1. #1

    Need help with Wind lord Mel'jarak.

    Hello my guild recently got to wind lord Mel'jarak on normal. Now I just started raiding as a fire mage a week ago(played a lock before) and I seem to be doing really low aoe dps. I am doing around 90k to 100k on aoe while the rest of the raid are doing upwards 150k dps, so I thought that I must be doing something wrong.

    what I do is I keep put frost bomb up as soon as I can, I use flame strike on cooldown and I of course try to get a high combustion to spread. The rest of the time i just single target one of the adds.

    Am I doing something wrong? should I be doing something different?

    Thank you in advance.

  2. #2
    Warning, LONG POST! I know the formatting sucks but here I go.

    On normal you should max out your aoe potential. This is done in two "modes". You go into the first mode when combustion is ready.


    1. Pre-cast Evocate at 10
    2. Mirror Image at 5 (because I intend to burst at 900k+)
    3. Pre-pot // equip main hand // begin casting Pyroblast at 3 (Macro I have)

    Mode 1: Big *** Combustion

    Apply Living bomb

    Inferno Blast a heating up, begin casting a Fireball

    When I have my Lightweave/Jadespirit/Light of Cosmos/Relic proc/Pre-pot/Heating up/Hotstreak/Bloodlust all with at least 6 seconds up (I only have all of them on the opening combustion, but I always go for as many as I can when combustion comes back up), I use my Troll berserk/Eng-glove macro then Altertime

    At the GCD cap (troll racial and blood lust gets you there obv.) the maximum combustion you can achieve is a fireball crit and 4 Hot streak Pyroblast crits (sometimes 5, keep reading for more info). The first Pyroblast is queued up with a fireball. Something I have noticed is that Altertime can be abused to sometimes give you a free GCD. I can't really reproduce this because amazing RNG is involved, but sometimes if I crit my first fireball and first HS Pyro, then crit my 2nd HS Pro, crit my 3rd HS Pyro and then INSTANTLY Altertime back to my snapshot spamming Pyroblast, I do this weird double-shot Pyroblast thing on my final Pyroblast. I might be a visual glitch, but usually when I can pull this off I can end up with 128-150k ignites

    Anyways, you want to have a MAXIMUM combustion and you want to spread it with inferno blast. (Also, when inferno blast comes back up 8 seconds later you can spread it again so you have a 12 second duration combustion on 5 mobs.)

    Mode 2: Max Aoe

    Max aoe is keeping your Invocation up, keeping your living bomb up on 3 targets with inferno blast, Flamestriking on cooldown, and using Arcane explosion as a filler. This is the part in the fight where you just bide your time until your next combustion is ready. Also, if you are using inferno blast to spread living bomb sometimes you end up with a hot-streak. Go ahead and try to tie that into the next living bomb you spread so you can get that pyroblast and ignite dot on 3 mobs instead of one.

    When things die down and there are only 4 targets left I usually just swap back to my single target rotation, but I try to time my inferno blasts so that they keep dot times up AND give me hot streaks at the same time.

    Here's my WoL post. It's raid finder because my guild private logs. The top mage parses there are all at around 2-4mins. Mine was with a PuG raid finder and the kill time was 6mins, so it's closer to what a normal mode kill should look like:


    Edit: the stars did not align on my opening combustion with this parse, sadly.
    Last edited by Stache; 2012-11-24 at 11:00 PM.

  3. #3
    Thank you so much never imagined that I would have to use Arcane explosion on aoe. But that is some amazng aoe dps, what is your itemlvl?

  4. #4
    Yeah, it's very viable. I requires a short range so be careful with it. I would maybe consider swapping out Evocate for Arcane explosion glyph if it's an issue. I updated my armory link in my sig.

  5. #5
    Step 1: do your single target rotation
    Step 2: don't use any aoe at all just spread bombs and dots
    Step 3: top 100 parse

    Seriously, it's that simple, I don't think I've ever casted an aoe spell on that fight

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by voltaa View Post
    Step 1: do your single target rotation
    Step 2: don't use any aoe at all just spread bombs and dots
    Step 3: top 100 parse

    Seriously, it's that simple, I don't think I've ever casted an aoe spell on that fight
    It's nearly as simple as that. Flamestrike on cooldown does a lot of damage. After that, a regular single target rotation is the way to go in my opinion, but there are times where you might need to deviate from that a bit, and inferno blast some dots without Heating Up. For example, even if I don't have a HU proc, and I know LB isn't on 3 targets and it's about to explode, I'll just go ahead and spread it for the explosion which is amazing damage.

  7. #7
    you dont use arcane explosion. on normal there are only 5-6 targets.
    find a target with the spelldamage debuff and start your singletarget rotation. use lb instead of nt. dont forget to use flamestrike while all groups are alive.
    well thats it. very much the same as any other encounter.

  8. #8
    Think I always forgot flamestrike (in most cases it's so uselss -.-). Thanks for the hint!

  9. #9
    We are talking about boosting numbers here. You want to go ahead and stick with arcane explosion while combustion is on CD until there are less than 5 targets up. Doing the single target rotation is fine, but you will end up losing some dps if there are more than 4 targets to hit.

    I also recommend grabbing glyphed cone of cold.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Stache View Post
    Doing the single target rotation is fine, but you will end up losing some dps if there are more than 4 targets to hit.
    Why 4 targets? Pyro can be spread then spread again and living bomb explodes on up to 12 targets, the damage increase of arc blast (if there even is one, judging from top logs its a decrease) isn't worth the effort of staying in melee.
    Last edited by voltaa; 2012-11-27 at 05:43 AM.

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