You don't have a clue at all, currently all you can buy is stock ships and weapons and at launch you won't even be able to do that, there is a limit on ingame currency you can buy and its not much, there will be loads of ways to earn more than enough credits ingame, all real money in doing is saving you time so you can focus on other things. You can currently buy 25k uec each day and only hold 150k currently, the game has to make money from as many avenues as possible but still its not pay to win, you also don't even have a clue how the game will play properly at launch, i can even see them putting in a reputation system so you couldnt even use the ship until the appropriate lvl and the insurance spawn timers on these massive ships may even be days before you can spawn another.
If your flying a large ship your going to be a large target for players to group up and destroy, your acting like these ships will be indestructable when in reality smaller ships will be able to out manouver the turrets and do lots of damage or even destroy your massive ship even with it fully manned. These large ships have many blindspots you can take full advatage of.
And who the hell cares anyway if people have spent loads of money for nice ships, the whole game is not centered around every man for themselves pvp, there will be many places you can safely pve to your hearts content, and if you do encounter people wanting to blow you up you can just make a run for it, we will have to see when the games in a more complete state to know for sure the gameplay aspects in the PU.
Proper pirate gameplay will have an essential need to either get a bribe from that player not to board or destroy them if you have managed to disable them or to board and steal the cargo or even steal the whole ship itself, there will be little to no rewards for just blowing random ships up for no reason. Logically there is more reason to keep them alive so they can fill up the cargo hold again and you can try steal even more cargo.