1. #1

    Opinions on selling this BoE

    Hello. Just looking for some opinions on what http://www.wowhead.com/item=118896/h...le-indignation
    might sell for. I don't tend to sell stuff and those BoE epics being as rare as they are I'm not really sure what it's worth.

  2. #2
    Check The Undermine Journal they keep price history and info across regions/servers. I'd have posted more if you mentioned a server but it's fairly intuitive to use so I doubt you have issues

    In general though it would probably go in the 50-100k range depending on server.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Zulandia View Post
    Check The Undermine Journal they keep price history and info across regions/servers. I'd have posted more if you mentioned a server but it's fairly intuitive to use so I doubt you have issues

    In general though it would probably go in the 50-100k range depending on server.
    Thanks a lot for the link mate.

    Trying to sell for 40k on Ravencrest EU. People are offering like 25k though.

  4. #4
    If you want to sell it SELL IT NOW, in few weeks you will not be able to sell it at high prices and its ilevel is going to be a little irrelevant because you will have access to better gear with the LFR Blackrock foundry

    So, the time is now

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by fenixazul View Post
    If you want to sell it SELL IT NOW, in few weeks you will not be able to sell it at high prices and its ilevel is going to be a little irrelevant because you will have access to better gear with the LFR Blackrock foundry

    So, the time is now
    LFR Blackrock foundry is 650 ilevel. It will hardly be the cause of any of the world BoE's dropping.

    Foundry Normal mode and Ruhkmar the world boss however, will drop gear on par with this piece's ilevel. Still, depending on a person's stat priority, this could still be valuable to someone. Though the longer you wait, the more the price will decrease simply due to time + less demand for the BoE itself and a saturation of supply.

  6. #6
    With any BoE epic I just list it a few hundred lower than the lowest on AH, then spam it in trade at about a 10-20% discount from my own AH price. If you can get a sale for a decent price, take a sale, BoE epics are plummeting in value and will continue to do so. By the time it sells on the AH, after the percentage cut and all the undercut warring, you might have been better off with a guaranteed sale through trade chat when you could get it. For example a pair of 640 boots i crafted, I declined a 20k offer a couple weeks ago because they were 35k on the AH at the time, but never sold and continued to drop, and i eventually had to settle for a 13k deal through trade chat.

  7. #7
    See above. I made 45k off a pair of shoulders in the first weeks, and now I haven't seen anything sell above 30k.

    I would give it a day or two at whatever price you pick (just watch trade to see what other 665s are going for), then drop it by a few thousand. You want it gone before the early raiders get geared.

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