1. #4141
    Bloodsail Admiral Odeezee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatisha View Post
    Thanks guys, those sites really are better at keeping track of the schedule then the one from CIG. With those pretty bars even I can understand it know :-).
    you are welcome man, let me know if you have any other questions.

    - - - Updated - - -

    this is a really great Bugsmashers. CIG went all in on showing us how long it took them to tackle the issue and how their initial fix caused other bugs and eventually how they tried to minimize the bugs. you also get to see a procedural moon, Daymar i believe, and the cargo intereaction system!

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  2. #4142
    So, more delays. Chris Roberts was straight up bullshitting at Gamescom last year about 3.0 release date.

    Freelancer only got released when it did because Microsoft stepped in and stamped on Chris Roberts' 'ambitious vision' so the thing could actually be done. There's no Microsoft this time.

  3. #4143
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAmbient View Post
    So, more delays.
    This game is really good at being a waiting simulator, if nothing else. Maybe it's all a meta-experiment on investment and consumer patience? : P

  4. #4144
    What's the budget for this game at this point in time..?..


  5. #4145
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAmbient View Post
    So, more delays. Chris Roberts was straight up bullshitting at Gamescom last year about 3.0 release date.

    Freelancer only got released when it did because Microsoft stepped in and stamped on Chris Roberts' 'ambitious vision' so the thing could actually be done. There's no Microsoft this time.
    We've been over this before....

    Do NOT EVER listen to Chris Roberts and his "dates". He has NEVER been right, so why do you think what he said later would be right?

  6. #4146
    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    We've been over this before....

    Do NOT EVER listen to Chris Roberts and his "dates". He has NEVER been right, so why do you think what he said later would be right?
    If that's true then the pertinent question is why are people giving money to a known liar who can't deliver when he says he will?

  7. #4147
    Oh look, SC is not getting released. Totally did not see that coming. You guys keep on throwing money at him.

  8. #4148
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAmbient View Post
    If that's true then the pertinent question is why are people giving money to a known liar who can't deliver when he says he will?
    Because shit is still getting done and still at a better quality than the crap that got released like NMS or ME:A.

    It's not like this game is being developed behind closed doors. We can still see the progress.

  9. #4149
    Well, I hope all those donations weren't in vain. It would be nice to play the game before interstellar travel actually becomes the norm

  10. #4150
    Bloodsail Admiral Odeezee's Avatar
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    haha, the transparent hatred for this game is hilarious. if you think the game is taking too long, not going to be released as pitched or better, think the visionary and creator is a liar and not up to snuff, then why go to a thread about his game? i mean really, why put yourself and the rest of us through your angst?

    everyone complaining about the dev time for this title should come with some facts in-hand first. the scope of this game is the MOST ambitious in history, so they have to develop a lot of the tech to have everything run together; some games may have some of the tech in Star Citizen in their game, but name one with ALL the systems in SC at its scale or greater and at its level of fidelity or better, then you can have something to point to as a frame of reference. but guess what? there is none. so stop complaining about the game not being out yet. in the kickstarter and now currently in the games ToS they state that the ENTIRE point of going with crowd-funding was to ensure they could TAKE THEIR TIME and get it right, rather than get it done fast; as is the case with publisher funded projects. No one at CIG including CR had ever given a definitive date and they say until they actually give a specific date, not just a year or month, then you can consider that a delivery date, otherwise all dates announced are estimates and are subject to delay.

    supporting this game is not mandatory and with all these comments of "CR/CIG did blah blah and yet you guys are still throwing money at it" is really crazy logic to me, it's as though you are saying that if "you" do not like something related to the project, then the rest of us should follow suit and not support the project??!!! how does that work? and why are you so concerned about how other people spend their money? it's not your money so why do you care? or do you believe that you are their savior somehow and they cannot spend their own money wisely without your guidance? haha, the hubris is astounding.
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  11. #4151
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    For the people saying "it's been delayed again", do you understand the scale? It's a bit disingenuous to flat out say "it's delayed again" (in the context of patch 3.0).

    Every Friday(?), there's a schedule update. And every time it is updated, some stuff is finished, some stuff is added, some stuff is removed till next patch, and some stuff is delayed. Typically, they're adjusted by days at a time, with the occasional 1-2 weeks adjusted. And this schedule has NEVER been a hard set release date.

    This has always been on the schedule

    Note II is the key part of all of this. If you don't understand the difference between estimates and release dates, then please...edumacate yourself. And you can't just say "it's meaningless" for the disclaimer. It is there for a reason and you're only acting ignorant if you're hand waving it as "oh, they're just using it as an excuse". Odeezee went over it in his previous post (albeit with a bit more certainty in his claims that he probably should have), but his point still stands. And lastly, no one is forcing people to pay for this. If people are putting in money and can't handle the wait or put it in more than they really should've, then that's on them, not the company. All-in-all, it's their money, and their decision. Remember, some people actually pay for porn...
    Last edited by masterhorus8; 2017-07-13 at 10:19 PM.

  12. #4152
    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    Lol. Well said mate. Not surprised there are people going full on defence mode with the game. It's the norm these days. Seen it in other forums and I was expecting to see it here too.

    As I said my hype for this died ages ago.

    I mean if this game turns out to be good whenever it decides to release and stop being delayed maybe I'll give it a shot. But right now I have a game similar to this and I'm enjoying that personally.
    If your hype died ages ago the you are just one of those who cannot cope with the fact that we see the development from the start.
    SC just reached 5 years, its a big single player game's dev time. If it were to be a publusher funded game we would probably only hear about it this summer in a teaser.

  13. #4153
    Quote Originally Posted by Malibutomi View Post
    If your hype died ages ago the you are just one of those who cannot cope with the fact that we see the development from the start.
    SC just reached 5 years, its a big single player game's dev time. If it were to be a publusher funded game we would probably only hear about it this summer in a teaser.
    If that was what they said to begin with then you would have a point. Remember when the game was supposed to be RELEASED in 2014? Yeah people have every right to be jaded, especially the ones that (for some reason) paid hundreds of dollars for this. I'm surprised there is any excitement at all around star citizen, it feels like the only reason people are still around defending it is because they don't want to think they wasted the last 3 years being strung along.
    Quote Originally Posted by True Anarch View Post
    Never claimed I was a genuis.
    Quote Originally Posted by Furitrix View Post
    I don't give a fuck if cops act shitty towards people, never have.

  14. #4154
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Post View Post
    If that was what they said to begin with then you would have a point. Remember when the game was supposed to be RELEASED in 2014? Yeah people have every right to be jaded, especially the ones that (for some reason) paid hundreds of dollars for this. I'm surprised there is any excitement at all around star citizen, it feels like the only reason people are still around defending it is because they don't want to think they wasted the last 3 years being strung along.
    You're acting like a majority of the people bought in before that date, when in reality, more than half of the people joined AFTER 2014. source

    Last edited by masterhorus8; 2017-07-14 at 12:25 AM.

  15. #4155
    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    You're acting like a majority of the people bought in before that date, when in reality, more than half of the people joined AFTER 2014.
    That's an interesting graph, but it doesn't really change much.
    Quote Originally Posted by True Anarch View Post
    Never claimed I was a genuis.
    Quote Originally Posted by Furitrix View Post
    I don't give a fuck if cops act shitty towards people, never have.

  16. #4156
    Bloodsail Admiral Odeezee's Avatar
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    ok, i am just going to leave this here...

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  17. #4157
    Quote Originally Posted by Odeezee View Post
    ok, i am just going to leave this here...

    --snipped vid--
    I admittedly didn't watch the whole thing, but skimming through this seems to be a 30 minute video about how amazing some random piece of ambiance in a video game is. It brings to mind a certain super realistic dog preview that's still a meme to this day.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    Nah nah, see... I live by one simple creed: You might catch more flies with honey, but to catch honeys you gotta be fly.

  18. #4158
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syrene View Post
    Oh look, SC is not getting released. Totally did not see that coming. You guys keep on throwing money at him.
    I threw some money at the game 3 years ago and I still don't care that it isn't done. I have enough shit to play as it is.

  19. #4159
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rennadrel View Post
    I threw some money at the game 3 years ago and I still don't care that it isn't done. I have enough shit to play as it is.


  20. #4160
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    Cool. Can you guarantee every other player who's thrown money at the game and is still waiting feels the same way?
    No, and why would I? I'm not them. Hell, I've told more people to wait for eventual release than to buy now. I haven't touched the game itself in over a year, just watching stuff grow from the sidelines. But I'm still here to answer peoples' questions about the game instead of doomsay and piss on the other people that are still here.

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