Lately I've been getting frustrated with the high number of late bobber splashes I've been getting while fishing - basically, those that happen just as the fishing cast runs out.

I often surf the web on one screen while fishing, and I listen for the splash before clicking; my reaction time, though fairly quick, often makes me miss the click because of the very short time between the splash and the end of the cast.

One solution here is to watch the cast bar (or the timer), and when it's just about over and you haven't had a splash, click anyways - if you don't click too early, you'll get your fish.

I decided to couple this with my hearing-detected splash, and made a power aura which will cause a splash once the fishing cast has only 1.0s left (adjust if you find it's not enough time), and otherwise won't show up on your screen or anything else.:
Version:4.21; InvertAuraBelow:1; icon:Trade_Fishing; buffname:Fishing; x:-472; alpha:0.57; owntex:true; sound:24; size:0.83; y:-53; timer.enabled:true
Other useful things:
  • Key bind fishing, set it to the same keybind for all toons (I use alt-shift-F)
  • Key bind "Ineract With Mouseover" (under targeting functions) - this will allow you to use a keyboard hit to loot the fish instead of clicking
  • If you have a macro keyboard, you can make either or both of these be large key combinations, and not interfere with normal spell use

Follows is a bunch of power auras I use for fishing (and one for cooking). I describe them separately, but at the end there's a single block which can be used to install them all as a set.

Power aura to make sure you remember you've got your fishing hat equipped:
Version:4.21; b:0.7569; g:0.0118; icon:INV_Helmet_31; buffname:Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat; bufftype:22; texture:131; aurastext:FISHING HAT; mine:true; inVehicle:0; textaura:true; aurastextfont:8; size:1.61; torsion:0.5; y:-56; texmode:1; ismounted:0
Power aura to tell you that you do NOT have a fishing lure attached, even though you're wearing your fishing hat:
Version:4.21; b:0.7569; anim1:4; g:0.0118; icon:INV_Fishingpole_03; buffname:Fishing Lure; bufftype:5; texture:131; aurastext:FISHING LURE; mine:true; inVehicle:0; textaura:true; aurastextfont:8; size:1.61; torsion:0.5; y:190; texmode:1; inverse:true; ismounted:0
Change the dependent aura to the ID of the fishing hat aura that you have.

Power auras to remind you that you've got your fishing pole equipped:
  • Kalu'ak:
    Version:4.21; b:0.6667; g:0.0471; icon:INV_Fishingpole_03; buffname:Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole; r:0.9804; bufftype:22; aurastext:FISHING POLE; mine:true; inVehicle:0; exact:true; textaura:true; aurastextfont:8; size:1.61; torsion:0.6; texmode:1; ismounted:0
  • Bone:
    Version:4.21; b:0.6667; g:0.0471; icon:achievement_profession_fishing_journeymanfisher; buffname:Bone Fishing Pole; r:0.9804; bufftype:22; aurastext:FISHING POLE; mine:true; inVehicle:0; exact:true; textaura:true; aurastextfont:8; size:1.61; torsion:0.6; texmode:1; ismounted:0
  • Strong:
    Version:4.21; b:0.6667; g:0.0471; icon:INV_Fishingpole_02; buffname:Strong Fishing Pole; r:0.9804; bufftype:22; aurastext:FISHING POLE; mine:true; inVehicle:0; exact:true; textaura:true; aurastextfont:8; size:1.61; torsion:0.6; texmode:1; ismounted:0
I used to have an "action usable: fishing" which covered all of these, but you can always fish now without equipping a pole, so that doesn't work any more. If you have another pole (Jeweled, etc), just change the item name in the power aura (suggest creating another one).

Place all fishing power auras on a "Global Effects" page and they'll be active on all of your toons which use power auras.

A similar power aura is also available for cooking hats:
Version:4.21; icon:achievement_profession_chefhat; buffname:Chef's Hat; bufftype:22; owntex:true; mine:true; y:318; texmode:2

This entire set of power auras can be installed by using "Import Set" with the following block (I have it as global set #10):
Set=Global 10@
Aura[337]=Version:4.21; b:0.6667; g:0.0471; icon:INV_Fishingpole_03; buffname:Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole; r:0.9804; bufftype:22; aurastext:FISHING POLE; mine:true; inVehicle:0; exact:true; textaura:true; aurastextfont:8; size:1.61; torsion:0.6; y:-31; texmode:1; ismounted:0@
Aura[338]=Version:4.21; b:0.6667; g:0.0471; icon:achievement_profession_fishing_journeymanfisher; buffname:Bone Fishing Pole; r:0.9804; bufftype:22; aurastext:FISHING POLE; mine:true; inVehicle:0; exact:true; textaura:true; aurastextfont:8; size:1.61; torsion:0.6; y:-31; texmode:1; ismounted:0@
Aura[339]=Version:4.21; b:0.6667; g:0.0471; icon:INV_Fishingpole_02; buffname:Strong Fishing Pole; r:0.9804; bufftype:22; aurastext:FISHING POLE; mine:true; inVehicle:0; exact:true; textaura:true; aurastextfont:8; size:1.61; torsion:0.6; y:-31; texmode:1; ismounted:0@
Aura[340]=Version:4.21; InvertAuraBelow:1; icon:Trade_Fishing; buffname:Fishing; x:-472; alpha:0.57; owntex:true; sound:24; size:0.83; y:-53; timer.enabled:true@
Aura[341]=Version:4.21; b:0.7569; g:0.0118; icon:INV_Helmet_31; buffname:Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat; x:-1; bufftype:22; texture:131; aurastext:FISHING HAT; mine:true; inVehicle:0; textaura:true; aurastextfont:8; size:1.61; torsion:0.5; y:-53; texmode:1; ismounted:0@
Aura[342]=Version:4.21; icon:achievement_profession_chefhat; buffname:Chef's Hat; bufftype:22; owntex:true; mine:true; y:318; texmode:2@
Aura[343]=Version:4.21; b:0.7569; anim1:4; g:0.0118; icon:INV_Fishingpole_03; buffname:Fishing Lure; bufftype:5; texture:131; aurastext:FISHING LURE; mine:true; multiids:341; inVehicle:0; textaura:true; aurastextfont:8; size:1.61; torsion:0.5; y:190; texmode:1; inverse:true; ismounted:0@