bridge commander like that spock dude from mars or whatever
The biggest map in goat simulator history, filled to the brim with all kinds of crazy
What's more, we're promised that "no crew member will be left unromanced". This kind of thing may be OK in outer space, but don't try it in Oklahoma.
The expansion will be available on on PC, iOS, Android and Amazon. ®
Last edited by mmoc11f5768ffa; 2016-05-26 at 06:46 AM.
Reinstalled and spent ten minutes warping around Jupiter trying to find Crusader, but each and every time the autpilot dropped my out of warp with Crusader still apparently on the other side of the planet, saving me from crashing into the gas giant. Settled for Oliver station to land instead.
Too bad the stations are so small right now; currently just consists of the landing pads, a central room where you can swap out ships, and a few sleep tubes. At least put in a space bar dammit! #ThingsToCome
Also, how do you change clothes? The shop on ArcCorp that sold clothes wasn't open, and looking through the options I couldn't find any way to change out of the space suit .
2.4 is only on the PTU. From the patches though, it is pretty close to release to live.
new ship showcase
Omians- 80 Troll Enhancement shaman, Emerald Dream
The surface in the photo they used is a footpath which makes the ship look like a little toy.
Her hall is called Eljudnir,
her dish is Hunger,
her knife is Famine,
her slave is Lazy,
and Slothful is her woman servant.
I choose to keep a healthy cursory interest in the game as the development cycle for a game of this scope tends to be around 5 years. (We're about what? 3-3.5 years since primary development began?) For those following more closely, how does development seem to be going lately? I know the past year was a bit bumpy with the FPS elements not going as planned (mostly ambulation/mo-cap related it seems?).
Does it seem like we'll have the persistent universe beta opening by the end of the year? (AKA most of the modules active in PU and a few systems open for travel)
Honestly, I am also just sitting back and giving it occasional attention these days, when it is ready, it will be ready and I am accepting of that fact. Until then, I got other games to play. I am hoping BattleTech goes into beta at some point this year. I figure we still have another year before Star Citizen is going to be good enough to play, it just doesn't seem to be progressing as fast as many would hope.