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  1. #1

    The biggest mystery for me in LoL

    One of two scenarios:

    a) You're winning your lane with no external help, and then you start getting ganked constantly by mid and jungle, and even though your jungler / mid never help you, the other lanes are losing as well.

    b) You're getting ganked non stop and losing your lane, even though you can still hold your own, but your other lanes are losing as well even though jungle / mid never help you.

    This has happened to me during the last ~15 consecutive games. I play any role the team needs, I'm never negative towards my teammates, though I chide them when it's too late because the score is 3-24 or something.

    Even though I play my lane well and to the best of my ability (as opponents often confirm), I feel helpless to do anything since my team always manages to royally screw up.

    I understand I'm on an unusually long unlucky streak, that I can somehow accept. But the other thing I just don't get.

    Is it really possible to single-handedly carry teams like these?

    TL;DR: When you have no help from other lanes and your opponent does constantly, do your other lanes lose as well? If so, why?

  2. #2
    You need to not just win your lane, you need to STEAMROLL it, pick up a few kills so you can take an early turret, and then gank other lanes. It's not easy, i can't do it but then again I'm not a very good player!

    But yeah, happens to me too keep trying!

  3. #3
    Ye happens to me all the time, I pick ADC, somebody cries that I took it, I leave the person take it. We have no support. I pick support. ( other 3 are still picking ). At some point I lock in and go to toilet. I come back, game has started. I go bot. I nearly die thanks to my ADC sleeping ( and I was CCing enemy for MF ). At 30th second my team realized we have no mid. Ofc, lux with support masteries mid. ADC dced all the game. Top and Jungler russians insulting each other not paying attention to the game....The Garen support sucked 1v2 solo bot....

    Happens all the time

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonticus View Post
    You need to not just win your lane, you need to STEAMROLL it, pick up a few kills so you can take an early turret, and then gank other lanes.
    Problem is when people start 4-man diving you and your mid resumes their happy farm, and your jungle is doing God-knows-what.

    Like, last game, we were dominating bot, we had killed their AD and support twice each. If our jungle or mid had come to gank once, we would have gotten the tower, and most likely dragon, which would have cemented our lead and allowed us to roam, helping everyone else. Since the enemy team instead came and killed us, they got a free dragon.

  5. #5
    when you get higher and higher elo your league experiences become a lot easier imo. I play with friends that are bronze/silver and they have to deal with trolling and whatnot , I mean sure I can still lose games and whatnot but I feel as though people take the game more seriously gold+

  6. #6
    Remove premade groups vs full random and the problem is fixed!

    More then half of the player base goes with premade groups!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Zyberlol View Post
    Remove premade groups vs full random and the problem is fixed!

    More then half of the player base goes with premade groups!
    More than half? That's mighty interesting, especially since you provided such a reliable source!

  8. #8
    I often find I 'draw' lanes lately. Not bad but not good either. :P

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by stoopdizzle View Post
    when you get higher and higher elo your league experiences become a lot easier imo. I play with friends that are bronze/silver and they have to deal with trolling and whatnot , I mean sure I can still lose games and whatnot but I feel as though people take the game more seriously gold+
    Well maybe it's because we're on the cusp of a new season. My S2 high was 1978, and I got to ~1700 this season pretty easily, then the losses started piling up and I lost around 200 rating. Now, no matter how well I play, or how much I try, I lose game after game against silver and even unrated players (not that I believe there's always a strong correlation between rating and skill). In my experience trolling, flaming, threats of going AFK etc. occur at all levels of play (though I cannot comment on the 2000+ range).

  10. #10
    When I'm not playing jungle, I play mid. I used to go through this, then I changed to playing Kennen mid. I poke here and there with his shurikan, then suddenly out of the blue I lightning rush into my enemy, surge and shurikan stun him, ignite, couple of aa's, and either he dies, or is forced to recall. If he doesn't, I do it again under the turret(if I'm warded, which I always am.) I have an explosive play style that catches a lot of people off guard cause I never play aggressive in lane until they use a specific ability, then I pounce. Same goes for Diana. The instant I hit 6, I unleash her combo onto the opponent if I'm at least half health.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  11. #11
    Draw lanes more often for me

  12. #12
    You can win these games but it's hard. As said above already, you have to destroy your lane and try to compensate for your other lanes. Take a tower early or at least push it to the tower (= u won't lose a lot of creeps when roaming AND there are still a lot of people out there who have trouble lasthitting at the tower thus increasing your lead in lane) and gank the next lane.

    Better luck in your next game though

  13. #13
    Yep, most of the bad players have no map awareness, so what they think when and if they see 4 ganking bot is "bad for u mate eheh"

  14. #14
    Not as bad as a WW jumping their carry (which is good) in the middle of 4 people (which is meh) when no one is close enough to react (which is bad) then complaining he dies (which is funny) and tells them to report us (which is fucking hilarious!).

    This about 4 times in 25 minutes.

  15. #15
    What I'd suggest if this is happening is to roam, if you are ahead then you should be able to push that advantage in other lanes, remember an advantage means nothing if you don't use it. Getting ahead and sticking to your lane is like getting baron and farming for its duration. Try to snowball other lanes (and this can even be done by support assuming those lanes have some sort of damage).

  16. #16
    Titan Kalyyn's Avatar
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    Play Yorick. Literally solved all of those problems for me. '

    That and Darius.

  17. #17
    Banned A dot Ham's Avatar
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    If you (or your teammates) are constantly getting pushed back to your tower and having to recall every push, then the enemy has time to spend in other lanes pushing and ganking.

  18. #18
    Pandaren Monk Yosef1015's Avatar
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    go darius top if you want to single handedly carry games

  19. #19
    Banned This name sucks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackarthas View Post
    go darius top if you want to single handedly carry games

    Play a mobile mid (malz, karthus, diana, zyra) and win your lane, harass the enemy jungle by stealing his wraiths and warding his red buff area.

    Just do that consistently and if you ever see a good opportunity to gank another lane like they're pushed out or something or know they have no wards, go gank them. Trust me, it works.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Methanar View Post

    Play a mobile mid (malz, karthus, diana, zyra) and win your lane, harass the enemy jungle by stealing his wraiths and warding his red buff area.

    Just do that consistently and if you ever see a good opportunity to gank another lane like they're pushed out or something or know they have no wards, go gank them. Trust me, it works.

    I feel like played right Diana is one of the most versatile champions in the game(i havent reached 30 yet sorry if thats incorrect). But i cant stop playiing with her because shes good in any lane. Can jungle well, and can pretty much harass players who don't know about her skills when she hits lv6.

    The only issue is early leveling and mana right now for me. Im lv13.
    Last edited by Rawfury; 2012-11-26 at 11:39 PM.

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