2015-12-13 $100 million passed at 02:34 UTC+1
2016 was the year with the most funding, at $36,100,538.
2015 was $35,961,202.
2014 was $32,933,205.
2013 was $28,446,117.
2015-12-13 $100 million passed at 02:34 UTC+1
2016 was the year with the most funding, at $36,100,538.
2015 was $35,961,202.
2014 was $32,933,205.
2013 was $28,446,117.
Last edited by masterhorus8; 2017-01-09 at 07:00 AM.
Guess i was wrong then. Thought it raced to $100 mill around 2013-14.
I cancelled my sub after the end of year stream and boy was I glad to do that. The sub content has been very lacking for a long time. I am way past the "omg pls no spoilers" stage. I just want content like they used to provide.
AMD is finally releasing their new CPU architecture around March 1st. I guess we'll see what that means for people looking to build a new rig between now and the full PTU release. They really haven't had new CPUs for about 4 years now, and even those were quite weak. Not that Intel can brag much, as they've been phoning it in the last 5-7 years due to AMD's anemic offerings. The new Intel stuff is more notable for supporting DDR4, NVMe, and USB-C than the performance gains of the actual CPU. (Benchmarks put the 7770K only about 25% better than my 3770K from 5 years ago)
LMAO, talk about being completely disingenuous. to anyone that has actually been watching and not biased af. you know that the shows are actually MUCH better for content than the way the shows used to be and they give more sneak peaks and in-depth info on systems. i get that you are not a fan of SC, but why create falsehoods (i highly doubt you were EVER a sub) to then use to create a Strawman argument? your point of view can't stand up on its own seeing as it's driven purely by conjecture and speculation, huh? /sigh
anyway, to those of you interested in SC and actually helping to give feedback, i found this poll on Reddit that you may want to participate in about the flight feel in 2.6.0
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All right, I'll bite.
They explicitly stated that sub money goes exclusively to those shows mentioned, including the end-of-year stream. I cancelled my sub after the stream because it was horrendous. If you're honestly here to say that the quality has been up to par, I don't know what to say. Though if you look back in this thread, you'll see me predicting people like you the moment the stream was aired. I knew you'd eventually come and pretend like it wasn't an issue and like the sub money was worth it.
If you honestly don't care about the quality of the community content, then say that and don't dance around the bush by pretending everything has been fine. If you say that you don't care about quality and only want the flair then I can accept that, but don't lie.
You're exhibiting cult-like behaviour by ferociously defending everything CIG does like it is your life. Sunk cost fallacy at its finest.
By the way, I did you a favour:
These people are cancelling their subs now and they're not alone. Let me guess, we're all trolls/goons/whatever floats your boat. I bet you clicked your mouse like you've never done before trying to downvote those posts.
Yeah, you're not convincing anyone but the cultists buddy. We're here with legitimate concerns. Deal with it.
do what you will with your money, but you obviously cannot read as i have no issue with what you do with your money, my issue is with whether you were even subbed given your attitude towards the project and this is the internet so you can say w/e you want, i just won't believe it without proof.
i can also see that English may not be your forte as you clearly lack a nuanced understanding of words written and infer the complete opposite meaning from what was written. i say that the shows have improved and you take that as me not caring about the quality of the community content and that i am pretending everything is fine. you urge me "not to lie", yet the quality of the shows are demonstrably better and you are the one actually lying saying they have gotten worse. if you cannot even be truthful about that and think that the game is doomed to fail then you should ask for a refund, because your bias is clouding your ability to even have an honest dialogue.
then you say that "i am exhibiting cult-like behavior by ferociously defending everything CIG does like it's my life. sunk cost fallacy at it's finest", huh? the level of hypocrisy and the irony of your statements are hilarious. you think that just because i oppose your views on SC that i cannot critique the game and am thus a cultist? you exhibit very strange logic. tbh, i don't care what other people do with their money, it's their decision but i guess you cannot offer them the same courtesy and go around calling them cultists, just because they like something you do not? you are steeped in such irony. my issue is with people, like you, who spread misinformation and exhibit abhorrent misunderstanding of actual information and then choose to create logical fallacies and Strawman arguments in order to negatively influence peoples actions and opinions. that is all.
back on topic:
Star Citizen Special Edition: Around The Verse - Alien Languages
"Cherish the quiet...before my STORM!"
For a $5/5000 in-game credit bonus for backing Star Citizen (MMO) or Squadron 42 (Single Player/Co-op) use my Referral code: STAR-3QDY-SZBG
Star Citizen Video Playlist
the best thing i read in weeks
star citizen story
Please post productively. Infracted. -Edge
Last edited by Edge-; 2017-01-15 at 08:37 PM.
New screenshots taken from the upcoming Gamestar magazine look into Star Citizen/Squadron 42 goals for 2017 taken from this thread
"Cherish the quiet...before my STORM!"
For a $5/5000 in-game credit bonus for backing Star Citizen (MMO) or Squadron 42 (Single Player/Co-op) use my Referral code: STAR-3QDY-SZBG
Star Citizen Video Playlist
Ooooh, that last picture is interesting.
Did they fix the flight model yet? or still in "We have no idea what direction to take it" mode?
Content drought is a combination of catchup mechanics and no new content.
Depends on your definition of "fixed", but they slowed things down in 2.6. Regardless, expecting it to not change at this point in development is kind of unrealistic. I mean, the flight model is indeed based on Newtonian Physics, with a limitation on max speed, and that's not changing. All that's adjusted (this last one was due to bigger ships getting added/more common and accounting for max speed/acceleration) is the acceleration/max speed.
Last edited by masterhorus8; 2017-01-17 at 08:30 AM.
Do they have any screenshots or footage of forests and stuff in game? All I've seen so far have been relatively barren worlds. Not that that's a bad thing but I'd like to see a bit more variety.
"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.” - General James Mattis
Was a demo video a little while ago that showed a bit more procedural stuff for planets.
Not exactly dense forests or anything, but you can see foliage etc.
they managed to have a complete sandstorm functioning very well in the demo, from what i have seen in videos they are going to generate full worlds with multiple ecosystems acting as one, while there will be planets that are the same throughout there will be many planets similar to earth, they are customising each planet, its not just fully relying on planet gen tech, we should see many dfferent planets throughout.
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"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.” - General James Mattis
Another setback for SC today with the production schedule update. Even that one is optimistic.
It is pretty official by now, CIG is fighting against time. Dual Universe and other similar games will start buckling CIG's armor. Then IF Star Citizen releases, it will just be a subpar game.
I think you folks are in for a huge disappointment.
Dual Universe is the one unreleased game that'll compete with Star Citizen directly. By the way, with "Star Citizen" I don't mean SQ42. I don't particularily care about SQ42 and didn't back for that in particular.(And I'm far from alone in that regard.) I mean Star Citizen the MMO-esque game. So even mentioning COD and NMS(lol) doesn't do much.
Mind, that Dual Universe didn't even begin until the huge cryout for such a game was proven with SC's kickstarter. It's clear as day that they're aiming for that market.
E.D is competing with Star Citizen though already. They share many things in common in terms of gameplay. In fact, I'd bet lots of SC backers are currently playing E.D simply for the fact that it's the closest thing available that resembles SC.
And honestly? I'm not so sure everyone will "move over" to SC if the game mechanics disappoint. We'll have to see, but time is ticking.