1. #4021
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stormgust View Post
    I fail to see why CIG's procedural generation would be significantly superior to No Man Sky's. They're both bound by math after all and unless they have some really intelligent people creating entirely new processes (which do not yield the same result), the process may actually even be the same with slightly varied parameters Going by that, those 80%/20% is highely optimistic, and the actual developement time attributed to the planets at least is a good indicator that this is indeed the case. And while the planets currently being worked on may be the more complex to create planets and thus require more time, you still should be able to extrapolate the creation time of the less complex moons onto your typical planet.
    Then you don't understand how CIG is doing their PG tech. They're not just letting an algorithm pick A, B, and C and putting it together. They're having the algorithm pick from a subset of choices within each that will only go with specific areas. To be able to do this, they have to have a massive array of things to choose from, but it's honestly not that hard to do if done properly.

    Example: Witcher 3, something like the forests/tree placements. It'd be a similar scenario. Within each area, they have a subset of limitations on how and where things can be placed, keeping them from being too close and only allowing certain types of flora to be placed in the specific biomes. They would not be placing each tree in by hand, instead letting an algorithm do it for them. THAT is how procedural generation should be done. Not a 100% random generation of things that are matched in no particular order at all.

  2. #4022
    Quote Originally Posted by Malibutomi View Post
    Depends what do you call "Crysis quality". They have the engine, if they have the assets (trees, crystals, rocks, etc.) made to their usual quality, then the proc gen generation will just produce the planet to 80% (they mentioned many times this 80% automated/20%art divide). Then they will go over it to put down points of interests.

    The week/planet depends how many peoples one week work is a planet? I don't think they need a whole team on every planet. So as i said they can work on many planets simultaneously.
    Nah, it's not what I call "crysis quality", it's what they call crysis quality, it is Chris Roberts that is referring to it as an idea of the detail a planet will consist of.

    The thing is, it's not just about PG or hand placement of PG elements. They've got bases, cities, settlements, wrecks, points of interest and all the other things they want to put on these planets, all which need to be blended into the terrain etc, then they have missions that have to be tied into a variety of these elements etc.

    I'm not trying to criticise, I'm just trying to look at the reality of how long some of this stuff will take, from curiousity as much as anything. CIG like to repeatedly say that once their tools and pipelines are finished things will speed up but that doesn't really say much. Going from 1 month to 1 week would be a great increase but it's still a considerable amount of time and work for all of those planets, moons, planetoids etc.

  3. #4023
    Quote Originally Posted by endersblade View Post
    And the difference being, normally a game company doesn't make a major reveal of what they've been working on until most of it has been established. Star Citizen did it from pretty much day one. So whereas most games you're looking at maybe 1 year from reveal to release, maybe a bit more, Star Citizen has been public knowledge for most of its life. Unfortunately people go all ADD on it and complain that it should be ready by now, just because they've known about it so long unlike how other companies work.
    I mean they DID say it would release in, what, 2015 originally? So it's not like it's an unreasonable expectation to see some progress now, almost mid 2017. As the poster below you says, if they barely have functional alpha gameplay now, and the game is supposed to be ginormous, how long is it going to take for the full release? I'd wager not before 2020.

  4. #4024
    Quote Originally Posted by stormgust View Post
    I fail to see why CIG's procedural generation would be significantly superior to No Man Sky's. They're both bound by math after all and unless they have some really intelligent people creating entirely new processes (which do not yield the same result), the process may actually even be the same with slightly varied parameters Going by that, those 80%/20% is highely optimistic, and the actual developement time attributed to the planets at least is a good indicator that this is indeed the case. And while the planets currently being worked on may be the more complex to create planets and thus require more time, you still should be able to extrapolate the creation time of the less complex moons onto your typical planet.
    Unlike NMS, their procedural generation allows for multiple biomes on a single planet and provides for hybrid environments along the biome boundaries, amongst several other tricks. NMS had each planet being one biome with completely random placement, CIG will be "curating" each planet to touch things up and add POIs afterwards.

  5. #4025
    Mark Hamill cockpit animations sneak peak:

  6. #4026

  7. #4027
    More shady stuff going om: this time with CCUs and balancing.


    No more free CCUs, they're literally going to charge $5 for changing a number in a database. After 5 years. Lol.

    The kicker was this:

    We’ve been thinking about this change for a while because there are currently 1.1 million unused CCUs in our system. That’s great for funding because it means there are a million potential ships backers can upgrade to at any time. It’s not so good for our designers, who use data on ships owned in their balancing work.
    Balancing? OK CIG.

    More proof of CIG's incompetence and greed.

  8. #4028
    Quote Originally Posted by Majestic12 View Post
    More shady stuff going om: this time with CCUs and balancing.


    No more free CCUs, they're literally going to charge $5 for changing a number in a database. After 5 years. Lol.

    The kicker was this:

    Balancing? OK CIG.

    More proof of CIG's incompetence and greed.
    Sorry my outrage doesn't seem to be functioning properly, can you explain why I'm meant to get angry and indignant over this?

  9. #4029
    They are charging a 5$ fee for CCU, in theory so people don't jump back and forth between ships.
    Which is not a big chunk of money, but people hate to pay for something that was free before, also pisses off the ones making money on the grey market with the free CCUd ships.
    Finally a thing our friend can have a rant

    - - - Updated - - -

    Me when 3.0 release:

  10. #4030
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dhrizzle View Post
    Sorry my outrage doesn't seem to be functioning properly, can you explain why I'm meant to get angry and indignant over this?
    My two fucks aren't given either, my Fucks Given meter must be broken.

  11. #4031
    Quote Originally Posted by Dhrizzle View Post
    Sorry my outrage doesn't seem to be functioning properly, can you explain why I'm meant to get angry and indignant over this?
    If you really don't understand why people might be mad, re-read the letter again and compare it to the state of SC. It's absolutely ridiculous that CIG is even thinking this way when the game isn't even feature complete and we don't have 3.0.

    Or, you can just open reddit right now and see other peoples' opinions on it.

    Some of you will defend CIG no matter what, though. Chris could literally pop up and hit your granny in the face and you'd still forgive him.

    This thread just happens to be full of Star Shillizens.

  12. #4032
    Can't believe this still isn't out yet, backed it on kickstarter in 2014 and still no where near launch.

  13. #4033
    Quote Originally Posted by Majestic12 View Post
    If you really don't understand why people might be mad, re-read the letter again and compare it to the state of SC. It's absolutely ridiculous that CIG is even thinking this way when the game isn't even feature complete and we don't have 3.0.

    Or, you can just open reddit right now and see other peoples' opinions on it.

    Some of you will defend CIG no matter what, though. Chris could literally pop up and hit your granny in the face and you'd still forgive him.

    This thread just happens to be full of Star Shillizens.
    Maybe the problem is that you've yet to contribute anything to change opinions. Just lots of "cloud shouting" and getting uppity about nothing. But hey, you do you or something.
    "You six-piece Chicken McNobody."
    Quote Originally Posted by RICH816 View Post
    You are a legend thats why.

  14. #4034
    Quote Originally Posted by madmossy View Post
    Can't believe this still isn't out yet, backed it on kickstarter in 2014 and still no where near launch.
    SC as pitched won't ever release. They've promised far too much at this point. You and me both disappointed. It all falls down on Chris and his wife Sandi's incompetence.

    If Erin led the project instead of Chris we'd be way better off. That's on top of Chris' wife Sandi(who has zero experience in gaming, marketing or otherwise) who also shouldn't have been a part of the project. She's never been a part of a gaming community in her life. How could she possibly understand one?
    She is only there because she is Chris' wife (that they tried to hide in the first place) and now we're all fucked.
    SC just never came to be.

  15. #4035
    Herald of the Titans Daffan's Avatar
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    Flight Model is still horrible with no relevant dev blogs or discussion on it. I wonder if they'l lower or increase the speed randomly again next patch to try solve the underlying issues with dogfighting mechanics - or actually find out why the dogfighting is so one-dimensional and depth less (reference list; 1v1 pvp tournament VOD, 2v2 pvp tournament VOD, old forums, spectrum)

    The whole CCU and continual marketing/management problems after problems is irrelevant because they have trouble with basic mechanics.

    Put me back into Cryostasis.
    Last edited by Daffan; 2017-05-15 at 02:41 AM.
    Content drought is a combination of catchup mechanics and no new content.

  16. #4036
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Interesting thread regarding current going-ons:

    One thing I would like to point out; after the community outcry regarding the recruitment changes/update, CIG did indeed listen to the people and adjust the problems that it had.

  17. #4037
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Called it. They listened to their community and adjusted the plan.


    Hey everybody,
    On Friday we mentioned that we’d be making some changes to the CCU system with the Eclipse sale. Rather than raising the price of CCU's, we’ve decided to take a different approach.
    The CCU and ‘melt’ systems were created to give backers the kind of choices they wouldn’t get from a normal publisher.
    We knew that concept ships were going to change as the game’s systems were built out and balanced after their initial sale. So early on we ensured that backers could melt a pledge for the full amount of credit put towards that pledge, and then use that full amount of credit towards a different pledge. However a problem occurred when people wanted to keep elements of their original game package – say the physical goods, or the LTI on the ship, as melting destroyed the whole package. This created a major Customer Service overhead, where we had to add and change packages manually. So the CCU system was developed to allow backers to keep the current features of their game package, but swap out the digital ship. Between these two systems, in many cases it has become a game itself to navigate the system to end up with the ship of your dreams, but has also enabled some exploits that do not benefit all backers.
    We have identified an issue related to the stockpiling of $0 CCU's. As we previously stated, there are more than 1.1 million unused CCUs in the system today. 1.05 million of these are $0 ‘cross trades’ and the vast majority of these are held, unused, by significantly less than one percent of Star Citizen backers. Some people have thousands of $0 CCU's on their account at this time, which is clearly an abuse of the system. A very small number of users are creating a scenario where they can get a limited ship in the future, without having put any value towards the right to do so. With a stock of $0 CCUs on their account, they can generate ships to sell to other users for their own profit.
    There is also a potential design issue related to the number of ships in the universe at launch. We are getting to the point where we need to drill down deeper on things like ship rarity, overall dispersion and the like. When we don’t know how many ships may be present at launch, this makes it much more difficult. The implications there are far-reaching: if Carracks are the most popular ship then we need to put more resources on exploration… if Buccaneers are everywhere then we need to build missions that will be challenging and fun for Bucc pilots. It’s something that touches every part of Star Citizen.
    All of that said: we’ve spent some time thinking about options to address this, which don’t include an extra charge. While we need to end the abuse of the $0 CCUs, we understand that these systems help all backers and reassure people who are just starting the game. We’ve settled on a plan that will eliminate $0 CCUs without impacting the benefits of the CCU and melting systems in general.
    The first part is very simple, we will eliminate the $0 CCU from concept sales starting with this week’s sale. If you have a ship of equivalent value and you want to use store credit, you can of course melt it and purchase the store credit version. This should greatly reduce stockpiling of CCU's.
    The second part is longer term, but very important: we will plan for a process to expire the unused $0 CCUs from the system. We want existing CCUs to be used as intended: to pick a ship that works for you, and not as a permanent ‘anything goes’ option. This will not happen immediately, but as we approach 3.0 it will be an important part of this process. And we want you to know in advance that this is coming.
    This simple solution should address the issues we've discussed here. Our goal is to make Star Citizen the best game it can be for all players. As always, we thank you for your support.
    Last edited by masterhorus8; 2017-05-16 at 05:57 PM.

  18. #4038
    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    Called it. They listened to their community and adjusted the plan.

    Yep. Good move. I can't believe some people in this thread could not understand why people were pissed about the original change. Nobody asked them to agree with it, but to say "there's no reason to not like it" is sad.

    It was the best move CIG could make.

  19. #4039
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Majestic12 View Post
    Yep. Good move. I can't believe some people in this thread could not understand why people were pissed about the original change. Nobody asked them to agree with it, but to say "there's no reason to not like it" is sad.

    It was the best move CIG could make.
    I personally wasn't annoyed at it, but can definitely see why people would be.

  20. #4040
    Bloodsail Admiral Odeezee's Avatar
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    it's late, but i have been lazy. anyway, here is last weeks AtV (probably on of if not THE best imo) for those that missed it.

    found some other fan made videos you guys might like.

    Star Citizen "The Dream" Cinematic -

    Kareah -

    Star Citizen: The Pirate -

    The Future Of Star Citizen -

    Joint Ops -

    Last edited by Odeezee; 2017-05-17 at 07:27 AM. Reason: added more content
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