Thread: Disco vs Holy?

  1. #1

    Disco vs Holy?

    Playing pve, what do you fellow priests believe is the stronger specc atm?
    I feel very comfortable playing disco, but i've also read that it is shit compared to Holy.

  2. #2
    Holy has better throughput and healing power via 1) serendipity prayer of healings/greater heals, circle of healing, Chakra serenity (with renew glyph) and divine hymn. Guardian angel could be considered as a (slightly) weaker version of pain suppression (increased healing on target vs. reduced dmg taken) except for situations where it can be used to circumvene certain encounter mechanics like T&V's blackout, Maloriak red phase etc.

    Discipline has lower throughput and healing power but 1)increases effective health of the raid (10 man) by 60% (theoretically, not practically usually) via spirit shell stacking for incoming raid burst dmg such as Nefarian crackles and Omnitron flamethrowers which a huge thing for hardmode progression. They have worse mana regen and conservation mechanics than holy (Example: spirit shell stacking very mana inefficient vs chakra serenity renew weaving very mana efficient) so for long straining fights I'd take holy, but for fights with mechanics such as predictable incoming raid dmg I'd go with disc.

    Also, holy doesnt couple so well with resto druids because of how echo of light works (slightly worse than other combos, negligable unless in bleeding edge really). Disc however couples immensely well with resto shamans because of a) manatide for the disc which takes care of mana inefficiency problems and also gives loads of spirits = higher rapture procs and b) absorb mechanics + ancestral guidance is a powerful effective health increasing combo.

    There are alot more topics to be touched regarding these 2 specs in comparison, but this is just from the top of my head.

  3. #3
    Our Healing team is at the moment concisting of me, disco, resto shaman and druid.
    It,s a good point that resto druid kinda mitigate My Holy effiency regarding the mastery.
    Do you really think i,ll have less of a mana problem as Holy , even though i,m comped with a shaman?
    Aditionally, according to icy veins haste is prio as holy instead of mastery as disc. Currently i have been trying to pimp up mastery with My gear choices. Will this be a problem if i decide to stick with the gear i have atm?

  4. #4
    All healers work well together, holy's mastery is not very strong, saying that it's still going to heal whether you have 1 or 3 resto druids, that's the nature of raiding there's always something to heal.

    People are better with certain specs, than others, etc.. You need to find what feels fluid and comfortable for you and stick to it, keep the holy or disc offspec for certain fights where it may perform better and have fun with the one that feels most for fun.

    I prefer discipline, btw.

  5. #5
    First of all, Icy Veins is incorrect about the stat efficiency for holy. Mastery is better than haste after you pass the 12.51% haste threshold. You will have less mana problems with holy and heal for more if you play it right. Atm it has a higher skill cap than disc for maximum throughput and mana efficiency. Sticking with mastery wont be a problem for disc since mastery is the stat to stack up on, and it wont be a problem for holy since you can reforge spirit and crit to haste up to 12.51% raidbuffed and then stack mastery.

  6. #6
    I've seen the power of spirit shell myself yesterday in MSV, Our disc priest was able to entirely absorb one of those massive explosions (the ones that shouldn't happen >.<), however whenever the raid actually dropped low, our paladin and shaman just shot past him in healing.

    That super absorb is pretty awesome, but it doesn't make up for the fact that disc does WAY less actual healing then other classes. It's always been lower because of the absorbs, but now it's extremely low.

  7. #7
    Thanks for replyes, and Allthough i dont wanna turn this into a "teach me how to priest thread", i can't
    Resist the urge to ask, how do i heal properly as holy?
    Been healing non-stop as disc since Ulduar and therefore i'm completely noob on Holy

  8. #8
    Chakra: serenity, 100% renew uptime on the tank/tanks with gheal/holy word serenity. Cascade, PoM and CoH on cd. Burst raid dmg = 2x binding heal + PoH. Lightwell with lightspring glyph, use increased healing taken buff from Divine Hymn wisely. More or less this.

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