1. #1

    iBlame Macro update

    So I've been using the iblame macro as a joke for my raids to lighten the mood. It used to work perfectly, but for a while now it's been picking people that are offline even though it's set up only to pull from online members. Currently the raid function works just fine.

    Link to source: http://www.wowpedia.org/Useful_macro...ld_Blame.21.29

    I suspect it's due to a change in one of the functions, but I'm not knowledgeable enough with coding.

    /run x=GetNumGuildMembers(1)g=x>0 and GetGuildRosterInfo(random(1,x))or 0;y=GetNumRaidMembers()r=y>0 and GetUnitName('raid'..random(1,y))or 0;if IsShiftKeyDown()then c,b="Raid",r else c,b="guild",g end;SendChatMessage("[iBlame]: "..b..".",c);

  2. #2
    GetNumRaidMembers() has been replaced by GetNumGroupMembers(). Try this:
    /run x=GetNumGuildMembers(1)g=x>0 and GetGuildRosterInfo(random(1,x))or 0;y=GetNumGroupMembers()r=y>0 and GetUnitName('raid'..random(1,y))or 0;if IsShiftKeyDown()then c,b="Raid",r else c,b="guild",g end;SendChatMessage("[iBlame]: "..b..".",c);

  3. #3
    Thanks for the tip.

    The raid feature has been working though. It's the Guild function that is messing up and pulling from offline members when it should only pull from online members.

    x=GetNumGuildMembers(0)- should return online only
    x=GetNumGuildMembers(1)- should return anything

    Both functions return names from either online or offline.

  4. #4
    GetNumGuildMembers will work properly, I think. However, GetGuildRosterInfo will not know the distinction between online and offline.

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