1. #4161
    Quote Originally Posted by Malibutomi View Post
    If your hype died ages ago the you are just one of those who cannot cope with the fact that we see the development from the start.
    SC just reached 5 years, its a big single player game's dev time. If it were to be a publusher funded game we would probably only hear about it this summer in a teaser.
    The original release date was in 2014, however. It's hard to fault people from getting a bit disillusioned now that we're mid 2017 and completion is nowhere in sight. Yeah, progress is being made and all, but the pace is pretty slow all things considered. And I assume many people joined post 2014, but it doesn't change the fact that it had a long and, if a quarter of the shit being throw around the 'net is right, pretty rocky development, and even alpha releases keep getting delayed too.

    No Man's Sky also probably made some people more skeptical. Yeah, the context isn't the same, but the basic idea of a (potentially) overpromising and under delivering space sim remains the same.

  2. #4162
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    God forbid people are critical of the game right?
    God forbid people are interested in the game right?

  3. #4163
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    Where did I ever say there was anything wrong with people who are interested? You are really grasping at straws here.

    I was more referring to people who go out of their way to defend a game and ignore all of it's flaws. I've seen it in other game forums/threads and I see it in this one.
    And you're grasping at the same straws of me. Not once did I ever say people couldn't be critical. But they need to understand the process behind it all. WHY are things happening the way they are. You can go back and see me complain about stuff about this project.

    Overall though, I'm mainly referring to those that are part of the FUD campaign that sit in their cesspools ignoring any of the progress and building upon lies to try and hurt to development of the game, and to a lesser extent, the ones that mock anyone who's interested (you can go back and find more of those).

  4. #4164
    Bloodsail Admiral Odeezee's Avatar
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    my favorite bits from today's AtV are:

    i also loved the character testimonials at the end, but that should be watches and heard rather than just watched, imo.
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  5. #4165
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAmbient View Post
    So, more delays. Chris Roberts was straight up bullshitting at Gamescom last year about 3.0 release date.

    Freelancer only got released when it did because Microsoft stepped in and stamped on Chris Roberts' 'ambitious vision' so the thing could actually be done. There's no Microsoft this time.
    So much this.

    At this rate, the game will never be actually finished. I don't think a lot of backers want to see this(obvious reasons) but I see more and more people waking up as time goes by.

    The turning point came by last year's anniversary stream when the whole reddit was on fire. Chris then came with his message in an attempt to calm people down, but it was already too late. A lot of people had already done a "Screw this, I'll be back in 6 months" and signed off. You could really feel the anger from the community and it still stirs in the volcano.

    If Star Citizen doesn't release, everyone knows that all the blame goes on Chris. He should never have been the lead for this project. Part of it, sure, dreamers are good to have around. But you can't teach old dogs new tricks. He is doing the same mistakes he did in Freelancer and nobody dares to challenge him. His wife isn't going to. His brother won't either. They have personal connections that basically prevents them from doing anything about it. Dealing with Chris isn't even on the map, It's a shame.

    If Chris goes down, SC will go down with him. That as much is clear.
    Last edited by Majestic12; 2017-07-14 at 10:57 AM.

  6. #4166
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    Cool. Can you guarantee every other player who's thrown money at the game and is still waiting feels the same way?
    I don't give a damn about other people's feelings on this game, personally. When it's ready, I'll be ready.

  7. #4167
    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    And I agree. But the game has been delayed multiple times. I don't blame people if they are slightly annoyed at this point.
    i have put more money into the game already than most of the people thats moaning about a game which would take around 7 years to be ready, its in year 5 now and even at the kickstarter stage if you knew chris you knew he was a dreamer and not to pay attention to dates because he gets over excited.

    the company only got up and running in 2013 and it took a while before it was at a reasonably strength to start bashing out whats needed for the game.

    Fact is this game is taking so long because of the level of detail going into every aspect and it will be ready when its ready, most likely end of 2019/early 2020 when we are to see at least beta stage where the game is pretty much complete.
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  9. #4169
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    Introducing the Tumbril

    - - - Updated - - -

    New AtV is up: Kiosks

    Courtesy of Mr-Hasgaha on Reddit

    love the details in the animations.
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  10. #4170
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    just discovered these from CIG

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  11. #4171
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Look at those fancy jpegs of a tech demo.

  12. #4172
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    Those pictures while they look nice are still not interesting. I care about the gameplay more than fancy graphics.

    Game could look as pretty as it wants and can still play like hot garbage.
    i don't understand. am i supposed to only post pictures of gameplay? are art assets not required for the gameplay you seek? there are gameplay mechanics that currently exist and more that will come in the future (game still in active development and all), so your statements are really confusing. i mean it's rather premature to judge the "perceived" lack of mechanics in the game when they are still in the alpha-phase of development, making the very mechanics you are after. smh.
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  13. #4173
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    And again. You can post all the pretty pictures you want. Game could still end up playing like a mess.

    And read my post. I said can. Not that it will. I said it CAN end up being bad gameplay wise. Not that it WILL be.

    And again no. I want to see actual gameplay. Not some pretty pictures of some random vehicles. To me Gameplay>Graphics. Those images mean nothing to me. Videos of actual gameplay do.

    If you really think art assets of vehicles is something to be in awe about then I guess we have different concepts of it.
    wtf are you even talking about? i am not here to meet your expectations of content YOU want to see. i am here to shareANY Star Citizen related content and discuss the game. i mean who are you even arguing with? who said that art assets are more important than gameplay mechanics for your comment to even be necessary? if you do not like the pics, then do not participate and are you just going to gloss over the potential gameplay that the pictures show, aka exploration on planetary bodies? or is that a mechanic you are not going to be interested in? i don't even understand the logic of your position, haha. smh.

    anyway, back on topic, new sneak peak of a moonside multiplayer performance test! ​oh and Eleccybubb, there are no game mechanics in the video to save you the trouble.
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  14. #4174
    Quote Originally Posted by Odeezee View Post
    wtf are you even talking about? i am not here to meet your expectations of content YOU want to see. i am here to shareANY Star Citizen related content and discuss the game. i mean who are you even arguing with? who said that art assets are more important than gameplay mechanics for your comment to even be necessary? if you do not like the pics, then do not participate and are you just going to gloss over the potential gameplay that the pictures show, aka exploration on planetary bodies? or is that a mechanic you are not going to be interested in? i don't even understand the logic of your position, haha. smh.
    Nice meltdown.

  15. #4175
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1001 View Post
    Nice meltdown.
    Nice contribution.

    Regardless of his enthusiasm, he is right. At the moment, he's posting pictures. Other times, he's posted the weekly videos that shows the mechanic updates. He is just showing what pops up and thinks is cool to share.

  16. #4176
    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    Nice contribution.

    Regardless of his enthusiasm, he is right. At the moment, he's posting pictures. Other times, he's posted the weekly videos that shows the mechanic updates. He is just showing what pops up and thinks is cool to share.
    It's not his enthusiasm I was pointing to, it was his complete over-reaction to some guy saying gameplay > graphics. He could've easily got the point across without being a gommo about it.

  17. #4177
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    I want to see gameplay videos. Not some random images of whatever you believe is cool.

    Again if you think 2 pictures of vehicles is awe inspiring or something to be enthusiastic about then we have different concepts of both. Stop pretending those recent images give any feeling of "planetary exploration" either. That's just grasping at straws to defend the game.

    But it seems Star Citizen can do no wrong to you right? God forbid I want to see some actual gameplay rather than a picture of 2 vehicles or some damn facial animations.

    Your pictures again tell me one thing about the game so far. That it looks pretty. Nice to see you calling me out personally though when I say I want to see gameplay rather than images. Shows you don't really have an argument here.

    If you don't understand that I'm simply asking to see some gameplay videos then not much I can do I guess. Surely even in this stage there are some right?
    you do realize that you are the one who has no argument, right? i post many gameplay videos, if you want to take a look at those they are there, just because i post screenshots does not invalidate gameplay videos or vice versa. THIS is why i called you out, you are literally arguing with yourself. NO ONE said that gameplay is not important so you even bringing it up was irrelevant. every AtV showcases some form of gameplay mechanics and i post those, so why complain? meh, nevermind you just want something to gripe about because the current 2.6.3 alpha test build has gameplay mechanics in it and you do not even acknowledge that, but w/e do you. smh.
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  18. #4178
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    Then show me the mechanics.

    Facial animations and pictures of 2 vehicles do not interest me. Nor do they give any insight into mechanics. Yes I'm sure that guy making those weird animations is a vital part of the game.

    But thank you for proving my point. You vehemently defended the game just because I wanted to see some gameplay. And then went on a tirade after I said gameplay>graphics. I won't bother replying to you because I've been down this road in another forum before and it's not worth the time or effort.
    I'll start with the top of this page with his GIFs from 2 weeks ago.

    Those two GIFs of the derelict ships shows what you could find and interact with in the universe. And to a potential extent, what might happen with your own ships when they blow up. We do know that you're supposed to be able to salvage ships when you destroy them.

    Onto the pictures of the new ground based vehicle. These show that there are ground based vehicles, and IIRC, will be specific reasons to use a buggy over a flying vehicle for the planetside activities. Although he didn't post them, there is an anti-aircraft version of one of those buggies too, so you can even use it to defend from hostiles buzzing around your place.

    As for the kiosks, that is actually flat-out a game mechanic system. It'll be used as part of the shopping/economy system. It'll be used to purchase/manage items from shops or your own items/ships that you own among a few other things mentioned about halfway through the video.

    But lastly, do remember. This thread isn't just for people that already follow the project. It's also for new people to see and understand what they might see in the game with a quick glimpse.

    EDIT: Not to mention, some/a lot of peopel do care about the graphics. "Fidelity" is one of the selling points of this game.
    Last edited by masterhorus8; 2017-07-27 at 04:54 PM.

  19. #4179
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    Thank you. See had there been some information to go along with the pictures I would have had a better understanding.

    On the derelict ships thing at least you say "to an extent". Meaning there is no confirmation. The key word in all this is supposed on the salvage thing since a development process can change obviously.

    And again on the ground based vehicles. Some explanation would have helped me better understand it. My point is a picture explains nothing without a description and some information.

    And I still maintain I wouldn't mind seeing some full on gameplay videos. As I said imo Gameplay>Graphics. Both are important but I think gameplay just inches it out.

    I mean images of stuff is nice and all but surely there has to be some Pre Alpha gameplay? Surely the game is in a somewhat playable state now? And no I don't mean ready to launch.

    And I agree this thread isn't just for those people who are following. But surely you agree someone looking at those images would still want some context? New player or existing?
    Yeah, some descriptions of why these things are being worked on and what they mean would be cool. But at this point, without it, it stirred up discussion, albeit effectively as clickbait. So I guess it did its job?

  20. #4180
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    I don't think it did since it created confusion more than discussion. Creating confusion isn't the best way to discussion. Thankfully you cleared it all up.

    I mean putting "this is so and so from this site" on an image just causes confusion. A brief description like "this is one of the ground vehicles you will use on the planets" takes no time to type at all.
    dude wtf are you talking about? how does an image create confusion? the very image that you claim was somehow confusing actually describes exactly what you wanted me to add, as an image in itself; it is a ground vehicle you can use on planets because guess what? it's a ground vehicle being used by a player/npc on a planetary body. wow...and don't act like you were just asking a question and needed some clarification, you straight up dissed the picture as you thought that it did not hold any gameplay value, which of course, unless your eyes were closed, it did. smh.
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