1. #1

    Mage DPS Question - You crit with fireball, IB is off, cd.. what do you do?

    Do you use IB immediately to force a HS proc or do u rely on the possibility of critting with another fireball and then IB'ing to get more procs? Is it a dps loss to delay using IB in the hopes of getting a fireball crit so u can get pryos back to back?


  2. #2
    You want to promote any HU to HS ASAP, no exceptions. You however do not want to cancel your current FB cast or if you made a mistake your ongoing Pyro cast.
    You want to cast IB right after your current cast as long as immediately after, you cast your IB.

    You then want to hold on to your HS proc, dont "waste" your HS immediatly you get it unless there are prime reasons for it (phase push, boss nearly dead etc.).
    You want to keep your HS proc atleast 2 FB casts, hoping for a HU proc. Ongoing discussion is if you should do this longer or not...
    Reason is when you have a HS + HU procs, when you finish your current FB you launch your !PB, if either of them crit, they promote your HU to HS...
    This with your IB on CD is always a DPS increase.... doing this while IB is no longer on cd is -to me- still debatable.

    Direct answer to your question: always use IB asap to promote HU to HS.

  3. #3
    does anyone else have tips or suggestions

  4. #4
    Holding a pyroblast off fishing for more procs is only beneficial if combustion is off cooldown, otherwise it doesn't matter.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Dutchmagoz View Post
    Holding a pyroblast off fishing for more procs is only beneficial if combustion is off cooldown, otherwise it doesn't matter.
    So increasing your chance of another HS from ~45% to ~66% with 30% crit chance does not matter?... you dont loose you HS by holding on to it.

    in before some one starts with pyro dot falling off invocation falling off etc etc,, please..

  6. #6
    Cast Fireball 1 -> Start casting Fireball 2 -> While casting Fireball 2, Fireball 1 reaches boss and crits -> spam Inferno Blast when Fireball 2 is about to finish -> If Fireball 2 crits as well, you now have Pyroblast! and Heating Up running. Throw the instant Pyroblast 1 and start casting Fireball 3, when Pyroblast 1 also crits, spam Pyroblast 2 while Fireball 3 is about to finish. Rinse and Repeat

    That's how I'm doing it anyways. ^.^

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Ninaran View Post
    Cast Fireball 1 -> Start casting Fireball 2 -> While casting Fireball 2, Fireball 1 reaches boss and crits -> spam Inferno Blast when Fireball 2 is about to finish -> If Fireball 2 crits as well, you now have Pyroblast! and Heating Up running. Throw the instant Pyroblast 1 and start casting Fireball 3, when Pyroblast 1 also crits, spam Pyroblast 2 while Fireball 3 is about to finish. Rinse and Repeat

    That's how I'm doing it anyways. ^.^
    Im only lvling my fire mage but this is pretty much what ive been trying.

    I figured id spam fireball until I get a HU proc then IB for my pyro. A faster spell like FB = faster chances to crit I guess. ?I could be wrong however im not an expert mage

  8. #8
    If combustion is off CD I always wait for a heating up proc before I pop PoM (if talented) and alter time and then launch.
    If combustion is on CD I launch asap if I have procs up, else I hold on to it until I get trinket proc, jade spirit proc, heating up proc or time is running out.
    That way I never waste a Pyroblast proc and at the same time maximize the damage of it.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Ninaran View Post
    Cast Fireball 1 -> Start casting Fireball 2 -> While casting Fireball 2, Fireball 1 reaches boss and crits -> spam Inferno Blast when Fireball 2 is about to finish -> If Fireball 2 crits as well, you now have Pyroblast! and Heating Up running. Throw the instant Pyroblast 1 and start casting Fireball 3, when Pyroblast 1 also crits, spam Pyroblast 2 while Fireball 3 is about to finish. Rinse and Repeat

    That's how I'm doing it anyways. ^.^
    hm.. let me ask u, why i throw pyro when it procks, why don't cast fireball 3 + !pyro?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Ninaran View Post
    Cast Fireball 1 -> Start casting Fireball 2 -> While casting Fireball 2, Fireball 1 reaches boss and crits -> spam Inferno Blast when Fireball 2 is about to finish -> If Fireball 2 crits as well, you now have Pyroblast! and Heating Up running. Throw the instant Pyroblast 1 and start casting Fireball 3, when Pyroblast 1 also crits, spam Pyroblast 2 while Fireball 3 is about to finish. Rinse and Repeat

    That's how I'm doing it anyways. ^.^
    this is very confusing; can someone break it down to me more?

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by purplelace View Post
    this is very confusing; can someone break it down to me more?
    Fireball and Pyroblast has a travel time. Never stop a spell cast. If you crit with Fireball, you'll gain a Heating Up proc. Once you have that Heating Up proc, cast Inferno Blast IMMEDIATELY after casting your current Fireball, so Inferno Blast will hit with a 100% crit chance before the second Fireball hits the target. Now you'll have a Hot Streak proc. If the second Fireball ALSO crits, you'll have a Hot Streak proc as well as another stack of Heating Up. The normal process is to use your Hot Streak procs as soon as you get them, but you can also theoretically hold on to to your Hot Streak proc to cheese two Pyroblast! casts in a short period of time for bigger Ignite ticks, and thus, Combustion ticks, but you also run the risk of wasting a Pyroblast! proc if you end up getting another crit before using Pyroblast.

    Best advice is if you have Hot Streak and Heating Up both active, go ahead and use your Pyroblast!.
    Quote Originally Posted by Novakhoro View Post
    I recommend shoulder surgery immediately... there's no way you didn't fuck it up with how hard you just reached.

  12. #12
    I have just started playing a mage and leveled him with RAF so I've only been playing for a few days, so excuse me if this is not correct but here's what i've been doing:

    • Start casting Fireball 1
    • As soon as it finishes start casting fireball 2
    • Fireball 1 reaches the target and crits, you now have HU
    • Start spamming IB so that, as soon as Fireball 2 finishes casting it goes off. Since IB has no travel time it will hit the target before Fireball 2 and upgrade your HU to HS
    • Start casting Fireball 3
    • Fireball 2 reaches the target
    • If Fireball 2 crits you now have both HS and HU, in this case I spam pyro, so that as soon as it finishes casting both Fireball 3 and pyro go off at the same time.
    • Now if one of the two crits it will change my HU to HS, so I efectively doubled my chance of changing my HU into HS.

    If Fireball 2 doesn't crit then I'll have a HS and will start casting fireball 3.
    I will continue to cast fireballs untill:

    1. A fireball crits and I get HU (so I'll have both HU and HS), in this case i will cast another Fireball and spam the pyro button together with it, as to have two spells impacting at the same time and doubling the chances of HU becoming HS
    2. Trinket proc, burn phase, increased damage phase etc
    3. The HS buff is about to expire

    So i'm effectively chain casting Fireball and using IB as soon as one of them crits and holding onto my !pyroblast untill i get another fireball crit.
    Last edited by Sobedesce; 2012-11-12 at 03:24 PM.

  13. #13
    It's a tradeoff, with the more risky being the spam fireball than to use IB on HU proc. Personally I think its best to use IB as soon as you get a HU proc; however, if this is happening during heroism and if you have >300ms, then you should just keep spamming fireball.


  14. #14
    You always want to promote your HU to a Pyro!, always... even if theres a fire.

    Heres a couple of scenarios that I follow:

    Scenario 1 - No Pyro! or HU - Cast fireball

    Scenario 2 - HU Proc (IB off CD) - Cast fireball and que IB

    Scenario 3 - HU proc (IB on CD) - Cast fireball and pray to the holy father Ragnaros for a crit

    Scenario 4 - Pyro! - Cast fireball until I get a crit (keeping an eye on the Pyro! countdown so I don't waste it)

    Scenario 5 - HU and Pyro! - Cast fireball and que Pyro! (Doing so doubles your chance at a crit and therefore doubles your chance at promoting your HU proc to a Pyro!)

    Following these scenarios severely reduce the chance of Scenario 3 occuring, because let's face it when you're relying on a crit, it will never come!
    Last edited by fuchsx; 2012-11-15 at 10:46 PM.

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