I think Star Citizen right now is a one of a kind game. It's just that there it's plagued by many problems that detract from the gameplay experience, and there just ultimately isn't that much to do. Currently the biggest problem IMO is that you derive the most fun from interacting with other players, but the star system is too big and the servers are too small so you almost never run into other people. Bounty hunters are almost never chasing criminals. You don't have mercenary players being hired to protect miners or traders. You don't have huge battles where beacons are going out calling more players to join the fray. Etc. Right now Star Citizen feels like a subpar singleplayer game, which it should not be. Star Citizen should be an MMO. Squadron 42 should be the good singleplayer experience, but who knows when it will come out.
My biggest fear is that the servers won't get fixed and we won't ever get SQ42. We've been told over and over that in order for more players and more stuff to be added to the game, they need server meshing. They said in early 2019 they had a working prototype of server meshing... and then never talked about it again, which makes me fear that they know they can't fix the servers but aren't saying it because saying it would kill sales. And ofcourse, they keep stringing us along about SQ42's development, which to me tells me that there is no SQ42 outside of the cutscenes we saw in trailers and a few demo levels Chris showed off at Citizencon to placate the backers.are simply waiting for it to get made
I'm not going to get a refund. I got several hundred hours of fun out of Star Citizen. I'm just really disappointed that we're coming up on a decade and I haven't gotten the singleplayer game I backed for.basically we all backed this game because we liked what we saw and knew it was a game we wanted to play, no amount of 'its taking too long' is going to create a sudden epiphany and cause everyone to go get refunds even if we wanted refunds they don't do them afaik, or the time for that is long gone, we're in it until its finished.