1. #4101
    Sorry but this "game" blows. Overdue and pay to win. Good luck getting killed day 1 by people who bought massive ships for real money.

    Also you can bet that there will be a huge shitstorm once the mechanics are actually out. Nerds will collide head on about how they imagined things to be based on words.

    Lastly, I will call bullshit on them saying they will stop ship sales when the game is out. They have to pay the bills. And if you look at their reddit the backers are even begging the devs not to sell skins and other cosmetic items. Talk about living in another reality.

    I know I am gonna get slammed by the hardcore backers in this thread but I don't care. It says a lot when you have people posting here with their pyramid scheme recruitment codes in their sigs.

    SC is a cult supporting an imaginary game with just plain bad mechanics. There will be much better games to play by the time it is out. Kudos to the execs though, they became millionaires and didn't even have to release the game for it.

  2. #4102
    Quote Originally Posted by Kekkiki View Post
    Sorry but this "game" blows. Overdue and pay to win. Good luck getting killed day 1 by people who bought massive ships for real money
    If you're killed, it's because you left the safe zones OF YOUR OWN VOLITION, or you picked a fight OF YOUR OWN VOLITION. In Star Citizen, no one's forcing you into PvP. If your ship was blown up by another player, you were responsible for making yourself vulnerable. Also, those "people who bought massive ships" aren't going to waste their time hunting down new players in their starter ships, and you can easily outrun them using the starter ship's superior maneuverability.

    Please research what your talking about before making such asinine claims.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kekkiki View Post
    SLastly, I will call bullshit on them saying they will stop ship sales when the game is out. They have to pay the bills. And if you look at their reddit the backers are even begging the devs not to sell skins and other cosmetic items. Talk about living in another reality.
    You're absolutely right Kekkiki; they have to pay the bills. Which why they said from day 1 that they were considering micro-transactions in the form of skins and cosmetics after the game releases. I have not seen any backers complaining about this decision on the forums like you claimed, though...

    Quote Originally Posted by Kekkiki View Post
    I know I am gonna get slammed by the hardcore backers in this thread but I don't care. It says a lot when you have people posting here with their pyramid scheme recruitment codes in their sigs.
    Recruit-a-friend programs are nothing new and it's been an accepted policy for the past decade. Unlike actual pyramid schemes though, your shown upfront what your getting into. I don't see a problem here: you made an informed choice if you signed up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kekkiki View Post
    SC is a cult supporting an imaginary game...
    "Imaginary" means that it doesn't exist. Star Citizen is a game that you can pay for, download, and play right now. By it's very nature, it exists, and therefore is not imaginary.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kekkiki View Post
    ...with just plain bad mechanics.
    Define "bad mechanics". Are they bad because they just don't suit your tastes? Or are they bad because you think an experienced game designer who has been making games for over thirty years and pioneered the space simulator genre doesn't know what he's doing? There's a reason why he's been sharing his ideas with the community on the blogs for the past five years - he wanted community feedback. And he received said feedback, and changed his plans accordingly. The game wouldn't have raised $150 million unless people were satisfied with what he proposed.

    There will be much better games to play by the time it is out.[/QUOTE]

    As with all art, games are subjective. If YOU think there are - in your eyes - "better games" out there by the time SC releases, that's absolutely fine. Ofcourse, your wording was highly ambiguous; "better games" could refer to any time of game, not just space sims comparable to SC.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kekkiki View Post
    Kudos to the execs though, they became millionaires and didn't even have to release the game for it.
    1. Are you seriously implying that it's somehow 'wrong' for artists to make a living off making a game that is supported by many?

    2. The game is already released. It's out there, it's available, right now, ready to play. Now, whether or not YOU want to buy it in it's current state right now - that's all up to you. If YOU don't like it in it's current iteration, then guess what? That's (gasps) okay! No one is forcing YOU to buy a game you don't want! In the mean time, the devs will continue to work on improving the game.

  3. #4103
    Over 9000! zealo's Avatar
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    Being P2W so far is just an unfortunate side effect of not really being a full game yet but an alpha testing bed for mechanics limited in scope.

    A starter 1 seat freighter ship shaped like a brick in aerodynamics should not reasonably be able to kill purposed designed fighters reliably, but since the progression that'll eventually come into play with acquiring ships and improvements for these without opening your real world wallet yet not being in the game, that's what you get.

  4. #4104
    The Lightbringer DesoPL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odeezee View Post
    out of curiosity, how long would you wait for a game like Star Citizen and Squadron 42 (since you said "still" waiting like it has taken an inordinate amount of time) and why do you think it takes guts to support Star Citizen and Squadron 42?

    i trimmed down version of the pullout:

    But i didin't mean anything bad, not at all. I just admitted that players waiting for Squardron 42 or Star Citizen are pantient waiting such long time. And i admit, i am jealous of that pantience.

  5. #4105
    Bloodsail Admiral Odeezee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DesoPL View Post
    But i didin't mean anything bad, not at all. I just admitted that players waiting for Squardron 42 or Star Citizen are pantient waiting such long time. And i admit, i am jealous of that pantience.
    but that is what i am asking. is it really a long time considering it is an MMO and single-player game that are pushing the boundaries that could change gaming for the next decade? it's only been 4.5 years
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  6. #4106
    Quote Originally Posted by Valyrian the Moofia Boss View Post
    If you're killed, it's because you left the safe zones OF YOUR OWN VOLITION, or you picked a fight OF YOUR OWN VOLITION. In Star Citizen, no one's forcing you into PvP. If your ship was blown up by another player, you were responsible for making yourself vulnerable. Also, those "people who bought massive ships" aren't going to waste their time hunting down new players in their starter ships, and you can easily outrun them using the starter ship's superior maneuverability.

    Please research what your talking about before making such asinine claims.

    You're absolutely right Kekkiki; they have to pay the bills. Which why they said from day 1 that they were considering micro-transactions in the form of skins and cosmetics after the game releases. I have not seen any backers complaining about this decision on the forums like you claimed, though...

    Recruit-a-friend programs are nothing new and it's been an accepted policy for the past decade. Unlike actual pyramid schemes though, your shown upfront what your getting into. I don't see a problem here: you made an informed choice if you signed up.

    "Imaginary" means that it doesn't exist. Star Citizen is a game that you can pay for, download, and play right now. By it's very nature, it exists, and therefore is not imaginary.

    Define "bad mechanics". Are they bad because they just don't suit your tastes? Or are they bad because you think an experienced game designer who has been making games for over thirty years and pioneered the space simulator genre doesn't know what he's doing? There's a reason why he's been sharing his ideas with the community on the blogs for the past five years - he wanted community feedback. And he received said feedback, and changed his plans accordingly. The game wouldn't have raised $150 million unless people were satisfied with what he proposed.

    There will be much better games to play by the time it is out.
    As with all art, games are subjective. If YOU think there are - in your eyes - "better games" out there by the time SC releases, that's absolutely fine. Ofcourse, your wording was highly ambiguous; "better games" could refer to any time of game, not just space sims comparable to SC.

    1. Are you seriously implying that it's somehow 'wrong' for artists to make a living off making a game that is supported by many?

    2. The game is already released. It's out there, it's available, right now, ready to play. Now, whether or not YOU want to buy it in it's current state right now - that's all up to you. If YOU don't like it in it's current iteration, then guess what? That's (gasps) okay! No one is forcing YOU to buy a game you don't want! In the mean time, the devs will continue to work on improving the game.[/QUOTE]

    Is it feature complete? No? Then it's in alpha. Alpha =/= release

  7. #4107
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karon View Post
    Is it feature complete? No? Then it's in alpha. Alpha =/= release
    The assumption that they're pocketing large percentages of the money is a bit asinine. All of that falls into the category of "no one knows exactly how CIG financials work", but considering that they are making a game on a potentially lacking (either by bad planning or spending, or both *cough* a bit of both has already happened), I'm pretty sure that they're aware that they need to keep as much of the money earned for the project IN the project. So honestly, it doesn't mean a damn thing what label is attached to the game, it is still a game, feature complete or not, although I do agree that Valyrian's use of the word 'released' is a bit heavy handed, although his point does still stand that there is a working form of the game that is released, albeit a WIP.

    Also: to people thinking that Chris Roberts didn't have money before SC....lol
    Last edited by masterhorus8; 2017-07-08 at 10:52 PM.

  8. #4108
    Quote Originally Posted by Kekkiki View Post
    Sorry but this "game" blows. Overdue and pay to win. Good luck getting killed day 1 by people who bought massive ships for real money.

    Also you can bet that there will be a huge shitstorm once the mechanics are actually out. Nerds will collide head on about how they imagined things to be based on words.

    Lastly, I will call bullshit on them saying they will stop ship sales when the game is out. They have to pay the bills. And if you look at their reddit the backers are even begging the devs not to sell skins and other cosmetic items. Talk about living in another reality.

    I know I am gonna get slammed by the hardcore backers in this thread but I don't care. It says a lot when you have people posting here with their pyramid scheme recruitment codes in their sigs.

    SC is a cult supporting an imaginary game with just plain bad mechanics. There will be much better games to play by the time it is out. Kudos to the execs though, they became millionaires and didn't even have to release the game for it.
    the game is far from overdue, if you actually realise the scope and detail of the game its very much on track for a 6-7 year release date, its currently at around year 5.

    Also all ships are able to be earnt ingame and these massive ships will require multiple people to even fly it, there is going to be a slider ingame so if you want to focus more on pve then you will have less likelyhood of encountering pvp players, also if your keeping an eye on things you will notice if a ship is coming near and can always jump away or do things in groups. It also doesnt matter how big of a ship your fighting against, if you have enough skill you should be able to match most odds, large ships have a big problem fighting smaller ships, if you have even tried playing the game at all hitting these ships requires a reasonable level of skill.

    There will most likely be an optional subscribtion and most likely cosmetic purchases, which is needed in almost every MMO type game as they will still need some income to keep the game developing and running everything.

    What bad mehcanics are you even referring too, this game is going for a space simulation type experience and there is still much to do before release, plus 3.0 is on the verge of being released so we are going to start testing out the planet tech which is a large step in the game coming together.
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  9. #4109
    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    The assumption that they're pocketing large percentages of the money is a bit asinine. All of that falls into the category of "no one knows exactly how CIG financials work", but considering that they are making a game on a potentially lacking (either by bad planning or spending, or both *cough* a bit of both has already happened), I'm pretty sure that they're aware that they need to keep as much of the money earned for the project IN the project. So honestly, it doesn't mean a damn thing what label is attached to the game, it is still a game, feature complete or not, although I do agree that Valyrian's use of the word 'released' is a bit heavy handed, although his point does still stand that there is a working form of the game that is released, albeit a WIP.

    Also: to people thinking that Chris Roberts wasn't a millionaire before SC....lol
    Actually, he wasn't. Chris hadn't been making games for over a decade. And he failed in Hollywood. Ascendant Pictures also got sued by Kevin Costner and Costner won. Chris wasn't rich. He had nothing but now he and his wife(that they tried to keep a secret) has everything. They got a new house, a personal cook and sent their kids off to great schools.

    Don't lie about Chris' historical financial situation when the reality was far different. But you guys selectively ignore Chris' failed movie and the company getting sued. Gee, I wonder why...

  10. #4110
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Majestic12 View Post
    Actually, he wasn't. Chris hadn't been making games for over a decade. And he failed in Hollywood. Ascendant Pictures also got sued by Kevin Costner and Costner won. Chris wasn't rich. He had nothing but now he and his wife(that they tried to keep a secret) has everything. They got a new house, a personal cook and sent their kids off to great schools.

    Don't lie about Chris' historical financial situation when the reality was far different. But you guys selectively ignore Chris' failed movie and the company getting sued. Gee, I wonder why...
    All-in-all, still doesn't change my previous statement, which I find amusing that you picked that part of my comment to make a grandiose complaint about. And you're technically wrong about. The lawsuit never finished and was settled. So, no, he didn't legally win because there was a settlement out of court. Who's lying now? Gee, I wonder why...

    Honestly, never mind. I really don't give a shit enough to bother conversing with you and your pitiful attitude towards this game.
    Last edited by masterhorus8; 2017-07-09 at 01:18 AM.

  11. #4111
    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    Oh no...something I didn't know about my lord and savior Chris Roberts?! What will I do?! Oh, I know, I'll make a fix to my statement and admit that I was wrong because I don't spend every iota of my being researching shit about people for something I really am not invested in....and not go around saying people are lying for being ignorant. At least I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong about something.

    All-in-all, still doesn't change my previous statement, which I find amusing that you picked that part of my comment to make a grandiose complaint about. And you're technically wrong about. The lawsuit never finished and was settled. So, no, he didn't legally win because there was a settlement out of court. Who's lying now? Gee, I wonder why...
    Doesn't matter when Ascendant Pictures paid Costner. Chris & co lost. You're just trying to spin it to fuel your fantasy that Chris is Hugh Hefner in terms of wealth.

    I'm glad I could help you see something new in Chris' past. If you like Wing Commander, you can watch the movie actually.
    Last edited by Majestic12; 2017-07-09 at 01:43 AM.

  12. #4112
    Quote Originally Posted by Majestic12 View Post
    Doesn't matter when Ascendant Pictures paid Costner. Chris & co lost. You're just trying to spin it to fuel your fantasy that Chris is Hugh Hefner in terms of wealth.
    the fact of the matter is that it wouldn't of effected his personal wealth at all, it's not like he founded the studio alone with only his only money, he would have not been mega rich but would of had enough to be comfortable from all the years helping develop games, and some of the films he produced made quite abit of money, he also sold his previous company which most likely made him a multimillionaire.

    From the available data taking in what the films cost and what it made at the box office the 16 films made by ascendant pictures took in 108 million, that includes total costs of each movie including what the ones that didnt make any profit.

    Compared to other movie companies it may of not been mega succesfull but if i was to make 108 million after what all the movies cost then i would be damn happy about my failure in the film industry, making a succesfull film is not easy by any means even for companies backed by the movie giants they sometimes make a loss.
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  13. #4113
    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    the fact of the matter is that it wouldn't of effected his personal wealth at all, it's not like he founded the studio alone with only his only money, he would have not been mega rich but would of had enough to be comfortable from all the years helping develop games, and some of the films he produced made quite abit of money.

    From the available data taking in what the films cost and what it made at the box office the 16 films made by ascendant pictures took in 108 million, that includes total costs of each movie including what the ones that didnt make any profit.

    Compared to other movie companies it may of not been mega succesfull but if i was to make 108 million after what all the movies cost then i would be damn happy about my failure in the film industry.
    Well, the point is that since the company lost money, Chris would have that much less money to become a millionaire from. I'm discrediting the fact that he in any way shape or form was a millionaire before SC which I believe is a SC backer myth that many use to feel more secure.

  14. #4114
    Quote Originally Posted by Majestic12 View Post
    Well, the point is that since the company lost money, Chris would have that much less money to become a millionaire from. I'm discrediting the fact that he in any way shape or form was a millionaire before SC which I believe is a SC backer myth that many use to feel more secure.
    even if they paid out the full 8 million which i doubt that would still leave over 100 million profit from the movies made, there is no data whetether he was or was not a millionaire, even now you can't say for 100% but after selling a company and then making 100 million plus its very likely he had a few million in the bank from that point before even starting the kickstarter.

    Unless your stupid or going 100% risk, then your not going to start a company without some money laying around to pay the bills and stuff if things dont go well. Im guessing but i would say after he finished with film he would be somewhere around 4-10 million mark, depending on how many people helped him fund his films and running costs of the studio for 5 years.

    But all in all it doesn't matter if he has 10 mill or 100k in the bank, SC has a good revenue to get finished with a high quality product it will just take time. Plus most guys that look like chris won't get a hot wife without a few mill in the bank.
    Last edited by kenn9530; 2017-07-09 at 02:12 AM.
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  15. #4115
    Bloodsail Admiral Odeezee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    why are you even wasting time arguing with that guy? he just argues from a place of ignorance and uses it as the basis of his narrative. he's not intellectually honest, so again i ask, why are you wasting your time?

    on topic. i really hope that the UI team and all the other teams with outstanding tasks make great strides this week so they can get the update out to the avocados and then out to us.
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  16. #4116
    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    even if they paid out the full 8 million which i doubt that would still leave over 100 million profit from the movies made, there is no data whetether he was or was not a millionaire, even now you can't say for 100% but after selling a company and then making 100 million plus its very likely he had a few million in the bank from that point before even starting the kickstarter.

    Unless your stupid or going 100% risk, then your not going to start a company without some money laying around to pay the bills and stuff if things dont go well. Im guessing but i would say after he finished with film he would be somewhere around 4-10 million mark, depending on how many people helped him fund his films and running costs of the studio for 5 years.

    But all in all it doesn't matter if he has 10 mill or 100k in the bank, SC has a good revenue to get finished with a high quality product it will just take time. Plus most guys that look like chris won't get a hot wife without a few mill in the bank.
    Sandi and Chris met when she was an intern at Ascendant Pictures Studio and well... let's just say she aimed high. The hot female intern went for the male boss. They've separated a few times in the past, but that could have been for any reason.

    The bottom line is that I believe CR was definitely not rich right before Star Citizen. I also believe his heart truly lies in Hollywood. He wanted to be the next George Lucas of sci-fi and take his successful Wing Commander franchise to the screens. When that failed, it took many years for him to try again. I think it's apparent that Chris never really gave up on his dream, which is good. He is a dreamer.

    At long last, now he is making his move back into Hollywood using his video game base. It explains all the focus on cinematic, motion capture and the A-list of expensive actors. Star Citizen is Chris' personal vengeance against Hollywood and the gaming industry because he doesn't answer to anybody this time(he's still salty about what happened with Freelancer). SC is just a tool for him to get that, he doesn't really care about the game, he just wants to be back in Hollywood making a name for himself.

    None of this is "wrong", I just think that Chris is the wrong person to lead Star Citizen. It should have been Erin Roberts all along.
    Last edited by Majestic12; 2017-07-09 at 05:19 AM.

  17. #4117
    Quote Originally Posted by Majestic12 View Post
    Sandi and Chris met when she was an intern at Ascendant Pictures Studio and well... let's just say she aimed high. The hot female intern went for the male boss. They've separated a few times in the past, but that could have been for any reason.

    The bottom line is that I believe CR was definitely not rich right before Star Citizen. I also believe his heart truly lies in Hollywood. He wanted to be the next George Lucas of sci-fi and take his successful Wing Commander franchise to the screens. When that failed, it took many years for him to try again. I think it's apparent that Chris never really gave up on his dream, which is good. He is a dreamer.

    At long last, now he is making his move back into Hollywood using his video game base. It explains all the focus on cinematic, motion capture and the A-list of expensive actors. Star Citizen is Chris' personal vengeance against Hollywood and the gaming industry because he doesn't answer to anybody this time(he's still salty about what happened with Freelancer). SC is just a tool for him to get that, he doesn't really care about the game, he just wants to be back in Hollywood making a name for himself.

    None of this is "wrong", I just think that Chris is the wrong person to lead Star Citizen. It should have been Erin Roberts all along.
    You should put those theories on a blog like a proper delusional theorist.

    Btw I think Chris Roberts is the perfect person to lead Star Citizen like it has been all along. I also think that Erin is the perfect sidekick. What now?

    But the main thing is that what you or me "think" is utterly irrelevant, wasting time on a forum explain it is just a waste of time like any other. Nothing will change, Chris Roberts will always be the CEO and main guy of Star Citizen and Squadron 42. Just try to not have delusional mental breakdowns on public forums. Sure, it makes for good comedy but at the same time is a sad waste of time for anyone involved.

  18. #4118
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrAnderson View Post
    You should put those theories on a blog like a proper delusional theorist.

    Btw I think Chris Roberts is the perfect person to lead Star Citizen like it has been all along. I also think that Erin is the perfect sidekick. What now?

    But the main thing is that what you or me "think" is utterly irrelevant, wasting time on a forum explain it is just a waste of time like any other. Nothing will change, Chris Roberts will always be the CEO and main guy of Star Citizen and Squadron 42. Just try to not have delusional mental breakdowns on public forums. Sure, it makes for good comedy but at the same time is a sad waste of time for anyone involved.
    No no no no. Your opinion is invalid because you support this game.

  19. #4119
    Quote Originally Posted by MrAnderson View Post
    You should put those theories on a blog like a proper delusional theorist.

    Btw I think Chris Roberts is the perfect person to lead Star Citizen like it has been all along. I also think that Erin is the perfect sidekick. What now?

    But the main thing is that what you or me "think" is utterly irrelevant, wasting time on a forum explain it is just a waste of time like any other. Nothing will change, Chris Roberts will always be the CEO and main guy of Star Citizen and Squadron 42. Just try to not have delusional mental breakdowns on public forums. Sure, it makes for good comedy but at the same time is a sad waste of time for anyone involved.
    When Star Citizen fails, I'll be sure to remember you MrAnderson. And you can count on that I'll shove it in your face.

  20. #4120
    Quote Originally Posted by Majestic12 View Post
    When Star Citizen fails, I'll be sure to remember you MrAnderson. And you can count on that I'll shove it in your face.
    And I'll be right here sitting comfortably playing Star Citizen while laughing at each delusional doom-preacher that pop's in the forums and comment sections for the last years.

    ELE incoming...90 day's top...Earth is Flat.

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