1. #1

    Grid: how do I get a column of 10 instead of 5?

    I can't find how to get this done, even downloaded GridconfigurableLayouts but can't get it to work with that either. I want a column of ten or the ability to sort 2 groups of 5 - one under the other, like you can with the blizz standard raid frames. I'm sure I'm missing something ridiculously simple, thanks for helping me out.
    Last edited by Elrandir; 2012-12-03 at 06:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Elrandir View Post
    I can't find how to get this done, even downloaded GridconfigurableLayouts but can't get it to work with that either. I want a column of ten or the ability to sort 2 groups of 5 - one under the other, like you can with the blizz standard raid frames. I'm sure I'm missing something ridiculously simple, thanks for helping me out.
    I've seen this question, I've wondered myself as a longtime Grid user (years) and I just tried. I can't figure it out myself either.

    Best of luck -.-

  3. #3
    oh dear, really? I thought this was pretty simple lol. I don't mind the 2 columns of 5 though I'd love to see if there's a way to do it anyway.

  4. #4
    Can't say for Grid, but you can do it in Grid2 really easily.

  5. #5
    LOL fgs there's a Grid 2? Just checking it, seems to be by completely different people, why the hell would they name it Grid 2? Seems a bit disrespectful?

    The first 2 pages of comments are full of problems, and instead of the guys working on it a spanish guy is solving peoples problems... in spanish... the last post by the project manager is may 2012 and last but not least it's not updated for 5.1 (5.0.5), so while I appreciate the suggestion, I am so not inclined to try this addon.

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