1. #1

    A trinket thread

    Hello there, I just need some advice on which trinkets to use. Currently I've got the Bottle and both Windswept and Searing. I'm using Bottle + Windswept for the flat agi, but should I be using SW instead? I remember reading the ICD on SW being something silly like 95 secs or so, I can't remember

  2. #2
    The haste proc on the Windswept is quite poor, replace that with Searing. 85 ICD.

  3. #3
    Searing words or alchemist stone? What do you reckon is better?

  4. #4
    FD says for my current gear doing SV, Alch trinket is better. Still using it. Till tomorrow when I get the DMF trinket! woo!

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