Sorry but this "game" blows. Overdue and pay to win. Good luck getting killed day 1 by people who bought massive ships for real money.
Also you can bet that there will be a huge shitstorm once the mechanics are actually out. Nerds will collide head on about how they imagined things to be based on words.
Lastly, I will call bullshit on them saying they will stop ship sales when the game is out. They have to pay the bills. And if you look at their reddit the backers are even begging the devs not to sell skins and other cosmetic items. Talk about living in another reality.
I know I am gonna get slammed by the hardcore backers in this thread but I don't care. It says a lot when you have people posting here with their pyramid scheme recruitment codes in their sigs.
SC is a cult supporting an imaginary game with just plain bad mechanics. There will be much better games to play by the time it is out. Kudos to the execs though, they became millionaires and didn't even have to release the game for it.