1. #4001
    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    You're making it sound like CIG went "Okay guys, so, we're going to add this new feature, game is delayed another year!" When in actuality, nothing has truly been added (aside from newer methods to get things done) since mid 2014, with a majority of the features added in 2012-2013. Which, tbh, is part of the management problem. All of the features came into the light so quickly that they just couldn't keep up. And feature creep is such a buzzword that honestly doesn't apply to this game because none of it creeped at all.

    BTW, lol kotaku article...save yourself some brain cells and stop reading that garbage.
    Except for the part where the game that went to kickstarter lacked a lot of the features that were later added as stretch goals.

    so yes, feature creep.

    I'd go back and link all the stretch goal features that they added but it seems like they changed the pages and they no longer show up.
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  2. #4002
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    Except for the part where the game that went to kickstarter lacked a lot of the features that were later added as stretch goals.

    so yes, feature creep.

    I'd go back and link all the stretch goal features that they added but it seems like they changed the pages and they no longer show up.
    None of what you just said contradicted what I said.

    https://robertsspaceindustries.com/funding-goals (I can find it just fine)

    Majority = more than half. Not to mention, a LOT of what was added in the later goals was content and not features.
    Last edited by masterhorus8; 2017-05-01 at 05:06 PM.

  3. #4003
    Quote Originally Posted by Katchii View Post
    Based on some information I've been reading this game has been a project management disaster since day 1. With no executives/ competent project managers forcing the studio to actually get shit done and the money just pouring in from both Kickstarter and the Star Citizen website they never got a plan together. Coupled with the fact that over time the studio turned into 5 studios that could barely even work together with a social and professional structure that's practically non-existent, it's no wonder we have this fragmented mess.
    So as i thought you know basically nothing about the project, just read some articles and stating things based on that. Your former comments already showed that when you just guessed about the engine change etc, but now it's clear.
    It's not against you really, but as SC has millions of pages of info out there, weekly shows, dev panels at different events, etc. then you cannot have a valid opinion after reading 2-3 articles. Especially if you only read those bashing ones based on "sources" from years ago.

    They never got a plan, that's why they are sharing their detailed internal schedule on the homepage right? They always had a plan, they just changed it accordingly to the increased funding, and the will of the backers.
    You go on about "social and professional structure" which you know nothing about (obviously) just read somewhere that the evil CR is harassing the devs right?

    Quote Originally Posted by Katchii View Post
    The team never had a solid plan...they had pipe dreams and aspirations based on the money coming in that just kept growing and changing. Rule number 1 in Project Management is to plan the work then work the plan. The problem was the plan here was always changing so they could never work to the plan because the other studios didn't know wtf was going on. Chris Roberts had been out of touch with the development world for 10 years, which is practically a lifetime when you're talking about such rapidly evolving tech and how many studios evolved and sprung up during that time. So his initial plan and ever changing views were not based in the current reality and how the industry actually worked.
    Plan the work then work the plan? That is what happened. They have seen that they can use much more money, so they changed the studios structure, and the pipelines accordingly and started to work towards the bigger plan.
    All the studios knows "wtf was going on" because they have meetings on daily basis.

    Quote Originally Posted by Katchii View Post
    The fact that the game isn't out because of scope creep (when you spend so much time revising your plan and making it bigger that you never actually get time to work on the plan or it gets too big so as to be unwieldy) speaks to just how badly this whole project has been mismanaged.
    The fact you think the game should be out now shows that you know nothing about the project, and/or completely dissing facts for your narrative.
    If giants like Blizzard and Sony need 5 years to build a hacknslash MMO which has basically no physics, smaller maps, and nothing new, tell me how on earth should CIG finish a much-much bigger and complicated MMO when they started from basically zero, and had to build up the studios/teams, work structure first? Yes they could have made a smaller game and pocket 100 million, then people would go on about that, not to mention again that backers voted to use the increased funding to build a bigger/better game.
    The fact the game isn't out yet shows basically nothing. If it won't be close to finish in another 2 years, then you can go on about it being late.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    People give them money because they want product X. just because 100 million people want X does not mean you are somehow obligated to also give them Y and Z.
    People give them money because they want product X. Then they voted to add Y and Z too and use the funding for that.
    Here i corrected it for you.

  4. #4004
    Quote Originally Posted by 1001 View Post
    I'm less concerned about how long it has taken and more concerned about how long it is going to take.
    If, after 4.5 years we still don't have a single completed star system, how long is 100+ going to take? At the rate things are going we won't be able to jump to another star system until December 2018 and that's just a tiny portion of the game. They want to make everything individual and unique and Crysis-quality etc but that's going to take a stupidly unreasonable amount of time.
    This is quite literally what their tools development in the last year has been about. Developing content creation tools that rapidly prototype via procedural generation, but are flexible enough to go in manually afterwards and add all the POIs. Making "tilesets" for specific station types so they can tetris together unique stations faster, etc.

    Setting aside the question of them being far enough along with it or not, they are at least aware doing absolutely everything 100% by hand is unfeasible. They could probably go ahead and manually work out some systems now, but in the long run its more money and time efficient to get the tools built first, even if its hard as bystanders for us to be patient with that.

  5. #4005
    I have a question for some of the bigger spenders (the ones who have spent hundreds or thousands of dollars so far) and it's not exactly nay-saying, but it is about possible concerns.

    Are any of you worried that you might just not like the game? Even if (when) SC's persistent universe is implemented there's a chance that you just don't enjoy the core gameplay, or the mini-games that make up your preferred job, or you feel your job isn't rewarding enough for the effort you put in... normally when paying ~£40 for a game I feel that's a justified risk, after all sometimes games just suck, but for people who've sunk a significant amount of money whilst basic systems are still being sketched in it seems like a crazy gamble.

  6. #4006
    Quote Originally Posted by Malibutomi View Post
    The only thing I'm trying to say is that the game has had a LOT of development speed bumps, some of which are attributable to questionable decisions made by the development team. If a great game comes out of this, awesome, but at this point the developers haven't exactly inspired me with confidence that they're capable of delivering on their due dates.

  7. #4007
    Quote Originally Posted by stellvia View Post
    This is quite literally what their tools development in the last year has been about. Developing content creation tools that rapidly prototype via procedural generation, but are flexible enough to go in manually afterwards and add all the POIs. Making "tilesets" for specific station types so they can tetris together unique stations faster, etc.

    Setting aside the question of them being far enough along with it or not, they are at least aware doing absolutely everything 100% by hand is unfeasible. They could probably go ahead and manually work out some systems now, but in the long run its more money and time efficient to get the tools built first, even if its hard as bystanders for us to be patient with that.
    Tools and pipelines is something we've been hearing about for a few years though. There's been quite a bit of talk about how their tools would allow them to roll out moons and planets very quickly but they recently admitted those estimates were overly positive hence their exclusion from 3.0 and that instead 3.1 will get a single planet, 3.2 another single planet etc.

    I don't know how many planets are meant to be in the final game but assuming there's 3 per system, that's 300 planets, excluding moons, planetoids etc. If it takes 3 months to roll out a single planet that means 75 years to do them all.... yes that sounds stupid but 3 months for a Crysis-quality planet doesn't sound like an over-statement at all.
    It's still 25 years if their tools and pipelines allow them to do 1 per month, is 4 weeks work for a crysis-quality planet a reasonable estimate?
    It's still 6 years if they could do 1 per week but... if they could do 1 per week why would they be spacing them out as 1 planet per 3.x patch?
    A bit of a wait on our hands regardless...
    Last edited by 1001; 2017-05-02 at 04:08 AM.

  8. #4008
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    A smart Producer would say 'we can't handle a bigger game' and stop feeding stretch goals. If people want to keep pileing on money that's their choice but producers need to realize when a project is getting to big and that there is a point where you have to stop expanding your scope.
    Its not like this is some unprecidented problem. Feature creep is design 101.
    For about the 30th time: Indeed. That's why stretch goals ended at the $60M mark.

  9. #4009
    Quote Originally Posted by 1001 View Post
    Tools and pipelines is something we've been hearing about for a few years though. There's been quite a bit of talk about how their tools would allow them to roll out moons and planets very quickly but they recently admitted those estimates were overly positive hence their exclusion from 3.0 and that instead 3.1 will get a single planet, 3.2 another single planet etc.

    I don't know how many planets are meant to be in the final game but assuming there's 3 per system, that's 300 planets, excluding moons, planetoids etc. If it takes 3 months to roll out a single planet that means 75 years to do them all.... yes that sounds stupid but 3 months for a Crysis-quality planet doesn't sound like an over-statement at all.
    It's still 25 years if their tools and pipelines allow them to do 1 per month, is 4 weeks work for a crysis-quality planet a reasonable estimate?
    It's still 6 years if they could do 1 per week but... if they could do 1 per week why would they be spacing them out as 1 planet per 3.x patch?
    A bit of a wait on our hands regardless...
    It will be much faster than that. These are the first ones, and they have "hero locations" which needs work. Also these are prototypes for most of the planet tech(Hurston: polluted industry world, Crusader: Gas giant, floating landing zone, ArcCorp: totally built in techno planet, Microtech: cold harsh environment), so they are refining the tools with these. That's why this system takes long.
    Many planets will be not populated (as it would be in reality) in the systems, so a lot of them will be just "give parameters, generate, artist go over, maybe put down a few outposts, done" and they have more environment artists not just one. They can work on multiple planets in parallel.
    They don't even need the most talented ones for the first pass on the planets, a simple "peasant" can go over it and smooth out the most obvious problems.

    Also one more thing: It's not about the number of planets/systems. They already said two things:
    1. They will not have all systems in the game at launch
    2. They don't want to build a huge but empty universe. They want to give the players enough to do for a long time even in every system, so you have plenty to do even if you just visit a few planets.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Dhrizzle View Post
    I have a question for some of the bigger spenders (the ones who have spent hundreds or thousands of dollars so far) and it's not exactly nay-saying, but it is about possible concerns.

    Are any of you worried that you might just not like the game? Even if (when) SC's persistent universe is implemented there's a chance that you just don't enjoy the core gameplay, or the mini-games that make up your preferred job, or you feel your job isn't rewarding enough for the effort you put in... normally when paying ~£40 for a game I feel that's a justified risk, after all sometimes games just suck, but for people who've sunk a significant amount of money whilst basic systems are still being sketched in it seems like a crazy gamble.
    I would say (tho i'm not a big spender just the bare minimum) this is a valid concern, but with really low possibility.
    See SC is somewhere between the theme park and open world MMOs. There will be plenty of missions, and places, and i assume events, but on the other side, there will be plenty of planets to explore, and do what you want. So i think almost everyone can find the game mode, and places they like.
    Trading? do that
    Fighter pilot? do that
    FPS marine? do that
    Exploration? do that
    Just screwing around on a planet with a buddy? do that
    Mining? do that

    Coming from the large open world and many game mechanics, the possibilities are only limited by imagination.

  10. #4010
    This thread keeps getting bloated by people bitching and moaning. Meanwhile, just here playing the goddamn alpha with my org and having a blast...darn, guess we better just stop doing that since apparently "this game is dead" or something?
    "You six-piece Chicken McNobody."
    Quote Originally Posted by RICH816 View Post
    You are a legend thats why.

  11. #4011
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tradewind View Post
    This thread keeps getting bloated by people bitching and moaning. Meanwhile, just here playing the goddamn alpha with my org and having a blast...darn, guess we better just stop doing that since apparently "this game is dead" or something?
    Lol, more than I'm doing. I occasionally hop onto reddit/spectrum to check for hot topics and info on my favorite ship that's probably the most worthless ship right now

  12. #4012
    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    Lol, more than I'm doing. I occasionally hop onto reddit/spectrum to check for hot topics and info on my favorite ship that's probably the most worthless ship right now
    lol, it usually ends up in just laughing at some weird thing breaking, but yeah there's plenty to do if you got people. Usually it's just coming up with footage for stuff, or playing around in AC. Sometimes running little "simulated boarding skirmishes" lol, get a Cutlass and a couple hornets or sabers attacking a Starfarer or Retaliator with other nerds in it. Then trying to "disable" it and EVA on to it, two teams either then defend the ship or try to take it over. The biggest challenge is getting into one session
    "You six-piece Chicken McNobody."
    Quote Originally Posted by RICH816 View Post
    You are a legend thats why.

  13. #4013
    Bloodsail Admiral Odeezee's Avatar
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    wow, so many armchair devs recently here to tell people that back the game that they are being conned, not insightful enough, that CIG is a mess and will never release a good game or release at all and that CIG needs to release a AAA game now because releasing a game before it's ready works out so great for the gamers i mean just look at the gaming successes of No Man's Sky and Mass Effect: Andromeda. it's a curious psychological phenomenon where people who claim to dislike a project keep watching/reading info on said project and keep commenting with a strange level of verboseness with little to any factual information and just baseless conjecture on their part. it's very peculiar and would seem to be a great waste of time going by their stance on the project. /shrug

    anyway, back to the game, saw this really cool fan edited trailer of the Future of Star Citizen:

    CIG shared a really cool shot of an outpost on the Crusader moon Celin:

    really looking forward to 3.0 and exploring these planetary bodies.
    Last edited by Odeezee; 2017-05-03 at 03:27 PM.
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  14. #4014
    Quote Originally Posted by Odeezee View Post
    wow, so many armchair devs recently here to tell people that back the game that they are being conned, not insightful enough, that CIG is a mess and will never release a good game or release at all and that CIG needs to release a AAA game now because releasing a game before it's ready works out so great for the gamers i mean just look at the gaming successes of No Man's Sky and Mass Effect: Andromeda. it's a curious psychological phenomenon where people who claim to dislike a project keep watching/reading info on said project and keep commenting with a strange level of verboseness with little to any factual information and just baseless conjecture on their part. it's very peculiar and would seem to be a great waste of time going by their stance on the project. /shrug
    I read this topic because I would love for SC to be a massive success because I have fond memories of the genre. I would love to be completely wrong about everything but the fact is that I have no confidence in CIG's ability to deliver.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  15. #4015
    Bloodsail Admiral Odeezee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    I read this topic because I would love for SC to be a massive success because I have fond memories of the genre. I would love to be completely wrong about everything but the fact is that I have no confidence in CIG's ability to deliver.
    haha, that definitely seems like a personal issue and one that seems to be at odds with itself. i have no problem with anyone giving constructive feedback to help make the game become better (bug reporting/testing, etc), the issue i have is of people making baseless accusations of the game/dev team and acting as though their opinions somehow manifest as fact. as though they know better than the very people making the game, who give weekly updates of their progress which we (the backers) then get to experience in the PU when it's ready for wider testing.
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  16. #4016
    Quote Originally Posted by Malibutomi View Post
    It will be much faster than that. These are the first ones, and they have "hero locations" which needs work. Also these are prototypes for most of the planet tech(Hurston: polluted industry world, Crusader: Gas giant, floating landing zone, ArcCorp: totally built in techno planet, Microtech: cold harsh environment), so they are refining the tools with these. That's why this system takes long.
    Many planets will be not populated (as it would be in reality) in the systems, so a lot of them will be just "give parameters, generate, artist go over, maybe put down a few outposts, done" and they have more environment artists not just one. They can work on multiple planets in parallel.
    They don't even need the most talented ones for the first pass on the planets, a simple "peasant" can go over it and smooth out the most obvious problems.
    How will it be much faster than that? Why do you think they will be able to produce a whole planet at "Crysis-quality" in less than a week? They already talked about barren moons and planetoids taking around a week's work so I fail to see, regardless of how much they hone their tools and pipelines, that they'll be able to knock out a planet with all these additional features in the same, or even less time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Malibutomi View Post
    Also one more thing: It's not about the number of planets/systems. They already said two things:
    1. They will not have all systems in the game at launch
    2. They don't want to build a huge but empty universe. They want to give the players enough to do for a long time even in every system, so you have plenty to do even if you just visit a few planets.
    Sure but that wasn't the point that was being addressed. It's the thinking that "tools and pipelines" is suddenly going to turn this project into something that mass produces planets at insane quality level and all within a couple of days...

  17. #4017
    Quote Originally Posted by 1001 View Post
    How will it be much faster than that? Why do you think they will be able to produce a whole planet at "Crysis-quality" in less than a week? They already talked about barren moons and planetoids taking around a week's work so I fail to see, regardless of how much they hone their tools and pipelines, that they'll be able to knock out a planet with all these additional features in the same, or even less time.

    Sure but that wasn't the point that was being addressed. It's the thinking that "tools and pipelines" is suddenly going to turn this project into something that mass produces planets at insane quality level and all within a couple of days...
    Depends what do you call "Crysis quality". They have the engine, if they have the assets (trees, crystals, rocks, etc.) made to their usual quality, then the proc gen generation will just produce the planet to 80% (they mentioned many times this 80% automated/20%art divide). Then they will go over it to put down points of interests.

    The week/planet depends how many peoples one week work is a planet? I don't think they need a whole team on every planet. So as i said they can work on many planets simultaneously.
    Last edited by Malibutomi; 2017-05-03 at 07:35 PM.

  18. #4018
    On the funding page, assuming the 1.8M Star citizens is the number of backers, it averages out to ~$82 per person. Certainly a slightly high number for a game, but about what a "limited edition" would cost. Also discounting the demographics of most backers, which I imagine skews towards older and/or engineers etc. that have been wanting a game like this for a very long time.

    Hard to say where the demo will average out to assuming the game releases. It's very possible a lot more teens/college-age will buy it, but uncertain if the appeal will be there for them to stick around if the game is super involved to do everything. Probably a similar cross-section to those who play EVE Online where there is 99% monotony 1% terror as it were. (When you get into PvP engagements etc)

  19. #4019
    Quote Originally Posted by Malibutomi View Post
    Depends what do you call "Crysis quality". They have the engine, if they have the assets (trees, crystals, rocks, etc.) made to their usual quality, then the proc gen generation will just produce the planet to 80% (they mentioned many times this 80% automated/20%art divide). Then they will go over it to put down points of interests.

    The week/planet depends how many peoples one week work is a planet? I don't think they need a whole team on every planet. So as i said they can work on many planets simultaneously.
    I fail to see why CIG's procedural generation would be significantly superior to No Man Sky's. They're both bound by math after all and unless they have some really intelligent people creating entirely new processes (which do not yield the same result), the process may actually even be the same with slightly varied parameters Going by that, those 80%/20% is highely optimistic, and the actual developement time attributed to the planets at least is a good indicator that this is indeed the case. And while the planets currently being worked on may be the more complex to create planets and thus require more time, you still should be able to extrapolate the creation time of the less complex moons onto your typical planet.

  20. #4020
    Quote Originally Posted by stormgust View Post
    Going by that, those 80%/20% is highely optimistic, and the actual developement time attributed to the planets at least is a good indicator that this is indeed the case.
    I would think part of the extra time for the initial wave of planets (and moons) is due to working out the kinks in the tech, while expanding the details of the biomes and all that entails. They've already improved upon the geysers a few times for one of the moons, and I expect numerous features to go through a similar process as they focus on each planetary body introducing new terrain features. Once the majority of the biomes are in place and working, I have no doubt that the'll hit their stride and start churning planets through the pipeline. My concern isn't with the 100's of mostly barren planets and moons that have a few outposts or mines scattered about, but with planets populated with farmlands, towns, cities, metropolises, suburbs, etc.

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