Content drought is a combination of catchup mechanics and no new content.
No E3 for CiG and Chris Roberts, despite Roberts saying plenty of times he will be present, latest confirmation 1 month ago. Why ? Probably because they have nothing to show and E3 is industry and press only (not like gamescon which is open to public) and harder to bullshit.
See, maybe it's not that they have nothing to show, it's that what they have would look terrible compared to actual real games that will be at E3.
Also reminds me of :
Last edited by mmoc11f5768ffa; 2016-05-31 at 06:17 AM.
Why is this a bad thing? So they didn't take a chunk of their time to build a new vertical slice specifically for E3 that won't be transferable into the game? Sometimes you need the marketing/press bump, sometimes you don't.
I get you don't like the game, but you're reaching pretty hard to criticize the game. Remember to keep criticism productive and not just devolve into trash talking.
it is about as realistic as you can get in a game, controls are meant to be simple to manage as it should be with a space ship, a player won't be able to manage playing the game at a simulation level where you control even more of the ship, not to mention the nuetonian physics and what happens when controls of your ship is damaged, you won't be able to compensate at a human level only an onboard computer for controlling many function of a ship is capable of that.
There is more than enough controls on the ship and management systems to keep an eye on without the added complication of every other function on the ships flights control system. You cant have both a full flight simulation and MMO in the same game, most players don't enjoy that sort of experience.
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Disregarding all the shield and secondary systems. The problem with the FM is that at a high level, the best maneuver is just circle strafe fighting. Your enemy will do it, and your best response is to do the same.
You try to get out of their gunsight or do any other sort of maneuver, they are just shooting you the entire time because they can turn so fast - so the best response always is to do the same, shoot back while twitch dodging/strafing.
Content drought is a combination of catchup mechanics and no new content.
That is a sign of a bad pilot, similar to jousting. The good players are able to juke with assistance from boost and effectively dance with their opponents. Some ships are able to do it more than others, but the whole "arcade in space" bs is kinda getting annoying because it's just wrong.
Oh my god. Circle strafing isn't just going in one direction in a circle from your opponent, it's dodging in all directions just while facing your opponent the entire time. Jousting is the only other maneuver that people bring up because it's the only one that can stop the enemy shooting at you for a split moment (still facing however)
There is no reason to NEVER not be facing your opponent, because whenever your not facing them - they are facing you and shooting anyway. You cant out maneuver them and be behind them shooting while they are dumb founded, it's too easy to correct mistakes with insane turn times, arrows on the edge of the screen and all the other assists. The only people you can l33t out maneuver are noobs who have 10 fps in AC or people who never played before / set up their controls.
Lastly, let's take a step back from the flight model discussion. At least I can 100% say that the interactive mode mouse controls are arcade in space (War Thunder Arcade mode uses the exact same control scheme lol - they had to ban it from simulator mode because the instructor is too good at controlling the plane for the player). Hell, the first threads ever on AC forums was "mousey commander". The only good news here is that most of the circle-strafe is won by v-joy/flight stick because they get massive artificial dmg boosts (Lol)
TLDR: Circle strafing , imagine World War 2 except remove every type of flight maneuver (bnz, e-fighting, stall fighting, hammerheads, drag and bag, etc) and tactics and just have every dogfight an eternal turn battle in a small radius.
Last edited by Daffan; 2016-06-02 at 04:33 PM.
Content drought is a combination of catchup mechanics and no new content.
Except WWII wasn't a 1v1 fight, you had squadrons. While you're busy circle strafing a single ship, what are your allies doing, and what are their allies doing? Is everyone paired up circle strafing each other? Are you circle strafing a Connie, or are you in a Connie circle strafing? Will circle strafing help vs electronic warfare?
Maybe not focus on a 1v1 between two identical ships?
its in space where you dont need to deal with gravity, your not going to be dog fighting like planes do on earth, if your fighting in space and can constantly have your target in your cross hairs thats going to be the most effective way to deal with them, dog fighting in this game is only a very small part of it, the flight controls are about as realistic as you can get in a game.
STAR-J4R9-YYK4 use this for 5000 credits in star citizen
Content drought is a combination of catchup mechanics and no new content.
Considerations like that will probably be left to work out once the larger PTU is rolled out.
as there is no game to talk about let's talk about the disrespect this company is throwing at it's customers:
and before SC knights start with "it's fake" : it's not.
SC customer support put people in categories like
- snowflake
- high maintenance
- goons
115 millions company, 5 years, no game (only a tech demo, with a couple of locations working at 15fps) throwing insults at customers.
if you donate 15k you are a high maintenance snowflake haha
p.s. Everyone in CIG customer support just lost the chance of ever working in a customer facing role in any real company in the real world. if your resume has "worked in CIG customer support" = bye bye
are you guys sure that this tech demo will become a game in the next 3-4 years ? with professionalism like this ?
Last edited by mmoc11f5768ffa; 2016-06-05 at 05:11 PM.
The game is funded by donations and they have no obligations to refund anyone, what does it matter if and what people are labelled as in customer support, the company was only founded in 2012 and work on the game didn't properly start till after the kickstarter so thats 2-3 years max with 1-2 years left until the game is released.
The game is in early alpha at least they are letting people play and contribute to the ongoing development of the game, all you do is come on here and moan about everything. Within the next year or so the squadron 42 campaign should be ready and shortly after that the PTU will be ready.
STAR-J4R9-YYK4 use this for 5000 credits in star citizen got trolled by some random reddit nerd. Zendesk uses javascript to populate a lot of its fields, which can be easily modified using the developer console (F12) in Chrome to display basically anything you want in the form.
You're losing it bud. So desperate at this point you'll believe anything. Have you in fact posted anything to date that isn't a complete fabrication or lie?
PS. the org drop down will only show and populate if you are in two or more organizations.
check again
tons of people confirm that they are labelled in offensive manner
Thats very unlikely to be a spoof, Brown Hornet is an early backer and one thing he never does in his posts is joke around. He also mentioned this when challenged in the reddit thread . Look at the fourth paragraph of the kickstarter, it absolutely states every single ship we sell over the next 48 hours will 'never' be sold again. Mr Hornet complained about this and got marked a 'difficult customer' . This is where the problems started, I mean what is it if its not pure rotten lies? LTI was another one that was reintroduced after saying the complete opposite, controller agnosticism was a bait and switch with zero-order gimbal controls despite backers being assured that wouldn't happen. Star-marine ready in weeks?
How could you believe anything they say at this point, I know I don't. I would respect them if they stopped selling ships and said we have raised enough money until launch and are targeting such and such a date for MVP. There is currently no scheduled release date for a game thats 2 years late!
the question is, can they make this game ? please notice i use "make" not "finish".
looking at their progress and professionalism i strongly believe the answer is no and giving them money is like burning money for you (for them is for actor studios and boat cruises in italy).
Last edited by mmoc11f5768ffa; 2016-06-06 at 07:01 AM.
Many things in this thread baffle me.
- Why worry about how a company lables you? Who cares, really?
- Who, in their right mind, pledges 40k on a game?
- Why do so many people spiral in negativity? The game's in alpha and you can assume the devs are doing their best to deliver on their promises.
Crowd funding is fun and useful in many cases, but throwing such amounts away - I don't know. It just seems really irresponsible and borderline retarded.