Still looks pretty damn good though. I find it kind of odd that they are still working on it though, I was under the impression that they had started production on the Asteroid Hangar back in January of February. It must have taken them a long time to come up with a concept that really made sense for them that was both realistic and one that people would want. Either way, being a Cutlass owner, I am very much looking forward to having my very own pirate hideout.
The asteroid hangar was made with a different process than the other hangars. In fact they are redoing the hangars with the same process that they used for the asteroid hangar. That is why it took so long. It is so that the new hangars can become more modular and more rooms can be added easier in the future.
Damn: my Citizen Number is in in the 240k zone - still no multiplayer.
Well, anyways; I've been watching live streams (Because that's the next best thing to actually playing), and I've noticed that absolutely everyone in multiplayer runs with an Origin (even after last month's drastic nerfs to the ship); either with a 3x Ominisky Laser Cannon build, or a 2x Behring Laser Canon and 1 Ominisky build; both of which are quite OP. All the Origin players have Comstab turned off for better agility. In the very, very few matches where a player joined without an Origin, they were completely annihilated. The 3x Ominisky cannon build just one shots everything (Not even a Hornet survived the volley), and the 2x Behring/1 Cannon build will just shred apart the enemy in a single fly by. As an Origin 315p pilot myself, I just can't wait for MP, knowing that I have such a great ship, but I'm also saddened by the fact that the Origin will probably get nerfed even more so. My only wish is that I could upgrade from a 315p to 325a, just because I'll profit more from the fighter dedicated version. Hopefully the new store revamp will include in-chassis upgrades.
Gladius is now for sale! - sale ends Friday, July 18th.
That's not all, there's also limited amount of Star Citizen dog tags available!
Just paid another $80 for a destructible internet spaceship that hasn't even been made yet...
Hopefully it'll fit inside my Idris-P, because the Gladius is the same size as the other three Idris fit-table ships, right?
- - - Updated - - -
Yep. I'm a slave. A slave to computing.
God save my soul.
With the $48 million goal passed yesterday, Chris Roberts announced the $50 million dollar goal...
As we promised last time, we’re going to return to our tradition of stretch goals that improve the core game. The ongoing funding keeps the project running on the scale it is today… but we’re also eager to find ways to improve what we’ve already planned. We’ve come up with one for the $50 million goal that we think will truly improve the immersion, and help make Star Citizen a living, breathing world:
Alien Languages – Do you speak Banu? We will work with real-world linguists to create distinctive and realistic alien languages for Star Citizen’s three biggest alien races, the Vanduul, the Xi’An and the Banu. No universal translators, no garbled animal noises: Star Citizen’s aliens will be speaking their own authentic languages!
Guess I'm going to have to learn how to curse in Vanduul now.
Yea! 1+ for immersion! Alien Languages! No more "Were gonna have all the aliens in our Sci-Fi universe speak english" crap. Real languages! 1+
Ah, was really hoping for Third Person Camera support - being able to have some epic dogfights in third person won't happen, CR doesn't want to give us a HuD for it. *Pouts*
Dear Lord; please change CR's mind about third person!