Kay, first of all, what exactly do you consider “p2w”? Because in my books, anything that allows you get in-game advantage over other players by spending real life cash, if you can buy ships, plot, weapons, upgrades, game credit than it is pay-2-win, regardless of how big that advantage may be, I believe this is also the commonly accepted definition of it.
Now, you are claiming that “this” and “that” will get reset by the time the games get’s released, I would love the source of this information, because I went through the damn FAQ (Link:
https://robertsspaceindustries.com/f...-earth-credits) and it all points towards the opposite, but if that’s indeed the case, as I already mentioned, is even just fucking worse… they are charging people for something that they won’t even get even if the game gets released.
Still regardless if it gets indeed a reset or not, selling limited amounts of credits per week/month it is something that I believe they already announced, it will keep happening even after this supposed reset, therefore I really don’t get your point here…
Also, let’s be honest here… none of us as bloody clue how good those fucking things will be, but judging by some of their price tags, I have my fucking doubts that they will just be basic tier shit.