1. #6101
    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    Anything else said is speculation. 90 days, tops!
    These videos are basically PR. What he says there may be true, it may be a painted picture or it may be a lie.

    It was the point of the roadmap to begin with, to have a solid plan of what's going to be added in which quarter. I'd understand that they can't pin something to the week that it's going to be added. Though it's been said a million times, it's a failure of management to do this constant goal shuffling. I can't fault the assets teams too much, what they advertise, they often deliver. But the engineering teams have been struggling hardcore.

  2. #6102
    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    Timestamp: 49:42

    Anything else said is speculation. 90 days, tops!
    Ok, that reads really strange.
    They didn't update the roadmap because it wasn't accurate and he recently sat down with everyone to get it in an accurate state?

    Because it looks like he is saying they are 'winging it' on their entire production.
    They should have had an internal roadmap that has been frequently updated to remain accurate for the last 7 years.
    Not tried to make one around the coffee table 2 weeks ago. Thats utterly insane for a project of this size.

    Actually.... it would explain so much.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  3. #6103
    Banned Beazy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    Ok, that reads really strange.
    They didn't update the roadmap because it wasn't accurate and he recently sat down with everyone to get it in an accurate state?

    Because it looks like he is saying they are 'winging it' on their entire production.
    They should have had an internal roadmap that has been frequently updated to remain accurate for the last 7 years.
    Not tried to make one around the coffee table 2 weeks ago. Thats utterly insane for a project of this size.

    Actually.... it would explain so much.
    Well that explains this entire shit show.

  4. #6104
    Now that the court wants to move forward with 5 out of 7 claims I just want to highlight the "Slam dunk knockout" that immediately surfaced with the SC supporters:

    Quote Originally Posted by Malibutomi View Post
    On other news, CIG answered to the Crytek claims, which seems a knockout combined with a kick in the balls so far.

    Here's all the documents: https://drive.google.com/drive/folde...gd-hF-I5XoCQta

    Here's Leonard French's take on it:

    CIG attached the whole contract, basically it debunk 99% of Crytek's claims. It states the license is for SC and SQ42 , and nowhere it states CIG cannot use any other game engine.
    The court basically made all of you, including French and others, look like fools. You'll take anything that CIG claims as fact without even considering the other side. "Debunk 99% of Crytek's claims" yeah right Mali.

    Slam dunk is now officially a meme.

  5. #6105
    Bloodsail Admiral Odeezee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    To elaborate, since Majestic is doing what he complains about Odeezee does and just post stuff without explaining
    huh? i post what without explaining? explaining images or videos? if that's a complaint of his then it's dumb af!

    Really short but nice updates packed in this new AtV:

    I mainly love the Hurston savanna biome stuff:


    and the Misc variant updates:


    Love this image of a Reclaimer coming out of Quantum Travel:

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  6. #6106
    Squadron 42 story and CIG's carrot dangling in front of the backers for years:

  7. #6107
    Quote Originally Posted by Majestic12 View Post
    Squadron 42 story and CIG's carrot dangling in front of the backers for years:
    Yeah thats a good recap of events to show what there is so much criticism of this game and why there is no faith at all in their ability to release a product.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  8. #6108
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    Yeah thats a good recap of events to show what there is so much criticism of this game and why there is no faith at all in their ability to release a product.
    The way I see it they have until recession hits to get something out. Once the economy turns to shit for 1.5-2 years again, they will have a hard time keeping the lights on.

  9. #6109
    Titan Yunru's Avatar
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    The new *Star Citizen* update is looking great.

    I am being sarcastic here. This game will come out sooner and stole the spotlight pretty bad, as people are starving for a good space game. I tried so many personaly and a lot of them were just mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
    Don't sweat the details!!!

  10. #6110
    i guess X4 wont have multiplayer, so it is huge no for me.. i played their other games x rebith etc. they were really good tho

  11. #6111
    Bloodsail Admiral Odeezee's Avatar
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    Gamescom 2018 Free-Fly began yesterday and here are the links you can use to get yourself started:

    Gamescom 2018 Free-Fly

    Gamescom 2018 Free-Fly Getting Started, What To Know

    600i at dawn over Daymar:

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  12. #6112
    Cyberpunk 2077 looks awesome and is another definite blow to Star Citizen. It started pre-production in 2012 and had 50 people working on the game until 2016. Sounds familiar?

    One game will soon release, other game can't even get basic mechanics done. If Cyberpunk releases and SQ42 is still nowhere to be seen, expect drama of massive proportions. It's time to do or die for CIG, otherwise they'll soon be overshadowed.

  13. #6113
    Quote Originally Posted by Majestic12 View Post
    Cyberpunk 2077 looks awesome and is another definite blow to Star Citizen. It started pre-production in 2012 and had 50 people working on the game until 2016. Sounds familiar?

    One game will soon release, other game can't even get basic mechanics done. If Cyberpunk releases and SQ42 is still nowhere to be seen, expect drama of massive proportions. It's time to do or die for CIG, otherwise they'll soon be overshadowed.
    "But they were all seasoned videogame veterans, CIG had to learn everything from scratch"

  14. #6114
    Quote Originally Posted by Majestic12 View Post
    Cyberpunk 2077 looks awesome and is another definite blow to Star Citizen.
    Yes it does look incredibly awesome but how a single player RPG is a definite blow to a Space Sim MMO is beyond me. If you had said it would be a killing blow to Bioware then I would have agreed.

    It started pre-production in 2012 and had 50 people working on the game until 2016. Sounds familiar?
    Nope, the other game had 12 people working on it in 2012. Cyberpunk 2077 has 900 devs working on it now, a little less than double that of Star Citizen and SQ42. So no, doesn't sound familiar. One of those game devs had proper state of the art studios ready to go with trained employees already familiar with their proven tool chain pipeline(an almost unspeakably huge advantage) and carrying the momentum of just finishing a succesful game, the other had a backroom office and some dreams.

    One game will soon release,
    Cyberpunk 2077 is almost certainly not releasing soon and won't be for years. CD Project Red have said that they would like to see it released in 2019 but with that lack of confidence it doesn't seem likely.

    other game can't even get basic mechanics done.
    Are we talking about Star Citizen or SQ42? Neither of those games feature "basic mechanics".

    If Cyberpunk releases and SQ42 is still nowhere to be seen, expect drama of massive proportions. It's time to do or die for CIG, otherwise they'll soon be overshadowed.
    Yes, your mates over on the ED forums will be writhing on the floor dribbling out the mouth and having fits. Cyberpunk 2077 is no competition for Star Citizen and as for SQ42 single player games don't really compete with each other unless they come out during the same release window. Most people are lucky to even spend two weeks with a single player game before moving onto something else. I have no doubt that Cyberpunk 2077 will be an incredible success and agree that there are questions marks hanging above SQ42 but comparing the two is nonsensical. Single player game success is extremely reliant on intense marketing hype concentrated around release while multiplayer games have the benefit of being able to grow due to on-going development and word of mouth. 99.9999999999999% of potential customers of both games couldn't give two sh*ts about armchair expert impressions of the internal workings of two different game companies so no there will be no drama of massive proportions. Sorry to disappoint.
    Last edited by CogsNCocks; 2018-08-29 at 04:12 AM.

  15. #6115
    Mechagnome Sezerek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CogsNCocks View Post
    Cyberpunk 2077 has 900 devs working on it now, a little less than double that of Star Citizen and SQ42.
    Thats strange cuz on the Wiki it said the following "The development of Cyberpunk 2077 reportedly reached a milestone in late 2017, and in March 2018, a new studio was opened in Wrocław to aid the production. That July, nearly 350 employees were developing it," ...thats not even close to the 900 you pulled out of your ass

    *interview about the dev number: https://wccftech.com/cyberpunk-2077-development/

  16. #6116
    Quote Originally Posted by Sezerek View Post
    Thats strange cuz on the Wiki it said the following "The development of Cyberpunk 2077 reportedly reached a milestone in late 2017, and in March 2018, a new studio was opened in Wrocław to aid the production. That July, nearly 350 employees were developing it," ...thats not even close to the 900 you pulled out of your ass

    *interview about the dev number: https://wccftech.com/cyberpunk-2077-development/
    I didn't pull it out of my ass it came from Reddit that turned out to be incorrect as I just confirmed for myself.



    That will teach me for just going by the headline.

  17. #6117
    Bloodsail Admiral Odeezee's Avatar
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  18. #6118
    Quote Originally Posted by Myobi View Post
    I wonder what else you have been saying around here just going by the headlines though =P
    Really, you jump on someone who freely admits they made a mistake? You weren't socialised well as a child were you?

  19. #6119
    Quote Originally Posted by Myobi View Post
    That’s just pure gold coming from someone who spends the time getting infracted/banned around this thread for “jumping” on people that he simply disagrees with… c’mon now, no need to get touchy mate.
    I wasn't socialised well as a child.

  20. #6120
    Quote Originally Posted by CogsNCocks View Post
    Cyberpunk 2077 has 900 devs working on it now, a little less than double that of Star Citizen and SQ42.
    No wonder Star Citizen supporters are so delusional. They're willing to believe everything on just random hearsay.
    Modern gaming apologist: I once tasted diarrhea so shit is fine.

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