1. #5381
    Squadron 42 Coil tech:

  2. #5382
    Quote Originally Posted by Malibutomi View Post
    Squadron 42 Coil tech:
    Problem I have with these videos is same like I have with this one.

    It looks awesome AF..all their tech demos do, yet, most of them are years old and game is still boring s**tfest. I really hope this game can be, one day, something spectacular, but at this point, I really doubt that.

    SC has some awesome engineers, but whoever is behind the driving wheel has very little idea what to do.

  3. #5383
    Quote Originally Posted by ManiaCCC View Post
    Problem I have with these videos is same like I have with this one.

    It looks awesome AF..all their tech demos do, yet, most of them are years old and game is still boring s**tfest. I really hope this game can be, one day, something spectacular, but at this point, I really doubt that.

    SC has some awesome engineers, but whoever is behind the driving wheel has very little idea what to do.
    You are confusing Squadron 42 and Star Citizen.
    Nevertheless you are surprised a gem is boring before the content is added?

  4. #5384
    Quote Originally Posted by Malibutomi View Post
    You are confusing Squadron 42 and Star Citizen.
    Nevertheless you are surprised a gem is boring before the content is added?
    After jesus patches (called by community) 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and jesus patch called by Chris Roberts itself 3.0 (which was supposed to be about real showcase of some simple gameloops and hooks, solar system playable, according his words, the polished experience (that's why it was delayed so long - his words), which would be welcoming new players and of course 5-6 years of development (i know, according SC community real development will start just tomorrow, because plumber has to repair something in their office etc. but it is bs), I was expecting something more, yes and I think everyone was.

    And no, I am not confusing anything.

  5. #5385
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManiaCCC View Post
    After jesus patches (called by community) 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and jesus patch called by Chris Roberts itself 3.0 (which was supposed to be about real showcase of some simple gameloops and hooks, solar system playable, according his words, the polished experience (that's why it was delayed so long - his words), which would be welcoming new players and of course 5-6 years of development (i know, according SC community real development will start just tomorrow, because plumber has to repair something in their office etc. but it is bs), I was expecting something more, yes and I think everyone was.

    And no, I am not confusing anything.
    Not everyone was expecting gameplay mechanics that weren't mentioned to be in 3.0. That was your expectations.

    EDIT: The foundation for the originally planned professions were mostly put in, but barely gameplay mechanics for them. Actually, what was initially listed for gameplay is mostly there, just very basic, just like what it was listed as.
    Last edited by masterhorus8; 2018-01-27 at 06:55 PM.

  6. #5386
    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    Not everyone was expecting gameplay mechanics that weren't mentioned to be in 3.0. That was your expectations.

    EDIT: The foundation for the originally planned professions were mostly put in, but barely gameplay mechanics for them. Actually, what was initially listed for gameplay is mostly there, just very basic, just like what it was listed as.
    I was expecting this

    What we got is either missing or barebones. Look, I understand it is Alpha and game is in development, but it is in development for some quite time and same things are repeating again and again. Overpromising and underdelivering after huge delays. And even what is released is in pretty bad shape (performance, bugs, crashes). I was buying whole "it is alpha" for quite a long time but after whole 3.0 realization, that something is not exactly how it should be in development just struck in.

    I am still watching their tech demo presentations, but I have to wonder, if any of these things will ever exist in some game worth calling "game". Let's see.

  7. #5387
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManiaCCC View Post
    I was expecting this

    What we got is either missing or barebones. Look, I understand it is Alpha and game is in development, but it is in development for some quite time and same things are repeating again and again. Overpromising and underdelivering after huge delays. And even what is released is in pretty bad shape (performance, bugs, crashes). I was buying whole "it is alpha" for quite a long time but after whole 3.0 realization, that something is not exactly how it should be in development just struck in.

    I am still watching their tech demo presentations, but I have to wonder, if any of these things will ever exist in some game worth calling "game". Let's see.
    Content != Gameplay (mechanics). I did not mention content because I would be lying if I said we weren't supposed to get that. The basic professions we did indeed get. We already had basic bounty hunting from early 2.X. With the addition of cargo, the basic mechanics for the rest were added.

  8. #5388
    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    Content != Gameplay (mechanics). I did not mention content because I would be lying if I said we weren't supposed to get that. The basic professions we did indeed get. We already had basic bounty hunting from early 2.X. With the addition of cargo, the basic mechanics for the rest were added.
    What Professions are in? Serious question. Because I think only what is really playable is Cargo Transport and maybe Piracy/Bounty Hunting if I close my eyes. Is Mercenary in the game? Trading wont be in the game for very long time I guess. They would need working economy and market in a first place. (unless capability of "selling" things is "trading" for them)

  9. #5389
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManiaCCC View Post
    What Professions are in? Serious question. Because I think only what is really playable is Cargo Transport and maybe Piracy/Bounty Hunting if I close my eyes. Is Mercenary in the game? Trading wont be in the game for very long time I guess. They would need working economy and market in a first place. (unless capability of "selling" things is "trading" for them)
    As I said in what you quoted, Bounty Hunting has literally been in the game for more than half of a year, with Piracy being more viable now that cargo can be stolen (pretty sure taking stuff doesn't add to crime rating yet, just blowing up ships and killing people, so no bounty hunting off of that).

    Because cargo exists, you can take it and give it to other players by having them physically take it and sell it for themself, as trading. So trading exists in as its rawest form. You can also steal the cargo and ships for piracy.

    Mercenary in its rawest form would be someone giving you cargo (since I don't think aUEC can be traded from player to player yet?). Just because there isn't a lot of UI for it yet doesn't mean it's not there. You're lacking the eye for what a sandbox game can do.

    But I do agree, a more functional economy is needed to make any of this efficient in any sense of the word, but it is there.

  10. #5390
    Quote Originally Posted by ManiaCCC View Post
    What Professions are in? Serious question. Because I think only what is really playable is Cargo Transport and maybe Piracy/Bounty Hunting if I close my eyes. Is Mercenary in the game? Trading wont be in the game for very long time I guess. They would need working economy and market in a first place. (unless capability of "selling" things is "trading" for them)
    I personally was looking forward to mining. 4.0, the Orion(the mining ship I had) and mining was supposed to be playable the December that just passed us. That shows you how much behind they are and how much crap they talk during presentations etc. 3.3 won't barely be out even this upcoming year and 4.0 was planned for release last year? Hah.

  11. #5391
    Quote Originally Posted by ManiaCCC View Post
    After jesus patches (called by community) 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and jesus patch called by Chris Roberts itself 3.0 (which was supposed to be about real showcase of some simple gameloops and hooks, solar system playable, according his words, the polished experience (that's why it was delayed so long - his words), which would be welcoming new players and of course 5-6 years of development (i know, according SC community real development will start just tomorrow, because plumber has to repair something in their office etc. but it is bs), I was expecting something more, yes and I think everyone was.

    And no, I am not confusing anything.
    Well start with this..you answered a SQ42 video stating the game is boring. Noone played SQ42 yet so i assumed you are confusing it with SC..if that's not the case you either a time traveller, or you imagining things.

    Then: Noone called 2.4 2.5 2.6 Jesus patch...only the most idiotic haters called 3.0 that. everyone with a working brain knows 2.4 2.5 2.6 were small patches.
    Just for your information, 3.0 is much much more polished than 2.0 was. 2.0 was crashing every 10 mins when it was released, in 3.0 i had like 2 or 3 crashes since PTU wave 1.
    Last edited by Malibutomi; 2018-01-28 at 08:26 PM.

  12. #5392
    Quote Originally Posted by Malibutomi View Post
    Well start with this..you answered a SQ42 video stating the game is boring. Noone played SQ42 yet so i assumed you are confusing it with SC..if that's not the case you either a time traveller, or you imagining things.

    Then: Noone called 2.4 2.5 2.6 Jesus patch...only the most idiotic haters called 3.0 that. everyone with a working brain knows 2.4 2.5 2.6 were small patches.
    Just for your information, 3.0 is much much more polished than 2.0 was. 2.0 was crashing every 10 mins when it was released, in 3.0 i had like 2 or 3 crashes since PTU wave 1.
    That's just false, Mali. Plenty of backers were calling 2.6 and 3.0 jesus patches. If you outright say nobody did it, you're being intellectually dishonest.

    The entire "wait for 2.6" and "wait for 3.0" post history displays this perfectly.

  13. #5393
    I don't remember backers literally calling it the "Jesus" patch but they sure said things like networking will be fixed in the next patch, this feature or that feature was coming in the next patch and that's when the game would become a real game and shut up all the haters etc. People started calling them jesus patches as a piss take because the more ardent fans were always on about the second coming of feature X,Y or Z and how it would restore faith.

  14. #5394
    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    Content != Gameplay (mechanics). I did not mention content because I would be lying if I said we weren't supposed to get that. The basic professions we did indeed get. We already had basic bounty hunting from early 2.X. With the addition of cargo, the basic mechanics for the rest were added.
    The game lacks the promised content.

    And the professions...such as they are....come under the heading of how to describe space combat. Professions...even basic barebones professions...require an ingame structure to support that profession before they actually be a profession and SC doesn't have that yet.

    We likely won't have this in game for at least another year.

  15. #5395
    To anyone reading here and thinking about buying this game; wait until you see Squadron 42 release.
    SC may look fun but there are lots of bugs. Same bugs that they didn't fix for years.
    For example: You will die lots of times while EVAing to your ship because they focus on designing new ships but they don't use their resources to fix old ships.
    You don't get any advantage for buying this game early anymore.
    Better wait and see.

  16. #5396
    Quote Originally Posted by sabe View Post
    To anyone reading here and thinking about buying this game; wait until you see Squadron 42 release.
    SC may look fun but there are lots of bugs. Same bugs that they didn't fix for years.
    For example: You will die lots of times while EVAing to your ship because they focus on designing new ships but they don't use their resources to fix old ships.
    You don't get any advantage for buying this game early anymore.
    Better wait and see.
    I have no clue about Star Citizen except what you read on occasion, but I was under the impression there isn't even a release date? To me, it looks like the biggest crowdfunding scam ever. Tbh I doubt the game will ever release.

  17. #5397
    Quote Originally Posted by Cracked View Post
    I have no clue about Star Citizen except what you read on occasion, but I was under the impression there isn't even a release date? To me, it looks like the biggest crowdfunding scam ever. Tbh I doubt the game will ever release.
    Can't say it is a scam. There is so much they did but there is so many promises they couldn't deliver in time.
    I like many other have no suspicion that it will take years before any release.
    This is why i am telling people to wait for SQ42 release. If they finish SQ42, since its a single player game using same assets with SC, we can say SC release is not far.

  18. #5398
    Quote Originally Posted by Cracked View Post
    I have no clue about Star Citizen except what you read on occasion, but I was under the impression there isn't even a release date? To me, it looks like the biggest crowdfunding scam ever. Tbh I doubt the game will ever release.
    It's not a scam per se, but they have made some questionable decisions which make you wonder if the game will ever get out for sure.

    Firstly, they have stated that they will stop selling ships for real money once the game launches which at the moment is their biggest income by far.
    Secondly, people have already bought the game(s). We are just being slowly given what is owed.
    Thirdly, backers (especially whales) are still willing to practically throw money at the game.

    Basically, they have no incentive to ever release especially if they'll lose their main income. This is like the biggest preorder debacle ever; nobody knows when we'll get it or what we'll even get. This is on year 7 into development (if you trust Chris Roberts' own words during the Kickstarter). Even if we're kind and say they've been developing it for 5 years, it's still very worrying.

    Personally I think as long as people throw money at the screen, CIG will never release the game. And if people stop giving them money they'll either:

    1. Release whatever they have (which will be unfinished).
    2. Flat out crumble.

    Whichever way it goes it simply isn't good. I've tried to convince other backers that we need to hold CIG's feet to the fire a bit more, but there's a huge core following of the game that values "faith" over anything else. Let's see what happens.

  19. #5399
    The latest video is basically 95% talking about the game and 5% showing it.

  20. #5400
    Quote Originally Posted by Drakain View Post
    The latest video is basically 95% talking about the game and 5% showing it.
    Aren´t most videos in their YT channel just that? Anyway, ST community should be gratefull that there is such transparency with the studio... unlike TaleWorlds with Bannerlord, there you see the difference when there is pre-money from the custumer and when not, christ.

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