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  1. #1

    Warcraft 4 inc????

    Incase you don't wanna read all that, Blizzard has taken ownership of the domain,
    The thing is, Blizzard used the same domain name with Warcraft 3 at first.

    Could this be confirmation thag Blizz is going to be making a Warcraft 4?

  2. #2
    Mechagnome Lefeng's Avatar
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    It could be nothing more than Blizzard purchasing domains relevant to their franchise. This is common practice for companies that want to make sure only they will make a profit from their product.

  3. #3
    The Unstoppable Force Resentful's Avatar
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    How would it even make the plotline like it would have to be in the future as WoW has been doing the continuing story line so far, for an example

    - 800 years into the future of warcraft X plot happens.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    The Lightbringer Tzalix's Avatar
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    I would love another RTS game set in the Warcraft universe, but plot is an issue. It would have to be about something completely unrelated to current events in World of Warcraft.
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  6. #6
    Well, I could imagine them doing another Warcraft RTS once they are done with the last SC2 expansion. I mean, what else would that team do except some minor balance tweaks to the game. Work on SC3 will probably not happen anytime soon considering it's an eSport game, and expansion are slow already.

  7. #7
    That would be awesome if it would just be so!

    As we all know.....


  8. #8
    Spam Assassin! MoanaLisa's Avatar
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    It's likely reclaiming the domain name so that someone else doesn't own it or perhaps the DOTA game they've been murmuring about since the last Blizzcon. Not that I wouldn't welcome another Warcraft game but Metzen's tweet doesn't sound as if anything is really in the offing.
    Last edited by MoanaLisa; 2013-01-11 at 05:06 PM.
    "'s most powerful ability is to allow bad people to continue doing bad things at the expense of those who don't have it."

  9. #9
    The Warcraft RTS titles are the only Blizzard games I currently like. Hope they don't screw it up :P

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by -Apathy- View Post
    How would it even make the plotline like it would have to be in the future as WoW has been doing the continuing story line so far, for an example

    - 800 years into the future of warcraft X plot happens.
    They could do as Metzen mentioned somewhere between 2006-2009 and have WoW as separate universe with RTS continuing that specific game serie.

  11. #11
    Probably close to 99% of the people who played Warcraft 3 played custom maps. 90% of those played Dota.

    Valve has Dota 2
    Starcraft has map editor.

    I don't see Warcraft 4 being a success.

  12. #12
    I could very well see a Warcraft RTS happening concurrent with WoW that introduces new heroes and villains that could increase WoW's expansion possibility.

  13. #13
    Immortal Zandalarian Paladin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoanaLisa View Post
    It's likely reclaiming the domain name so that someone else doesn't own it or perhaps the DOTA game they've been murmuring about since the last Blizzcon. Not that I wouldn't welcome another Warcraft game but Metzen's tweet doesn't sound as if anything is really in the offing.
    This. Beside, seeing how popular the MOBA market is, they'd be fool not to release one. Between you guys and me, we could argue all day if blizzard would be able to get the upper hand, but we all know they will. They just do that every game they do.

  14. #14
    Interesting. They could release something like that along with an expansion to "supplement" the story-- they do that with novels, why not with another game? They're clearly not married to the concept of keeping the story tied into one medium or source.

    However, as people have said, it's possibly more likely that they're just snapping up domain names that include or are related to Warcraft. That's a pretty common thing for companies to do.

    With a name like "Heroes of Warcraft," that certainly does imply some sort of game with a variety of "champion" units to control. Perhaps the Blizzard DotA game that there have been murmurs about?

  15. #15
    Spam Assassin! MoanaLisa's Avatar
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    Just a note that after reading ALL of the linked story in the original post someone else DID own the domain name so whatever their plans for it, which may be none at all, they want to lock it down.

    Here's hoping though.
    "'s most powerful ability is to allow bad people to continue doing bad things at the expense of those who don't have it."

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by pucGG View Post
    Probably close to 99% of the people who played Warcraft 3 played custom maps. 90% of those played Dota.

    Valve has Dota 2
    Starcraft has map editor.

    I don't see Warcraft 4 being a success.
    Nice numbers you got there.

    I guess I'm part of the 1% who played it mostly for the story. Still, a lot of the characters from Warcraft 3 are oddly popular, if such a small percentage cared for them back then.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Arkkitehti View Post
    Nice numbers you got there.

    I guess I'm part of the 1% who played it mostly for the story. Still, a lot of the characters from Warcraft 3 are oddly popular, if such a small percentage cared for them back then.
    Yeah, his numbers stink like shit because they came straight from his ass.

    I also played WC3 for the story and through that came I fell in love with characters like Thrall, Chen and Arthas...

    I think custom maps and DOTA were contributors to its success, of course!

    But come down from chasing that dragon if you think WC4 won't outsell MOP handily the day it launches. IF it launches. I'd buy 3.
    Quote Originally Posted by Myobi View Post
    Get real bro, if walkers bite Daryl, they become Daryl's.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Arkkitehti View Post
    Nice numbers you got there.

    I guess I'm part of the 1% who played it mostly for the story. Still, a lot of the characters from Warcraft 3 are oddly popular, if such a small percentage cared for them back then.
    We'll, if you played more than the campaign you would eventueally find you're self playing online coustome maps imo. I started out playing the campaign, and eventueally training myself to beat the computer AI somewhat good. After that it kinda gets booring, unless you enjoy playing online vs others inn random maps instead of the AI

    ...And that is where the coustome maps comes inn. Oh all the funny maps that we're made.. I personally liked hero lines, Fortress/Stronghold the most, plenty of tower defense and DOTA-like games for sure.
    Youtube channel: ARPG - RTS - MMO

  19. #19
    With how shitty the writing was for Diablo III and WoW so far I don't know if I want to see Warcraft RTS go down the same road.
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  20. #20
    Scarab Lord Sesto's Avatar
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    I wouldn't be surprised if they make that "Blizzard DOTA" mod a full fledged game. It's possible that they took the domain just in case.

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