1. #14981
    There is a FreeFlight going on right now until the 15th if anyone was thinking on trying out the game.


    If you need a referral code, there is a randomizer that you can use that will give you someone's random code.


    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by banmebaby View Post

    While they have mapped out 100 systems in lore, I don't think it's fair to say they've failed if they don't deliver 100 systems. That goal was before they decided move the game from a map and loading screens between space and planets to a full 3D solar system in space.

  2. #14982
    Free flight this week huh... that's it?

    Feels like the only interesting thing on the horizon is the cargo revamp, where you will be able to move cargo boxes on and off your ship and it will show up in the inventory UI. Might change how player piracy works. Right now you can't remove cargo from another player's ship, so when pirates shut down your ship they can't rob you, so they ask for a ransom in a credit transfer. After the cargo revamp, I suppose pirates might just move the cargo off of their victim's ship. For big haulers like the Caterpillar this might take too long so I'm guessing they will either stick with asking for credit ransom or try hijacking the ship.

    Otherwise, guess we gotta wait another year to get an ETA on the magic server fix.

  3. #14983
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    Free flight this week huh... that's it?

    Feels like the only interesting thing on the horizon is the cargo revamp, where you will be able to move cargo boxes on and off your ship and it will show up in the inventory UI. Might change how player piracy works. Right now you can't remove cargo from another player's ship, so when pirates shut down your ship they can't rob you, so they ask for a ransom in a credit transfer. After the cargo revamp, I suppose pirates might just move the cargo off of their victim's ship. For big haulers like the Caterpillar this might take too long so I'm guessing they will either stick with asking for credit ransom or try hijacking the ship.

    Otherwise, guess we gotta wait another year to get an ETA on the magic server fix.
    Patch 3.17.2 which probably comes out right after the freeflight event will have the reclaimer derelicts, nav mesh on planetary surfaces for AI, derelict outposts, several new lagrange points, new mission types, the Siege of Orison event, AI dropships and after the PTU patch today there seems to be a new anti air variant of the Atlas Platform called the Centurion.

    So the patch will have some stuff to get keep current players busy for a few weeks. 3.18 which includes the cargo refactor that you mentioned, and hull stripping aka salvage version 1 will probably not be released to live until September at the earliest.

  4. #14984
    None of this really change how the game is fundamentally played. Same game for the past 7 years and I've long since had my fill of it. Waiting for something that really shakes things up.

    At least with NPCs walking on planets, maybe we can finally get creatures? At least have farms with space cows on them? Or dogs running around derelicts? Bears and giant spiders in caves? Horse riding or something?

  5. #14985
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    None of this really change how the game is fundamentally played. Same game for the past 7 years and I've long since had my fill of it. Waiting for something that really shakes things up.

    At least with NPCs walking on planets, maybe we can finally get creatures? At least have farms with space cows on them? Or dogs running around derelicts? Bears and giant spiders in caves? Horse riding or something?
    They mentioned in the Squadron 42 monthly report for June they've started to work on the Ai for fauna. While it's for squadron it should make its way to the PU.

    The way I see it is that 3.18 will bring in Persistent Entity Streaming which is what the cargo refactor needs. If that works. I'd expect static server meshing first half of next year. This will probably just bring in Pyro without a player cap release. Since the players are split into two systems, I wouldn't be surprised in AI start working better as a byproduct. After that they'll probably try to break the static server meshing between planets, so Hurston and Crusader could be on server 1 and ArcCorp and Microtech could be on server 2. This will probably come with a player cap increase. Once that is done, they will move onto dynamic server meshing which is the end goal for that tech which should allow them to have 1 server for a city if 500 players are in that city. When dynamic server meshing is complete who knows probably 2024 at the earliest.

    As for features I expect the major gameplay feature of 2023 will be the Multicrew Engineering, Physicalized damage, maybe a updated flight model, the Pyro System, and maybe the Nyx system. Everything else will just be more points of interest, events, mission types, and maybe additional work on trading and cargo since the cargo refactor will be in.

    As for what they work on after that I really don't have a clue, they still need to work on exploration gameplay, scanning, ship refining, crafting, base building, fauna, and probably another dozen other things I can't remember.

    If you're looking for release for Star Citizen I wouldn't expect it for at least 4 more years, though if Squadron 42 Episode 1 gets finished, I could see them moving a lot of the team to the PU for a year or two to get the PU out quicker. I think it's like 70% of the company is currently working on Squadron at the moment.

    Who knows though, Chris Roberts will probably play some new game and decide we need Chivalry 2 system sword combat and push release out another year.

    Personally, it's like a TV show to me, I watch the Inside Star Citizen and sometimes Star Citizen Live videos if they an actual Q & A, and read though patch notes and comm links as they are posted to the discord I follow. I play maybe once a week or two and try out new content when it comes out but it's not worth investing a ton of time or money into it until either I can get more of my friends to play it, or the game is further along in development.

  6. #14986
    Quote Originally Posted by Yelmurc View Post
    While they have mapped out 100 systems in lore, I don't think it's fair to say they've failed if they don't deliver 100 systems. That goal was before they decided move the game from a map and loading screens between space and planets to a full 3D solar system in space.

    "Guys if you give us $6,000,000 we will deliver you 100 solar systems at launch!"

    *gets $6,000,000*

    "Ah ah, jk, shit changed, you might get a dozen of them if you are lucky."

    Because you know, that's just how it works, with every decision they make on this project, every past promise seems to become irrelevant, damn convenient I would say.


  7. #14987
    as much as I don't like Bethesda and their bug filled games, do you people think that StarField will have a big impact on SC player base and funding ?

  8. #14988
    Quote Originally Posted by Xeenith View Post
    as much as I don't like Bethesda and their bug filled games, do you people think that StarField will have a big impact on SC player base and funding ?
    Not really. The people thirsting for Star Citizen aren't going to be sated by Starfield, at least, not significantly or permanently. It'll take the edge off for a while but that's it.

  9. #14989
    Quote Originally Posted by Xeenith View Post
    as much as I don't like Bethesda and their bug filled games, do you people think that StarField will have a big impact on SC player base and funding ?
    None whatsoever. No other video game company can really compete with Star Citizen.

    As CiG business is selling dreams, and not video games.

  10. #14990
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    How many gameplay loops does the game have at this point?
    Due to the nature of the current game, there is hardly any organic player interaction going on, so you just have the PvE gameplay loops:

    • FPS combat against braindead NPCs (flying to the Security Post Kareah space station or a bunker on a planet and clearing out the bandits inside. Due to the awful netcode, they may or may not survive being shot in the face by you 100 times and then shoot you once in the head and instakill you, or shoot you through walls).
    • Space combat against NPC ships (is pretty boring. Farming Hammerheads is currently the best way to make money right now but you need a good setup for it).
    • Mining (involves a minigame where you try to balance your laser's strength so that you don't overheat the rock and cause it to explode and kill you, but is otherwise tedious grinding)
    • Delivery missions (pick up box, toss it in your ship, fly to destination, drop off box. Individually each mission gives you a laughable sum but if you chain together multiple deliveries towards the same destination, you can make a decent amount of money. Only really for newbies who aren't confident or don't have the equipment to do the Hammerhead farming yet).

    There is also racing with ground vehicles but that requires other players and nobody does racing so you never get to experience it. The standalone racing module that they released way back in... what? 2014? Where you flew a racing spaceship through rings around a floating city? That was pretty fun. Sadly that hasn't been carried over into the MMO yet.

    There are a handful of PvE miscellaneous missions that are fun the first time you do it but don't have longevity:

    • Mission where you investigate the ruins of a blown up spacestation for a life insurance claim.
    • If you are a criminal, you can get a mission from Tesa on ArcCorp to intercept a prison transport, kill the guards, liberate her people from their stasis pods, and identify and kill the snitch.
    • Mission where you are tasked by the police to board a hijacked 890 Jump, kill the bandits and save the hostages.
    • Finding lost hikers in caves. Would be much more interesting if there were bears or giant spiders in them to watch out for.

    If you are a criminal, then gameplay is livened up a little bit as you get intercepted by the police more while Quantum Travelling and have to make a run for it. You have a bounty marker on you so anyone in the star system knows where you are and can hunt you down, so you always have to be on the move towards a secure location. If you die you get sent to prison and have to break out of prison (or just log off for the day and wait for your jail sentence to lapse overnight). You can also disable security satellites so you don't get crime stat for whatever crime you are about to do, but given how easy it is to die for no reason and how lax the prison sentence is, nobody bothers doing that.

    The only gameplay loop that involves other players is being a pirate. Search for miners or a cargo hauler, emp their ship, tell them to wire you money and if they don't you blow them up (or hijack their ship if you can). However, it is pretty one sided as people don't hire ships to protect them, and with 50 players spread out across the star system, there is just no way any help can arrive to save the victim. So it can become pretty boring.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Xeenith View Post
    as much as I don't like Bethesda and their bug filled games, do you people think that StarField will have a big impact on SC player base and funding ?
    Nope. Starfield is Doom but with Nasapunk aesthetics. It appeals to people who want to play FPS games. Star Citizen is trying to be an immersive sandbox MMO.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by banmebaby View Post
    No other video game company can really compete with Star Citizen.
    Elite Dangerous could have come close, but alas.
    Last edited by Val the Moofia Boss; 2022-07-09 at 09:31 PM.

  11. #14991
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    Elite Dangerous could have come close, but alas.
    Not really what I meant, people don’t keep shedding cash at Star Citizen for being what it is, people keep throwing cash at it for what they believe it will become.

    There is no way a video game can compete with gamers wildest dreams, imagination have no limits unlike CryEngine. Thus the only thing that will affect it’s profits will be its own official base release, and that’s sort of why we are still waiting on Squadron 42.
    Last edited by banmebaby; 2022-07-10 at 01:40 PM.

  12. #14992
    Quote Originally Posted by banmebaby View Post
    Not really what I meant, people don’t keep shedding cash at Star Citizen for being what it is, people keep throwing cash at it for what they believe it will become.
    What...is that exactly, though?

    All the game seems to be is a collection of, "...and isn't that cool?" tech promises and concepts that honestly don't even sound that fun or practical.

  13. #14993
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of Cow View Post
    What...is that exactly, though?

    All the game seems to be is a collection of, "...and isn't that cool?" tech promises and concepts that honestly don't even sound that fun or practical.
    Gamers want a more complete game with multiple levels of depth, not the shallow gameplay of many games released these days, Star Citizen is the only one of a few that offers that level of gameplay, not everything might work out but if they get close enough thats more than reasonable.
    STAR-J4R9-YYK4 use this for 5000 credits in star citizen

  14. #14994
    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    Gamers want a more complete game with multiple levels of depth, not the shallow gameplay of many games released these days, Star Citizen is the only one of a few that offers that level of gameplay, not everything might work out but if they get close enough thats more than reasonable.
    Star Citizen is the only one of a few that offers the promise of that level of gameplay. Know the difference, it could save your wallet.

  15. #14995
    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    Gamers want a more complete game with multiple levels of depth, not the shallow gameplay of many games released these days, Star Citizen is the only one of a few that offers that level of gameplay, not everything might work out but if they get close enough thats more than reasonable.
    You just did exactly what I talked about, though. Some vague statement about "levels of depth" and how that's better than other games, and...and what?

    It's "cool" and "good" and "better" but...how? What is the game supposed to be? Second Life in space? A big tech demo for "cool" things?

  16. #14996
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of Cow View Post
    You just did exactly what I talked about, though. Some vague statement about "levels of depth" and how that's better than other games, and...and what?

    It's "cool" and "good" and "better" but...how? What is the game supposed to be? Second Life in space? A big tech demo for "cool" things?
    Star Citizen is a game you can choose how to play in whatever way you want within reason, you dont even need to own a space ship, it gives the players choices on how to play not just forced down a narrow path, thats a part of depth in a game, also creating job mechanics that are not just simple point and click to get resources and such.

    Do you prefer when you blow a ship up you just automatically can get the loot just by scooping it up, or would you rather have an option to venture out and salvage what remains creating gameplay, boarding damaged or derelics to remove functioning components or whatever is left on the ship, thats what gameplay depth is and thats what keep players interesting in a game longer.
    STAR-J4R9-YYK4 use this for 5000 credits in star citizen

  17. #14997
    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    Star Citizen is a game you can choose how to play in whatever way you want within reason, you dont even need to own a space ship, it gives the players choices on how to play not just forced down a narrow path, thats a part of depth in a game, also creating job mechanics that are not just simple point and click to get resources and such.

    Do you prefer when you blow a ship up you just automatically can get the loot just by scooping it up, or would you rather have an option to venture out and salvage what remains creating gameplay, boarding damaged or derelics to remove functioning components or whatever is left on the ship, thats what gameplay depth is and thats what keep players interesting in a game longer.
    The more you type, the more you prove his point. So by all means, keep going lol
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  18. #14998
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    The more you type, the more you prove his point. So by all means, keep going lol
    Especially proving it with half thought-through comments like

    Do you prefer when you blow a ship up you just automatically can get the loot just by scooping it up, or would you rather have an option to venture out and salvage what remains creating gameplay, boarding damaged or derelics to remove functioning components or whatever is left on the ship, thats what gameplay depth is and thats what keep players interesting in a game longer.
    That would probably be fun a few times, but if you have to actually salvage in detail, will just be an annoying chore when you them for the 184th time, if people even do it still by then. It's something that sounds super fancy and "immersive" but imagine if you had to manually fill up your car in open world games. Well, can't wait for how the quote about how it's the best thing ever and "some day, some year, some timeline"

  19. #14999
    Quote Originally Posted by Shakzor View Post
    Especially proving it with half thought-through comments like

    That would probably be fun a few times, but if you have to actually salvage in detail, will just be an annoying chore when you them for the 184th time, if people even do it still by then. It's something that sounds super fancy and "immersive" but imagine if you had to manually fill up your car in open world games. Well, can't wait for how the quote about how it's the best thing ever and "some day, some year, some timeline"
    Its all about choice, at some point you will not care about looting everything and only grab high value items or not even bother at all, it seems you dont even understand what type of game star citizen is.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    The more you type, the more you prove his point. So by all means, keep going lol
    If you actually understood anything some ppl might take you seriously, but all your posts are pointless misinformation.
    STAR-J4R9-YYK4 use this for 5000 credits in star citizen

  20. #15000
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of Cow View Post
    What...is that exactly, though?

    All the game seems to be is a collection of, "...and isn't that cool?" tech promises and concepts that honestly don't even sound that fun or practical.
    "It's just like real life, but in space."

    As I said, imagination isn't bound by the limits of game development, therefore it will be whatever you want it to be and much more, and all that will just magically work and be a fuck ton of fun. It’s just like one of those animus about people getting stuck inside VR games, but better and much more expensive…

    Take a look at “Jesus Tech” for example, thousands of players sharing the same space while interacting with each other, all while still being spread out through multiple servers! Sounds pretty neat, “Oh my God CiG is doing what no other company has ever done before!”, I wonder why no other well more established company has developed such amazing tech before, imagine the profit just that alone would assure them!

    *cough* player hardware and internet connection speed limitations *cough*

    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    all your posts are pointless misinformation.
    Oh yes, because your posts are a true masterpiece, William Shakespeare level kind of shit.
    Last edited by banmebaby; 2022-07-12 at 06:33 PM.

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