1. #1

    Post [BIO] Tobias Greyfang

    ** Due to a messed up timeline I am going to have to put this guy on the backburner for a while. I fell in love with THIS story for his background and as it is an impossible one I will have to redo almost every aspect of this character. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read and give me insight **

    Name: Tobias Greyfang (prefers to be called Greyfang while in Pack form)

    Age: 35

    Race: Worgen

    Gender: Male

    Class: Druid

    Faction: Druids of the Scythe (until the dissolved) / <The Azerothians>

    Alignment: Chaotic Good

    RP Campaigns:

    Personality: Tobias is an outcast of his people. He followed a taboo form of Druidism and was cast out of Moonglade by Remulos himself for doing so. He tends to take on his Dire Wolf Form and find packs to be with for extended periods of time. When he does temporarily join a pack, he is a vicious defender. He will put his life on the line (as he's done so many times before) to ensure it's safety. He does not attempt to take leadership roles but is never told what to do by any <save the pack leader Ralaar>

    Likes: Goldrinn, the Ancient. This Great Dire Wolf Ancient was the source (read: inspiration) of the 'pack form'. Tobias will be seen time to time at Goldrinn's shrine with many other wolves. Being one of very few druids to be able to control this particular form for long periods of time, he's seen more often as a wolf then a Worgen. He prefers this form. He respects all other Druids even though he is shunned by them. Loyal to Ralaar for teaching him how to control his adopted form.

    Dislikes: Being out of pack form for too long. Also for being in pack form too long. He has learned that their needs to be a balance in and out. He severely dislikes being in his human form for any period of time. The scars he carries are very prevalent and most people fear him because of them. He knows the necessity of it, but will do anything to stay in either Worgen or Pack.

    Appearance: (Worgen) Black and grey fur. Stands about 7'6" on hind legs. Sharp claws and pointy teeth. He has scars all over his skin (mostly covered by fur) that he got years ago while trying to master pack form. (Dire Wolf) He is a sleek grey wolf. Unusually large he is nearly 1.5x the size of his brethren. Again, scars cover his skin but are largely covered. (Human) He is a white male standing 5'3". He has black hair and is not very muscular. He never stays as a human long because of scars all over his body (a particularly ugly one across his cheek is the biggest reason).

    Strengths: Tobias's amazing size while in pack form is his greatest strength. Able to take many blows and deal immense amounts of sustained damage. He has incredible stamina; able to walk nonstop for over a week only needing to drink on occasion. Jaws as tough as iron and an almost unnatural speed make him a diffucult opponent to deal with. When fighting from home, he has the assistance of his fellow Druids though few in number. He is able to call upon local wolves to assist him in battle if necessary.

    Weaknesses: His greatest weakness is his inability to use any other druid form. Becoming a member of the Druids of the Scythe, he had to forsake all other animal spirits. Without 100% concentration, he would not be able to control his pack form and become trapped as a wolf forever. Another weakness he has is that he is shunned from all other Druids. Pack form was outlawed by Malfurion himself and those who take on this form are sent to a pocket dimension within the Emerald Dream. The stance against the form is slightly more tolerable since Malfurion's return from the Dream, but most Druids still despise the use of it.

    Backstory (Vanilla-TBC): Tobias had always loved being a worgen. He was often confused as to why he was able to be human at all. He was born a worgen and swore he would die one. His parents were originally human... and he resented them for it. Humans were weak. Humans were tiny. Humans were... fragile. They were useless! He hated them for their weaknesses. Weaknesses he himself had growing up. His father would force him to live out a portion of his childhood in his human form. His human form was smaller than all the worgen and even some of the other human children (who's parents shared his father's beliefs). Unlike Tobias, his father missed his previous life and wanted to be human.

    His parents had died when he was very young. His mother passed giving birth and his father was a soldier in the Greymane's army. His father was killed by a demon that was wandering too close to Gilneas. He had heard that a group of renegade warlocs had summoned a Doomguard and the demon retaliated and killed them. When his father (Charles) saw the evil creature venture near the wall, he took it upon himself to slay it. Charles wanted to prove himself to Greymane. He wanted to prove humans were not weak and to remind them that they were all human once. He wanted to destroy the Doomguard in Human form. He fought as valiantly as he could, but the demon quickly overcame the assault and slaughtered him. A single Worgen warrior heard the scream and charged in, quickly dispatching the demon and finding a warloc nearby to banish it for good.

    After Charles's death, Tobias swore he would never stay in Human form for longer than he absolutely needed to. It was dangerous to do so. He found out soon that he had an affinity for nature. He started learning the ways of the Harvest Witch. Tobias used his powers to help his community stay fed during the harshest of winters and assisted in denfeding the great wall when it was needed. One day, the wall fell and Gilneas was under siege by the Undead... the Forsaken. He did all he could to keep them at bay. But he was weak. As the Forsaken closed on him he attacked with all his might. Swinging wildly with bare claws and teeth, he was able to take down a fair few of the intruders. As he was being overwhelmed, a giant Bear came out of nowhere and slapped the Undead's head off his shoulders. Many cats and more bears appeared and he soon realized they were being saved by these creatures.

    It was soon explained to Tobias that the saviors were actually Night Elf Druids in their various forms. He was elated and begged to leave with them. The Night Elves discovered his primitive Druid-like powers and decided to take Tobias to learn the true path of Druidism.

    When he arrived at Moonglade, he was told to pick one of the animal totems to which he would follow: The Bear, The Cat, or the Moonbeast. Tobias really felt no affinity for any of them and tried them all out. He didn't have any great healing powers and each of his animal forms were weak.... much weaker than even his natural Worgen form. He could not undestand why and decided to do some research on the subject. He refused to believe that he was to remain this weak forever.

    Tobias found many books concerning the druids' history in the libraries at Stormwind. In a dusty book at the back of the building was a thick tome. It had information about all the druid forms and at one point was used for instructing druids on how to master their animal totem. He found in the book mention of a form that drew it's power from the Wolf Ancient Goldrinn. The book strictly forbade the practice of it and many of the pages were torn out. What little he caught a glimpse of stated that Worgen (more specifically "The Worgen Curse" were the descendants of druids who failed to master this dangerous beast.

    Tobias stared at the ripped page in disbelief. He could easily make the connection between wolves and worgen, but never thought of them as 'ancestors'. He needed more proof. This could easily have been a story to scare young druids away from straying from the path set before them. His mind wandered at the possibility though....

    He spent almost a month in the library only coming out to eat/sleep. He had to find a good way to become stronger but more importantly he needed verification of what he had previously read. During his research he stumbled across a Faded Journal that had bloodstains all over it. There were claw marks on the leather cover. Tobias placed his hand on it and the he could tell they were from a Worgen's claw. Inside it read:

    Faded Journal ((I decided to just link the journal itself than to copy/paste it in. It is an in-game item so you feel free to read it there. It's quite a read though.))

    Tobias could hardly believe what it was he had read. He had never been taught this in school and his parents had never mentioned it. He knew being a Worgen was considered a curse but never to this extent. Tobias decided to ask Remulos, The Keeper of Moonglade, about it. He was immediately silenced on the subject and expelled from Moonglade forever. Their was a no-tolerance rule about the taboo subject and he was immediatley banished... but would not be stopped.

    He had so much pride for his race that he felt he HAD to know more about their past. He felt the best way was to experience the power first-hand. Tobias took it upon himself to travel to Mount Hyjal and try to commune with the Ancient. After arriving there he noticed that many Wolves inhabited the area. He soon met with a giant dire wolf and almost ran for his life. But something was different about this beast. It wasn't feral; wasn't looking at him with hungry eyes. It looked at him with compassion and a sense of knowing. The white wolf began to speak to Tobias in his own tongue and he soon realized that he had finally found Goldrinn.

    "Young pup, what are you doing here? This mountain is a dangerous place even for a beast such as yourself."

    "I have traveled here in order join your pack. I want to.... NEED to be one your servants and wish to be granted your power!"

    "HAHAHA you are quite misguided pup. I am no pack leader. I know with whom you seek. Druids came long ago and wished me to grant them my strength. They have one of my fangs and use it's power to strengthen themselves. They never heeded my wisdom and became trapped by their own ignorance. YOU are the product of their ignorance! Do you still wish to become one of their pack?"

    "I do! Being a worgen is the best thing that could have happened to me. It has granted me strength and I need more! Please Ancient, tell me what I must do!"

    "When the moon is full and the night is dark, go to the top of this mountain and let loose a howl! A messenger will come to you and he will decide if you are truly worthy. Go now with my blessing! You show great potential and I will indeed do what I can to help you along your path."

    Later that night, Tobias climbed to the top of the mountain and waited for the moon to be at it's fullest. He howled the loudest, most desperate howl he had ever done. Almost immediately a wolf appeared behind him. The animal was grey and had an intense look in his eyes. Tobias stood his ground and prepared for a battle. The animal transformed and a small night elf stood before him. "Come with me. I sense the spirit of Goldrinn within you. He has given you his blessing."

    Tobias was sent to a dark forest. There was the scent of many other wolves, but he could tell that they were not druids. They were wild beasts that were attracted to this location. Tobias spent many days with this elf; being taught the basics. He was told that he would have to forsake all other Druid forms and powers if he truly wanted to master such a diffucult transformation. He did as he was told and quickly mastered what little he was taught. None of his training thus far had him transform and he was getting impatient. When the time was right he was told he would meet with the Alpha Prime. The name rung a bell for him from the journal and he was excited to take the next level.

    When he finally met Ralaar Fangfire, he was amazed at how well he was able to control his form. Ralaar was the biggest Dire Wolf he had ever seen. Dark brown and strong legs, he stood at least 3 heads above the other wolves around him.

    "My name is Ralaar Fangfire and I understand that Goldrinn himself has given you his blessing... Do you truly want to become a Druid of the Scythe... A Druid of the Pack!?"

    "I do... I want nothing more than to experience the raw power that was bestowed upon you all. Learning the history of my people has made me even more determined to do this. Please! Teach me everything!!"

    "I respect your request... come Tobias. I will show you what it truly means to be one of my pack."

    Over the next few years, Tobias regularly trained soley OUT of Pack Form. He was told that he had to master himself before he could master such a dangerous beast. He visited Goldrinn's shrine daily and communed with the ancient (even if the ancient wouldn't always respond) and revered him almost as a deity. One day, Tobias was summoned to the his first meeting place with the Alpha Prime. He was to try his transformation for the first time...

    When the time came to begin practicing his new form he had a sudden moment of clarity. All the teachings he had followed over the past few years; all the time he spent at the shrine; all the history he learned of his own people... all of these things just clicked for him. He felt a warmth grow from within and he immediately transformed into a huge Dire Wolf. A head taller than almost every other druid and much stockier than them all (save Ralaar). He was greeted by all there with a resounding howl.... even the Alpha Prime rejoiced if only for a moment. Tobias was told that he would have to succumb to the powers of the Staff of Elune if he were to be able to stay in this form and not become feral. Tobias was confused but was about to allow it to happen when suddenly he saw Goldrinn. None of the other Druids seemed to have noticed the Ancient. He immediately bowed down in respect when thoughts entered his mind:

    "Do not allow them to subject you to the Staff. I have tried unsuccessfully before to warn these Druids but they ignored the warning. They believed that it was required because Ralaar did it. They now follow him and only him and are blind to the transformations already happening to them. Train your mind, your body, and your soul and you will be able to master this on your own." Tobias did as he was told and refused the Staff claiming he had no need of it. Ralaar allowed this but said if he were to ever show the signs he would be forced to use the staff. Tobias agreed and bowed his head to the Alpha Prime.

    "You have learned much and have impressed us all. Goldrinn's blessing extends to even this day and you should feel good about that. But you are still a pup... and the Druids at Moonglade still shun you and all of us. Our way of life is outlawed and there are very few people who will not report you on sight. My final piece of advice to you is this: Do not let the seductive power overcome you. You are a Worgen... and that is what you shall remain."

    Tobias knew he was ready for the world. He was still a Druid and wanted to protect the lands for the earthmother. He would do whatever was necessary...

    Between Vanilla and TBC: The other druids began to change just as Goldrinn had foreseen. They were starting to resemble his own kind more and more. They change took a few years but when it was complete everyone in the pack was a Worgen.... no more did they resemble their original selves.

    WotLK: After living with Ralaar's pack for many years, Tobias decided to leave. No longer did he feel the need to stay by Ralaar's side. No longer did see the group as a pack. His new mission was to become accepted into the Cenarion Circle; to prove to Remulos that the pack form could be controlled..... at least by him. Tobias now roams the lands from The Barrens to Northrend searching for a way to prove himself.

    During the march on Icecrown Citadel, Tobias joined a sect of adventurers consisting of Alliance and Horde. The group was made up of warlocs, priests, warriors, and a few druids. They were a ragtag bunch who were all outcasts for one reason or another: The warloc was actually a shaman until he discovered the dark art and was cast out of his village; the shadow priest understood the difference between power and greed and was able to channel shadow energy without succumbing to it's evil; a rogue in the group was actually under investigation for the murder of an entire village; the leader was an older Human warrior who was stripped of his Legionnaire Ranking for dishonoring the Royal Family.

    The group had only one rule: "No matter who you are or what you have done their will be room for you here in our ranks. No one here will be reported to the officials and even though we are on different sides in our own petty war, we are all on the side of Azeroth. We will help purge this Scourge from the face of the planet!!! For Azeroth!!!!!!"

    This small party raided the Forge of Souls and defeated Bronjahm and the Devourer of Souls. This aided Sylvannas as she led another party into the Halls of Reflection and was a huge stepping stone in eventually defeating Arthas for good. Everyone present was pardoned for their misgivings completely after the war was over. While some members decided to go back to their old ways, the majority stayed closely knit and started their own guild <The Azerothians>. All are welcome into the guild as long as they leave their hatreds at the door and can work together for the betterment of Azeroth.

    Tobias was apart of many battles after joining this group and was able to assist on many different fronts from then on.



    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~

    Edit #1: The original wowwiki page I used for this bio is now deleted/redirected so changes had to be made for accuracy. Also added WotLK section.

    Will add a few short areas later concerning the in-game campaigns. These events will lead up to him being partially accepted back into the fold but still at a fair distance.

    Thanks for reading and PLEASE comment on anything that might not make sense.

    Taking ALL comments, compliments, and criticisms.
    Last edited by dangelo37; 2012-11-14 at 09:36 PM. Reason: Accuracy / Faction

  2. #2
    Mechagnome Mengucekli's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Jun 2010
    Where i lay my head is home..
    That's an incredibly good bio, and although i did not fully read history section yet, it seems pretty solid. I'll elaborate later on, but according to my first sight i can tell you i enjoyed reading about him. Good job with bio and creating an interesting character!

  3. #3
    It's been a while since I was able to check back in on this. Thanks for reading Meng and let me know if you get the chance to finish catching up. I added some stuff ((yay wall of text)) to flesh out what happened after he started practicing Pack Form to ((almost)) current events.

    If anyone else has some time let me know what you all think. I fell in love with this guy and am excited to get some critical feedback. Thanks!!

    ((OMG 100th post 8D ))
    Pokemon Y FC: 0791 - 2268 - 4024
    PM me if you add me so I can get you back
    My RP Characters: Tobias Greyfang Oliver Ogleton Gar Plainstrider

  4. #4
    First of all, welcome to the RP Forums.

    I'm just using my coffee break and sloppily read over your Bio and while i like the writing and story itself, I see a few issues, lorewise.

    First of all, to my knowledge, Gilneas was only infected with the worgen curse after the Shattering. So when Tobias was young there wouldn't have been any worgen in Gilneas yet, and he couldn't have been born as one.

    Also, ties to Major Lore Characters are usually frowned upon here. I myself would count Ralaar Fangfire, Remulos and especially Goldrinn among those, but I would expect more people to comment on that.

    Also from what I gathered with a quick read, Ralaar died at the Beginning of the Cataclysm at the hands of Arvell's Spirit.

    That said, my worgen and alliance Lore knowledge is not the best. If i missed something essential please point it out.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Khorianas View Post
    First of all, welcome to the RP Forums.

    I'm just using my coffee break and sloppily read over your Bio and while i like the writing and story itself, I see a few issues, lorewise.

    First of all, to my knowledge, Gilneas was only infected with the worgen curse after the Shattering. So when Tobias was young there wouldn't have been any worgen in Gilneas yet, and he couldn't have been born as one.
    That is actually incorrect. The infection occurred prior to the cataclysm, which begins shortly after you take that potion which temporarily gets your humanity back. I don't recall the specific time difference between those events, though... I want to say six months?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by The Madgod View Post
    That is actually incorrect. The infection occurred prior to the cataclysm, which begins shortly after you take that potion which temporarily gets your humanity back. I don't recall the specific time difference between those events, though... I want to say six months?
    Right. I started playing the starting zone once, and the worgen incursion is before the earthquakes caused by the shattering. Still 6 months still doesn't refute the "Couldn't have been borne as one" argument Maddy. We're talking 20++ years here.

    Also I would have apreciated a comment on the Lore Characters :P

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Khorianas View Post
    Right. I started playing the starting zone once, and the worgen incursion is before the earthquakes caused by the shattering. Still 6 months still doesn't refute the "Couldn't have been borne as one" argument Maddy. We're talking 20++ years here.

    Also I would have apreciated a comment on the Lore Characters :P
    True. But I AM A NITPICK. You should know that by now

    And I didn't feel like commenting on the major lore characters mainly because I'd basically be repeating you. Being attached to major lore characters is a no-no.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by The Madgod View Post
    And I didn't feel like commenting on the major lore characters mainly because I'd basically be repeating you. Being attached to major lore characters is a no-no.
    Well the majority of the Lore characters is not so clear cut here imho. Being part of Ralaar's pack is borderline, as is getting booted by Remulos. One could perhaps work this out in some way or another. That's why I wanted some other commentors on that.

  9. #9
    A pack is usually not too many people... it's not like serving under Kael'Thas during the Third War... it's a much more tight-knit group.

    As well, killing a named NPC, particularly dungeon NPCs is an act that is frowned upon in the RP community. It's a blanket policy that your character cannot claim to have killed a unique, named NPC.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by The Madgod View Post
    A pack is usually not too many people... it's not like serving under Kael'Thas during the Third War... it's a much more tight-knit group.
    From that point of view, you are right. The connection to Ralaar is too tight, what I was objecting is if he is a major or a minor Lore character. If we deem him major, an involvement with the Wolf Cult is basically impossible for a PC.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Madgod View Post
    As well, killing a named NPC, particularly dungeon NPCs is an act that is frowned upon in the RP community. It's a blanket policy that your character cannot claim to have killed a unique, named NPC.
    Yes, I didn't catch that Forge of Souls bit. Totally agreeing with you here.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Khorianas View Post
    From that point of view, you are right. The connection to Ralaar is too tight, what I was objecting is if he is a major or a minor Lore character. If we deem him major, an involvement with the Wolf Cult is basically impossible for a PC.
    Well he's canon and he's the first Worgen, so I'd consider him major, or at the very least, importantish.

  12. #12
    Thanks both of you for reading.

    I'm going to make a few edits ((one major one for his early life because of my terrible use of timeline)) but I did want to address a couple things first.

    As far as lore characters go:

    The interaction from Remulos I thought was minimalistic at most. He, being the Keeper of Moonglade, made me think he had the sole power of banishment from the zone. ((Doing some reading, druids who use Pack Form get sent to a pocket in the Emeral Dream and I DEFINITELY don't want that)) The only interaction the two had was him being kicked out so I figured that would be minor enough. I'll change it if it's too specific but I tried to veer away from getting too close.

    Being apart of Ralaar's pack: His group of druids is the only known group out there. I couldn't find a single shred of evidence that there was another or I would've gone with that. I also looked into Arvel's Spirit and could not find where he was killed by it. If so, then I may have to make a MAJOR change to this guy and I really don't like that

    FoS: That I completely understand. I wanted him to have a presence during the war against the Lich King but didn't want him to storm ICC itself. I was hoping FoS would be a smaller step in the war. While I didn't say he gave the killing blow I 100% understand why his party wouldn't be that involved. I'll change it so that he and his group were apart of the siege to FoS but in a more supportive 'guard-the-door-while-we-take-him-out' kind of way.

    You guys are great and I appreciate the time
    Last edited by dangelo37; 2012-11-09 at 07:38 PM.
    Pokemon Y FC: 0791 - 2268 - 4024
    PM me if you add me so I can get you back
    My RP Characters: Tobias Greyfang Oliver Ogleton Gar Plainstrider

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by dangelo37 View Post
    Thanks both of you for reading.

    I'm going to make a few edits ((one major one for his early life because of my terrible use of timeline)) but I did want to address a couple things first.

    As far as lore characters go:

    The interaction from Remulos I thought was minimalistic at most. He, being the Keeper of Moonglade, made me think he had the sole power of banishment from the zone. ((Doing some reading, druids who use Pack Form get sent to a pocket in the Emeral Dream and I DEFINITELY don't want that)) The only interaction the two had was him being kicked out so I figured that would be minor enough. I'll change it if it's too specific but I tried to veer away from getting too close.
    That's okay, if it was meant "Remolus banned all Pack Druids" and you happened to be one of them. That's not really personal involvement imho. Still the whole story rests make or break on Ralaar:

    Quote Originally Posted by dangelo37 View Post
    Being apart of Ralaar's pack: His group of druids is the only known group out there. I couldn't find a single shred of evidence that there was another or I would've gone with that. I also looked into Arvel's Spirit and could not find where he was killed by it. If so, then I may have to make a MAJOR change to this guy and I really don't like that
    That's the problem I recognized. But Ralaar is too important for that connection to be done, and as Maddy has elaborated the connection has to be close for this to work. So yeah we are at an impass here. Also the Story Of Arvel and Ralaar is told in the Curse of the Worgen Comic book series and I don't really have any possibilities too look that up further. I REALLY dislike the wow comics art style and they are rather expensive here, so I didn't get those.
    I must admit I don't have a solution for you now. Maybe Maddy has a better idea.

    Quote Originally Posted by dangelo37 View Post
    FoS: That I completely understand. I wanted him to have a presence during the war against the Lich King but didn't want him to storm ICC itself. I was hoping FoS would be a smaller step in the war. While I didn't say he gave the killing blow I 100% understand why his party wouldn't be that involved. I'll change it so that he and his group were apart of the siege to FoS but in a more supportive 'guard-the-door-while-we-take-him-out' kind of way.

    You guys are great and I appreciate the time
    That's done then, and no sweat for the reading, the story was enjoyable after all.

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