1. #4981
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    You guys are wondering why you are being called haters. Well it's because you have literally squashed any discussion about this game that is positive. You attack anyone who posts anything good about the game.

    Seriously the past 50+ pages is nothing but you guys replying to anyone and everyone telling how bad everything about the game is...

    Dont bother even replying to me. I'm just going to ignore them. I'm done with this thread. You win.

  2. #4982
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    You guys are wondering why you are being called haters. Well it's because you have literally squashed any discussion about this game that is positive. You attack anyone who posts anything good about the game.

    Seriously the past 50+ pages is nothing but you guys replying to anyone and everyone telling how bad everything about the game is...

    Dont bother even replying to me. I'm just going to ignore them. I'm done with this thread. You win.
    Haha i already have them on ignore.
    After debatin for pages, and they just spin and spinthe same shit again i gave up. They are on ignore, they can spin their tires in the hate bog, i don't care anymore

    I can but pity people whospend precious time to argue about something they don't like. I don't like tuned Hondas with fart cans, so I don't go import tuner forums to tell them how bad they are lol.

  3. #4983
    Quote Originally Posted by Orange Joe View Post
    You guys are wondering why you are being called haters. Well it's because you have literally squashed any discussion about this game that is positive. You attack anyone who posts anything good about the game.
    The issue with this point is that noone has posted much positive about this game. At least..not that I've seen.

    What have we had that could be "positive"?
    Just CC17 with its city fly through....and which CR says we aren't going to be doing, followed by a dev confirming it's essentially cosmetic...never mind that the demo appears to be little more than a scripted run through of an environment that isn't using 3.0.

    No mission loops. No gameplay. No content. Just a fly by. CIG didn't even take us inside the station so it may as well have been a shell.

    Before that? It was GC17 with its even more scripted even more on rails demo and the buggy of doom. The release of 3.0 to the Evocati and its seemingly never ending attempt to outdo StarshipTroopers with its fight against the bugs.

    There has to some positive news first for the people here to "squash" as you put it...and while there have been plenty of "updates", none of them have really contained nay useful information or good news. These videos that the "most open" development are producing are telling us little or nothing.

    You want good news. And there has been none.
    Last edited by KyrtF; 2017-11-15 at 07:55 PM.

  4. #4984
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malibutomi View Post
    Haha i already have them on ignore.
    After debatin for pages, and they just spin and spinthe same shit again i gave up. They are on ignore, they can spin their tires in the hate bog, i don't care anymore

    I can but pity people whospend precious time to argue about something they don't like. I don't like tuned Hondas with fart cans, so I don't go import tuner forums to tell them how bad they are lol.
    To be fair, rice rockets still don't have any testicles under the hood, that's why I think people are retards for trying to make them sound like a real muscle car. Which is dumb because a fricking new Mustang will cost the same as what they are putting into 10+ year old cars and will last even longer, and still have stock V6 engines.

    But yeah, same old same old repetitive crap from these people, it's boring, it's old and unoriginal, kinda like an EA game! These clowns must all worship Derek Smart.

  5. #4985
    So CIG again did a 90+ player server stress test.
    Looks promising. Ofc some idiots (and you know who) try to spin it as doomandgloom because of low FPS.
    Seems they don't know what a stress test is.

  6. #4986
    Quote Originally Posted by Malibutomi View Post
    So CIG again did a 90+ player server stress test.
    Looks promising. Ofc some idiots (and you know who) try to spin it as doomandgloom because of low FPS.
    Seems they don't know what a stress test is.
    Something you do in Beta to ensure the servers and network can stand the load of a full play session.

    Why CIG are bothering to stress test a game that is in pre-Alpha, with server code that hasn't started development and with netcode that is due to be replaced, without allowing the players to actually stress the game by actually "playing" it escapes me.

    Well...it doesn't. It's a marketing exercise but it isn't going to do anything to further development of the game.

  7. #4987
    90 people they can probably do internally, esp with the size of their studio.
    Normally you stress test in beta because you can't get a few thousand people internally.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  8. #4988
    Personally I was very much looking forward to this game when first announced. With all the delays the excitement though, the excitement is getting less and less every day. I am worried that is being vaporware right now that it will end up, with so much anticipation around it that it can never live up to the hype, and become yet another Duke Nukem Forever or Daikatana.

  9. #4989
    Quote Originally Posted by Malibutomi View Post
    So CIG again did a 90+ player server stress test.
    Looks promising. Ofc some idiots (and you know who) try to spin it as doomandgloom because of low FPS.
    Seems they don't know what a stress test is.
    What exactly is it that looks "promising"? The fact that when you look at other people your FPS drops to 3? That you have to look at empty space to get decent framerate?

    Nice strawman, by the way.

  10. #4990
    Quote Originally Posted by Majestic12 View Post
    What exactly is it that looks "promising"? The fact that when you look at other people your FPS drops to 3? That you have to look at empty space to get decent framerate?

    Nice strawman, by the way.
    It's steps forward showing improvements, even if they're small (they'd had smaller numbers earlier, no?). Stress tests aren't supposed to be super stable, that's kinda by design.

  11. #4991
    Quote Originally Posted by Malibutomi View Post
    So CIG again did a 90+ player server stress test. Looks promising.
    90 players could be a stress test for a single-player game like Skyrim, in 2012.
    But it is an MMO and it is 2018.

  12. #4992
    Quote Originally Posted by Myobi View Post
    Regardless of being a market strategy or not, I really don’t see the problem with it…

    Isn’t it what people often want in crowdfunded projects? To be able to take part and watch how the bloody thing evolves and whatnot? Lag, FPS issues, crazy ass bugs are also to be expected, don’t see the surprise there either… as long as that’s gone when/if the games gets released.
    The problem is preAlpha is the wrong time to be doing this. CIG are spending so much time and effort polishing assets that will need to be reworked in a couple of years that the rest of the game is being delayed. Bughunts, polish, asset creation and more is not something CIG should be doing. Focussing on getting their engine finished is what they should be doing. What is the point, for example, of stress testing a netcode that is due to be replaced? This is only wasting time and money on what is ultimately a pointless exercise.
    Last edited by KyrtF; 2017-11-17 at 04:14 AM.

  13. #4993
    Quote Originally Posted by MrAnderson View Post
    My initial interest in this game back in 2012 was to help make a game neglected by the industry usual's. Since one of the genre defining father's, Chris Roberts was having a go at it I choose to back it. My interest in SC nowadays is as strong as ever, seeing this "dream" game come to life bit by bit thanks to the staggering support of gamers from around the world is not only a blessing for the gaming world but a continuous slap in the face of the diehard haters and doubters that are feasting their throats with crow-pie.
    For someone who claims to have never played any CR games much less known about the man, to immediately calling him a "genre defining father" is such an amazing leap of faith, it's almost cult-like.
    When we looked at the relics of the precursors, we saw the height civilization can attain.
    When we looked at their ruins, we marked the danger of that height.
    - Keeper Annals

  14. #4994
    Quote Originally Posted by corebit View Post
    For someone who claims to have never played any CR games much less known about the man, to immediately calling him a "genre defining father" is such an amazing leap of faith, it's almost cult-like.
    he is just a paid CIG shill, i think its pretty obvious. but he is fun, i laugh every time i read his posts.

  15. #4995
    Bloodsail Admiral Odeezee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myobi View Post
    “attack” o.O; C’mon dude, both “sides” *cough* have been doing that the entire thread…
    haha, gotta love that false equivocation, smh.

    Anyway, back on topic news from the past week that i came across that those interested in the game may be interested in.

    Pretty Good Gaming's Citizencon impressions:

    Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy:

    the Latest AtV showcasing Procedural City building tech and Burndown:

    Evocati 93 Player Stress Test Video Play
    "Cherish the quiet...before my STORM!"

    For a $5/5000 in-game credit bonus for backing
    Star Citizen (MMO) or Squadron 42 (Single Player/Co-op) use my Referral code: STAR-3QDY-SZBG
    Star Citizen Video Playlist

  16. #4996
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    90 people they can probably do internally, esp with the size of their studio.
    Normally you stress test in beta because you can't get a few thousand people internally.
    Given that they are working on the server mesh, they need to know how to implement the servers step in step out, so they need to know what 1 server can or cannot do. Hence they need to do stress testing to workfrom the data.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Majestic12 View Post
    What exactly is it that looks "promising"? The fact that when you look at other people your FPS drops to 3? That you have to look at empty space to get decent framerate?

    Nice strawman, by the way.
    Well this is exactly what i mean be "try to spin it as doomandgloom" mate...thanks for being a good example of it.
    The sole purpos of stress testing is to bring the server to it's knees..complaining about FPS in this scenario shows total lack of understanding and/or immense amount of ignorance.

  17. #4997
    Quote Originally Posted by Malibutomi View Post
    Given that they are working on the server mesh, they need to know how to implement the servers step in step out, so they need to know what 1 server can or cannot do. Hence they need to do stress testing to workfrom the data.
    This would be the same server mesh system a developer admitted just a couple of weeks back hadn't even started development?

    Stress tests are usually done at the end of the Beta period because the idea is to see how the servers and network will fare.

    The server code COG will be using hasn't started development
    The netcode in 3.0 is due to be replaced
    The Evocati aren't allowed to "play" the game...instead they are just following a set of instructions. CIG could get the same results ftom a set of bots.

    Well this is exactly what i mean be "try to spin it as doomandgloom" mate...thanks for being a good example of it.
    The sole purpos of stress testing is to bring the server to it's knees..complaining about FPS in this scenario shows total lack of understanding and/or immense amount of ignorance.
    The problem being that its falling to its knees with just 90 people

  18. #4998
    Quote Originally Posted by Malibutomi View Post
    Given that they are working on the server mesh, they need to know how to implement the servers step in step out, so they need to know what 1 server can or cannot do. Hence they need to do stress testing to workfrom the data.
    My point isn't so much about 'why are they testing this' but mostly 'why are they using the public for this when they easily have the numbers to test this internally'.

    And the answer is "a marketing move to draw attention away from issues".
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  19. #4999
    Quote Originally Posted by Malibutomi View Post
    Given that they are working on the server mesh, they need to know how to implement the servers step in step out, so they need to know what 1 server can or cannot do. Hence they need to do stress testing to workfrom the data.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Well this is exactly what i mean be "try to spin it as doomandgloom" mate...thanks for being a good example of it.
    The sole purpos of stress testing is to bring the server to it's knees..complaining about FPS in this scenario shows total lack of understanding and/or immense amount of ignorance.
    They're not bringing the server to its kees though, they're bringing the clients to their knees.
    I can agree that it's a step forward, but nothing about the current results is surprising, groundbreaking or even promising.

  20. #5000
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    My point isn't so much about 'why are they testing this' but mostly 'why are they using the public for this when they easily have the numbers to test this internally'.

    And the answer is "a marketing move to draw attention away from issues".
    Well first of all i don't think they have 90 QA people alltogether, secondly it wasn't about putting 90 but as much players in one spot as possible...means if it would be possible all evocatis could have been there, but the server crashed above 90 something.

    That's the whole point of the Evocati, to have a bigger group because their QA team is small.

    Yes they could get 150 mixed employees together once or twice but not constantly.

    Also they using the Evocati for a long time so the marketing move theory is simply dumb imho.

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