This is probably the worst site to have a SC thread on since most on here are impatient, reactionary 10 year olds.
This is probably the worst site to have a SC thread on since most on here are impatient, reactionary 10 year olds.
And here's an answer regarding the financial information.
EG: I think it turns out to them taking out a loan at similar value to what they're rebate is for, have instant access to said money, and repay to loan when the rebate comes in? Also seems to have to do with currency instability in the UK.Ortwin: We have noticed the speculations created by a posting on the website of UK’s Company House with respect to Coutt’s security for our UK Tax Rebate advance, and we would like to provide you with the following insight to help prevent some of the misinformation we have seen.
Our UK companies are entitled to a Government Game tax credit rebate which we earn every month on the Squadron 42 development. These rebates are payable by the UK Government in the fall of the next following year when we file our tax returns. Foundry 42 and its parent company Cloud Imperium Games UK Ltd. have elected to partner with Coutts, a highly regarded, very selective, and specialized UK banking institution, to obtain a regular advance against this rebate, which will allow us to avoid converting unnecessarily other currencies into GBP. We obviously incur a significant part of our expenditures in GBP while our collections are mostly in USD and EUR. Given today's low interest rates versus the ongoing and uncertain currency fluctuations, this is simply a smart money management move, which we implemented upon recommendation of our financial advisors.
The collateral granted in connection with this discounting loan is absolutely standard and pertains to our UK operation only, which develops Squadron 42. As a careful review of the security will show and contrary to some irresponsible and misleading reports, the collateral specifically excludes “Star Citizen.” The UK Government rebate entitlement, which is audited and certified by our outside auditors on a quarterly basis, is the prime collateral. Per standard procedure in banking, our UK companies of course stand behind the loan and guarantee repayment which, however, given the reliability of the discounted asset (a UK Government payment) is a formality and nothing else. This security does not affect our UK companies’ ownership and control of their assets. Obviously, the UK Government will not default on its rebate obligations which will be used for repayment, and even then the UK companies have ample assets to repay the loan, even in such an eventuality which is of course unthinkable.
This should clarify the matter. Thank you.
Last edited by masterhorus8; 2017-06-25 at 09:08 PM.
now that we have got official word from CIG that the sky is not falling and is actually looking $4 million better, due to not having to wait for the tax rebate, are the people who were claiming doom and gloom going to be honest and show some integrity by apologizing for spreading misinformation and speaking from ignorance?
"Cherish the quiet...before my STORM!"
For a $5/5000 in-game credit bonus for backing Star Citizen (MMO) or Squadron 42 (Single Player/Co-op) use my Referral code: STAR-3QDY-SZBG
Star Citizen Video Playlist
Doubt it.
I was seeing people still try to argue that they're lying and wrong on reddit. The desperation is palpable.
My favorite thread out of all of this though:
Last edited by masterhorus8; 2017-06-26 at 07:12 AM.
whats wrong with the flight model, they are aiming to make it as realistic as possible, plus there is many tweaks still to do with everything in the game.
I have played almost every game that offers space flight and SC has a more comprehenisive control system than all the others, there is still tweaks to be made to the system but its pretty well rounded currently. As for the Combat there will still be tweaks made to the AI but there only so much you can do with space dog fighting, besides combat is only a small portion of the game.
Only thing i can think of is adding to the AI is things like disabling the ship they are attacking to board it, or adding strategies to the group your fighting to make things even more of a challenge.
Last edited by kenn9530; 2017-06-26 at 04:46 PM.
STAR-J4R9-YYK4 use this for 5000 credits in star citizen
Star Citizen's combat is very much like Freelancers, and that was not considered good.
Your right in some sense however. Let me go in some depth. Star Citizen does not follow realism like real space, but nor is it total arcade (However it does use bullcrap thruster values, 'ghost thrusters' to get the ships to perform as they want them too - namely yaw and strafe). The problem with the dogfighting, is that it's almost impossible to get out of the enemies gunsight. Therefore, in PvP tournaments, normal AC and BR - all you see is two ships constantly facing each other and playing ADADADA strafe the game. Not very comprehensive dogfighting.
In terms of complexity, it's more like fools complexity, they've got so many modes and other things (gsafe, esp, lead/lag etc) just because they haven't been able to finalize anything, so they just throw the whole kitchen sink in and most of it is automatic or not even used/relevant. A lot of this area comes from their problem with gimbals vs fixed, and controller issues (balance, design etc) they haven't been able to square away.
Let's be extremely liberal and positive about what a combat encounter entails. You see the enemy NPC, you boost towards him, you keep your mouse on him (and the ship practically flies itself) while strafing and holding left click. PvP is more complex of course because your enemy actually strafes too like a madman (remember, ghost thrusters mean every ship is extremely nimble and can turn on a dime), and since it's impossible to get out of enemy LoS (maneuvering) your relegated to just facing your enemy and shooting off.
This is not a problem with anything regarding ships or weapon balance in general, because all that is just tertiary problem that can be fixed later and is not a real problem to the underlying core.
THIS is why other space games (Elite, diaspora, even Star Wars, Star Trek the movies/tv) use "fake" space (But not really because they are still 6-dof, just extremely weakened 6-dof). E.g, aeroplanes-in-space, weak lateral thrusters, weak yaw thrusters so that the game/movie doesn't devolve into two space ships constantly facing each other and going off like bey-blades with no possibility to maneuver or do anything.
IMO Star Citizen is only beginning to understand this core problem they have, because in the last few patches 2.4, 2.5, and now 2.6 they have re-done the speeds and other stuff so many times to try and correct the underlying problem. And will do again, especially to fix the gimbal/fixed stuff, the turret situation, the multi-crew situation and the problem where big fighters simply dominate everything due to how fast everything turns.
Last edited by Daffan; 2017-06-26 at 09:04 PM.
Content drought is a combination of catchup mechanics and no new content.
When they start meeting their self imposed due dates without moving the goal posts, I'll start taking this game seriously. Until then, this looks like an amazing tech demo.
I hope it does well, but holy fucking shit dude....project management...
Still hoping this game is a spiritual successor to my beloved Wing Commander series. Not going to back it of course but I buy it if it ever gets released.
Star Citizen in financial troubles, uh oh.
Eurogamer report:
"Cherish the quiet...before my STORM!"
For a $5/5000 in-game credit bonus for backing Star Citizen (MMO) or Squadron 42 (Single Player/Co-op) use my Referral code: STAR-3QDY-SZBG
Star Citizen Video Playlist
catching you guys up on the videos from the past 2 weeks.
i really feel like CIG have really stepped their game up with the AtVs this year and i am loving the teasers we get the day before they come out. looking forward to a successful and imminent 3.0 launch!
"Cherish the quiet...before my STORM!"
For a $5/5000 in-game credit bonus for backing Star Citizen (MMO) or Squadron 42 (Single Player/Co-op) use my Referral code: STAR-3QDY-SZBG
Star Citizen Video Playlist
I admit, i admire people who still waiting for star citizen... You got guys guts and lots of pantient.![]()
In my case, it's because I have other stuff I do and occasionally drop by and check. All in the background. I know a few of my friends completely forget about it until I mention something about randomly on passing. But the people that live and breath SC alpha...that takes some dedication. And probably a dash of insanity.
out of curiosity, how long would you wait for a game like Star Citizen and Squadron 42 (since you said "still" waiting like it has taken an inordinate amount of time) and why do you think it takes guts to support Star Citizen and Squadron 42?
i trimmed down version of the pullout:
"Cherish the quiet...before my STORM!"
For a $5/5000 in-game credit bonus for backing Star Citizen (MMO) or Squadron 42 (Single Player/Co-op) use my Referral code: STAR-3QDY-SZBG
Star Citizen Video Playlist