1. #6121
    Bloodsail Admiral Odeezee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iseeyou View Post
    Holy damn. Thats a skin ! Best 2018 concept for me.

    So if i decide to melt my 600i it ll be for a Void bomber or this beauty.
    well it's just a skin for that particular ship, i doubt they will do any cross chassis skinning, unless they are going to implement "chop-shop" like gameplay, though you will be able to spoof your signatures to resemble different ships, but that's not a visual change.

    for anyone who wants to get the skin, even without the purchase of the Starrunner ship for their account, follow these instructions for it:

    STARRUNNER ALTERNATE SKIN ACQUISITION! hurry though, before the event ends.

    Quote Originally Posted by CogsNCocks View Post
    Really, you jump on someone who freely admits they made a mistake? You weren't socialised well as a child were you?
    do not expect any honesty, introspection and civility from people who argue disingenuously and propagate misinformation, try to impose their own views on others, tell others how to spend their own money and willfully mislead people to meet their rather strange agenda. they do not want to speak in facts, they just want to feel good by tearing other people and what they enjoy down, all because they themselves do not enjoy it. i find it rather perplexing that gamers are advocating for fewer games to be made and for games to fail. /shrug. anyway, i acknowledge your correction and apology.
    Last edited by Odeezee; 2018-08-30 at 09:21 PM.
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  2. #6122
    Quote Originally Posted by Odeezee View Post
    do not expect any honesty, introspection and civility from people who argue disingenuously and propagate misinformation, try to impose their own views on others, tell others how to spend their own money and willfully mislead people to meet their rather strange agenda. they do not want to speak in facts, they just want to feel good by tearing other people and what they enjoy down, all because they themselves do not enjoy it. i find it rather perplexing that gamers are advocating for fewer games to be made and for games to fail. /shrug. anyway, i acknowledge your correction and apology.
    Thanks matey, much appreciated

  3. #6123
    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post

    But yeah dude. SC community is a bunch of toxic hypocrites. This is known.
    The entire million+ of them? Actually as someone who has interacted with hundreds, if not thousands of members of the SC community both in-game and out, I'm just going to come out and say no you're wrong so very, very wrong. The SC community is by far the best I've ever dealt with by a country mile out of any large gaming community period.

  4. #6124
    Hahaha, now the backers or anyone interested in this has to pay an additional $20 to watch the Citizencon stream.....you know, the con where they show the backers how the project's going. You want an update? Pay up. https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comme...zencon_online/
    4/12/292277026596 15:30:08

  5. #6125
    Chris really is desperate for money. Charging us, as backers, to watch CitizenCon. How scummy is this shit? Lmao.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by CogsNCocks View Post
    Yes it does look incredibly awesome but how a single player RPG is a definite blow to a Space Sim MMO is beyond me. If you had said it would be a killing blow to Bioware then I would have agreed.

    Nope, the other game had 12 people working on it in 2012. Cyberpunk 2077 has 900 devs working on it now, a little less than double that of Star Citizen and SQ42. So no, doesn't sound familiar. One of those game devs had proper state of the art studios ready to go with trained employees already familiar with their proven tool chain pipeline(an almost unspeakably huge advantage) and carrying the momentum of just finishing a succesful game, the other had a backroom office and some dreams.

    Cyberpunk 2077 is almost certainly not releasing soon and won't be for years. CD Project Red have said that they would like to see it released in 2019 but with that lack of confidence it doesn't seem likely.

    Are we talking about Star Citizen or SQ42? Neither of those games feature "basic mechanics".

    Yes, your mates over on the ED forums will be writhing on the floor dribbling out the mouth and having fits. Cyberpunk 2077 is no competition for Star Citizen and as for SQ42 single player games don't really compete with each other unless they come out during the same release window. Most people are lucky to even spend two weeks with a single player game before moving onto something else. I have no doubt that Cyberpunk 2077 will be an incredible success and agree that there are questions marks hanging above SQ42 but comparing the two is nonsensical. Single player game success is extremely reliant on intense marketing hype concentrated around release while multiplayer games have the benefit of being able to grow due to on-going development and word of mouth. 99.9999999999999% of potential customers of both games couldn't give two sh*ts about armchair expert impressions of the internal workings of two different game companies so no there will be no drama of massive proportions. Sorry to disappoint.
    I appreciate your effort to respond. That said, I think it's reasonable to state that Cyberpunk will set the bar of a single player experience really high for SQ42. CIG has had that long to make their game too with A-list actors on top of it. All eyes are on CIG right now.

    I won't respond to the 900-employee stuff due to others already having done so. I will say that with the facts on the table, it still seems that not only has Cyberpunk had less devs full time and less time in development but also surpassed CIG on every level.

    Cyberpunk has until now been the go-to meme of "You don't complain about Cyberpunk but you do of SC/SQ42 and they've both been in development since 2012". Now that we've seen gameplay of Cyberpunk and have the facts on the table, it immediately seems to have shifted to "I wish we had that in SC". That says quite a bit about CIG's "success".

    Let's see what CIG can cook up for CitizenCon. The pressure is on. That said, not even sure I will watch it this year of CIG actually will charge for it. So let's wait and see.

  6. #6126
    From the outside looking in reading all about the latest hustle is fucking riveting. Surely the rubes who put in thousands can't just be going "t-trust me in ten years i will lock into my vr chamber and live the life of a sky pirate forever free, i'll leave you all behind!" forever right? there has to be some point where this snakeoil show has to have them go "okay. i've been scammed" right?

  7. #6127
    Quote Originally Posted by Majestic12 View Post
    Chris really is desperate for money. Charging us, as backers, to watch CitizenCon. How scummy is this shit? Lmao.

    Let's see what CIG can cook up for CitizenCon. The pressure is on. That said, not even sure I will watch it this year of CIG actually will charge for it. So let's wait and see.
    The live opening and closing keynote by Chris Roberts is free for account holders, which is what most people care about anyway. I think there's some motivation this year to avoid Twitch because of the idiots in chat. Keynotes will be uploaded to Youtube the same day. Only the live dev panels cost money for non-subscribers/non-concierge and they will be uploaded to Youtube shortly afterwards anyway. The community meltdown is rather comical though. Another PR disaster.

    As for Cyberpunk 2077, I think CD Project Red are showing up the entire gaming industry to be honest. Very impressive stuff if that vertical slice ends up actually reflecting the finished product. The world building, character animation, and story telling appear to be top-notch as expected although I thought the FPS gameplay looks inferior to the likes of Rage 2 or the new Doom game and the graphics are going to suffer hard because consoles, the lighting looked rather flat in places and the inevitable downgrades are yet to come if they are expecting it run on Xbox One and PS4.

    And for the Cyberpunk 2077 vs Star Citizen development debacle I still think you're underestimating the advantage of being able to start making your game with a inhouse engine and full suite of proven development tools and staff trained to use them compared to just a off the shelf engine that wasn't fit for purpose(no engine was) and very little staff at all.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Roshar View Post
    Hahaha, now the backers or anyone interested in this has to pay an additional $20 to watch the Citizencon stream.....you know, the con where they show the backers how the project's going. You want an update? Pay up. https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comme...zencon_online/
    No to watch the keynotes it's free for account holders, only watching the dev panels live cost money and they will be uploaded to Youtube later anyway.
    Last edited by CogsNCocks; 2018-08-31 at 10:41 AM.

  8. #6128
    Why would it be a scam for them to have mismanaged the money and just came up short on finishing the project, if that does indeed happen? Plenty of crowdfunded projects have had that happen. Yeah, this would be the most spectacular one by miles in that case, but still doesn't mean it would be a scam. I hope they at least have an "exit plan" where they release SQ42 and any additional sales revenues beyond the backers copies would be used to finish the MMO if it comes to that.

  9. #6129
    Quote Originally Posted by dope_danny View Post
    From the outside looking in reading all about the latest hustle is fucking riveting. Surely the rubes who put in thousands can't just be going "t-trust me in ten years i will lock into my vr chamber and live the life of a sky pirate forever free, i'll leave you all behind!" forever right? there has to be some point where this snakeoil show has to have them go "okay. i've been scammed" right?
    Put down the joint man, that stuff will rot your brain.

  10. #6130
    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    Yeah. I'd feel bad for the backers but they knew the shitfest they were getting into when backing this.
    How would they know it's a shitfest before they backed, and why is it a shitfest exactly?

  11. #6131
    Quote Originally Posted by CogsNCocks View Post
    The live opening and closing keynote by Chris Roberts is free for account holders, which is what most people care about anyway. I think there's some motivation this year to avoid Twitch because of the idiots in chat. Keynotes will be uploaded to Youtube the same day. Only the live dev panels cost money for non-subscribers/non-concierge and they will be uploaded to Youtube shortly afterwards anyway. The community meltdown is rather comical though. Another PR disaster.

    As for Cyberpunk 2077, I think CD Project Red are showing up the entire gaming industry to be honest. Very impressive stuff if that vertical slice ends up actually reflecting the finished product. The world building, character animation, and story telling appear to be top-notch as expected although I thought the FPS gameplay looks inferior to the likes of Rage 2 or the new Doom game and the graphics are going to suffer hard because consoles, the lighting looked rather flat in places and the inevitable downgrades are yet to come if they are expecting it run on Xbox One and PS4.

    And for the Cyberpunk 2077 vs Star Citizen development debacle I still think you're underestimating the advantage of being able to start making your game with a inhouse engine and full suite of proven development tools and staff trained to use them compared to just a off the shelf engine that wasn't fit for purpose(no engine was) and very little staff at all.

    - - - Updated - - -

    No to watch the keynotes it's free for account holders, only watching the dev panels live cost money and they will be uploaded to Youtube later anyway.
    Why is the keynote the important part?
    Chris has been repeatedly proven to be lying to peoples faces about the state of the game and the development.
    His word isn't worth the paper its written on at this point.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  12. #6132
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    But yeah dude. SC community is a bunch of toxic hypocrites. This is known.
    Cause people like you have been such a ray of sunshine in this thread. Right????

  13. #6133
    Banned Orange Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post

    I'm so sunny I cause forest fires....

    Wait what.

    Anywho you know me. I'm full on critical. Call it bashing if you want to as you are fully entitled to your opinion but I would say it's been fair given the state of the game.

    Can't really say much more than that. However credit where it's due least you are honest with your opinions. I like people who don't sugar coat.
    I think we have been through this before. I Don't really have a problem with people disliking a game and letting others know that. Just gets annoying to see the same arguments over and over. You are pretty much posting exactly what you were posting 1-2 years ago.

    And of course you are free to do that, not saying you aren't. Just some times It annoys me to the point i have to say something.

    Nor am I trying to say anything bad about you. While we disagree about this game there are many things we have agreed on before.

  14. #6134
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    Why is the keynote the important part?
    Because it's when they show the good stuff they have been working on. The keynote is scheduled to run for about two hours according to the schedule so they must have a decent amount of stuff to show off. Last year they showed off the very impressive Arccorp planet city demo. Around the same time as Citizencon Star Citizen will be recieving 3.3 PTU the biggest update it's ever had which will include the planet Hurston so I'm sure they will be talking about that as well and it's something alot of people are very excited about. The update 3.3 will also be when the new object container streaming and network bind culling make their long awaited debut. This is the tech that will enable the game to support huge planets, capital ships and help the game run at a acceptable frame rate.

    We haven't seen much of hurston yet, just a few tid bits.

    Concept art of the city of Lorville on Hurston.

    Some building assets for Lorville

    Weather effects on Hurston.
    Last edited by CogsNCocks; 2018-08-31 at 01:10 PM.

  15. #6135
    Quote Originally Posted by CogsNCocks View Post
    Because it's when they show the good stuff they have been working on. The keynote is scheduled to run for about two hours according to the schedule so they must have a decent amount of stuff to show off. Last year they showed off the very impressive Arccorp planet city demo. Around the same time as Citizencon Star Citizen will be recieving 3.3 PTU the biggest update it's ever had which will include the planet Hurston so I'm sure they will be talking about that as well and it's something alot of people are very excited about. The update 3.3 will also be when the new object container streaming and network bind culling make their long awaited debut. This is the tech that will enable the game to support huge planets, capital ships and help the game run at a acceptable frame rate.

    We haven't seen much of hurston yet, just a few tid bits.

    Concept art of the city of Lorville on Hurston.

    Some building assets for Lorville

    Weather effects on Hurston.
    After the game has been in development this long, I don't care about them showing off or talking about anything but a release date. All this work and all this stuff is cool, but ultimately doesn't mean anything until they actually release it rather than taking people's money to put on impressive (and expensive) tech demos.

    This thread alone has been open for 6 years, and all we're still getting from them are screenshots, tech demos and more empty promises after they've failed to meet their own due dates several times. They need to put up or shut up and release a GAME already. Use some of that hoard of cash they're getting to hire a legitimate project manager and game director and get a product out the door.

  16. #6136
    6 years dev time and still getting concept art and tech demos

  17. #6137
    Quote Originally Posted by Katchii View Post
    After the game has been in development this long, I don't care about them showing off or talking about anything but a release date. All this work and all this stuff is cool, but ultimately doesn't mean anything until they actually release it rather than taking people's money to put on impressive (and expensive) tech demos.

    This thread alone has been open for 6 years, and all we're still getting from them are screenshots, tech demos and more empty promises after they've failed to meet their own due dates several times. They need to put up or shut up and release a GAME already. Use some of that hoard of cash they're getting to hire a legitimate project manager and game director and get a product out the door.
    The planet/city featured in the screenshots is being released in October. In fact everything listed under 3.3 should be coming in October. There will be more stuff coming than shown as well.

    Btw are you a backer?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    As I said it's funny how a team of less people can pump out AAA games with less money yet these guys can't even stick to a schedule and pump out an Alpha.
    LOL? There's been an alpha released since the beginning of the year.
    Last edited by CogsNCocks; 2018-08-31 at 03:28 PM.

  18. #6138
    Quote Originally Posted by CogsNCocks View Post
    The planet/city featured in the screenshots is being released in October. In fact everything listed under 3.3 should be coming in October. There will be more stuff coming than shown as well.

    Btw are you a backer?

    - - - Updated - - -

    LOL? There's been an alpha released since the beginning of the year.
    Your point? I'm glad they're starting to actually hit milestones, but again, until that milestone is a shipping date for the game I don't care. This game has been in development longer than most other AAA titles and has received equivalent (or better) funding. There are a few exceptions that had inordinately long development times as well. So them finally hitting milestones is really not inspiring, because every other video game developer has been doing that successfully for years, it's kind of part of the job of developing a game. So, good for them that they're finally starting to do their job correctly, I guess. If this had been stereotypical project, the company funding it would have cut the project after they failed to hit several milestones and given it to someone else who was more competent to actually get shit done AGES ago, but no, uber fanboi backers just keep throwing money at them for shiny tech demos.

    I am absolutely NOT a backer for this. Why would I give money to a project that isn't delivering an actual product? I'll buy the game when it ships. Not giving them any money until then.

    Don't get me wrong, what they have looks amazing and I'm tentatively excited for the game to release, but the development project has been such an absolute shit show that I have no faith in it. Once the game releases I'll give them a huge thumbs up, until them I just want Chris Roberts and Cloud Imperium to do their jobs and get an actual game out the door.

  19. #6139
    Quote Originally Posted by Katchii View Post
    Your point? I'm glad they're starting to actually hit milestones, but again, until that milestone is a shipping date for the game I don't care. This game has been in development longer than most other AAA titles and has received equivalent (or better) funding. There are a few exceptions that had inordinately long development times as well. So them finally hitting milestones is really not inspiring, because every other video game developer has been doing that successfully for years, it's kind of part of the job of developing a game. So, good for them that they're finally starting to do their job correctly, I guess. If this had been stereotypical project, the company funding it would have cut the project after they failed to hit several milestones and given it to someone else who was more competent to actually get shit done AGES ago, but no, uber fanboi backers just keep throwing money at them for shiny tech demos.

    I am absolutely NOT a backer for this. Why would I give money to a project that isn't delivering an actual product? I'll buy the game when it ships. Not giving them any money until then.

    Don't get me wrong, what they have looks amazing and I'm tentatively excited for the game to release, but the development project has been such an absolute shit show that I have no faith in it. Once the game releases I'll give them a huge thumbs up, until them I just want Chris Roberts and Cloud Imperium to do their jobs and get an actual game out the door.
    I'm utterly astounded by the entitlement and complete cluelessness lol. Good job.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by apelsinjuice View Post
    6 years dev time and still getting concept art and tech demos
    The alpha was released at the beginning of the year and has been receiving quarterly updates and minor patches all year.

  20. #6140
    Welp, they already reversed course after the community rioted at the cash grab that was putting the livestream behind a paywall. And Roberts managed to do so with some pretty stunning airheadedness - https://robertsspaceindustries.com/s...con-streaming/

    He thinks they're Blizzard.

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