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  1. #1
    Mechagnome Shadowbathed's Avatar
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    What's the 1 Player You Wish You NEVER Lost Touch With?

    I met this person when I was leveling. I was leveling my first horde ever and wanted to meet new people. I met this girl, who I can remember her name because it had a LOT of special characters (Despite the fact its RIGHT THERE in my mind, I just can't remember it), and me and her began talking. It turns out she was a Lesbian and had just started playing WOW. We leveled together and loved to talk with one another. She told me she was going away for a little bit and she did. I had her on my friends list, and waited endlessly for her to come back. She never came back. Suddenly 1 day I got an in-game mail. She told me that she had met a special lady and planned on getting married with her. I smiled and messaged back, never getting a message back. I soon got hacked and she was removed from my friends list, so I never got to send her a message again. I cried, and hoped to hear from her again, but never did.

    This was before REAL ID, and I didn't think of asking her for her Facebook as I was near 12/13 and I don't believe I had a facebook at that moment. I miss talking to her, as she was awesome to talk to. I have no idea what happened to her or if she even plays.

    So have you had a friend you lost touch with and wish you never did? If so, post below so we can remember these players who are dear in our hearts.

  2. #2
    The Patient
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    one guy from my old guild, me and a few other guildys would do arena with him for shits and giggles. Just hearing him nerd rage over the stupidest thing ever, if he misclicked or got sapped or anything he would flip out and myself and the other people in the area group would start cracking up and stop paying attention to what was going on in arena, then he would flip out of us case he were just standing there while we were getting beat on. It was just too funny.

  3. #3
    The Patient Mokenuf's Avatar
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    I miss all the guys from my first guild Coven from Kirin Tor and the guys from Blacklisted too in the same server, they taught me how to raid and accepted me even if I was a newbie. Corith, Baltharia, Ravain, Quintara, Ravikadosh and Lea I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU !
    Last edited by Mokenuf; 2012-04-02 at 05:13 AM.
    | Mokenuf | Varianna | Devona | Katzine | Gokkash | Vëcna | Shaggra | Snookí | Vekuh | Segath | Zhìyù | Sierenna | Tyranikus |

  4. #4
    Deademon and Jkjk, Undead warrior and Undead rouge respectively. Server was Burning Legion, miss those 2 guys. I was Shadowbrand at the time but my accoutn got hacked then sold(?) all I know is that it was right around when they made it so you could merge with bnet accounts so I lost my accoutn then and could never recover it.

  5. #5
    anowenee....she was a nice old lady in our guild that never told much about her personal life...she left for awhile due to "something" came back for a month and never came back ever again. deleted her charecter and everything. im afraid something had happened to her :/

    oh and my friend from vanilla i met when i was a noob... is name was ronra and when i quit in the middle and dident come back to BC he moved realms

  6. #6
    When I was leveling my first serious character, a Troll Hunter, I organized a group for Mauradon. Anyways there was a pally named Dikfour who was in the group and me and him leveled for a while. Found out he was a soldier in Iraq and that he played on base. One day he said he was being relocated to an outpost with no internet and that he wouldn't be on for a long time. Well that was back in mid 2009, and to this day he still has not logged back on. I can't help in speculating the worst happened to him but I hope the dude is alright,

    Dikfour if you are out there, hope you are alright.

  7. #7
    My story is about two characters. During burning crusade there were these two guys always firing up trade chat...They were never rude or anything, and always got people going some how. I remember the one guy was the first to ever link something in trade on our server...good old [Fishing]. They always had me laughing..They were in the guild called <CUTE> Well one day while I was in Zangarmarsh a guy was standing there in CUTE and his tabard was pink with a white kitty cat on it. Being a girl and thinking everything was cute I was instantly intrigued. I some how managed to get a guild invite and that's where things took off. Despite only having like 10 active members CUTE ran the server. We had the funniest trade ads about puking glitter and shitting out rainbows. Note, I was the only girl in this guild and none of the guys acted girly. Well the two guys who loved to fire up trade chat, became my REALLY good friends on wow. One of them was a kind of sad story, he was my age (young teen), Australian and had skin cancer. He went from surfing, muscular and tan to frail and pale. He played WoW because he couldn't really do the things he liked to do any more...WoW was his escape. But mother of god he had the SEXIEST voice I've ever heard:P The other was a VERY young kid, 13 who acted just like the rest of us, you would have no idea. Well we had our BC fun, messin with alliance, creepin/ruining wierd people erping in the city, all this kind of stuff. CUTE really had a special place on our server. We were just fun kids, sometimes trolls :P Other than those two who lead the guild, I was close with the other members. We never did guild raids and stuff, we were too small to get anything going. Well right before WOTLK the guild broke up...Everyone left and I was alone, it was sad. A few months into wrath the young kid came back...but he was just not into it any more, and his mom didn't want to pay for WoW sub. I haven't seen him online since..but I still can't bring myself to delete his name off of my friends list. As for the kid with the cancer, he came back towards the end of wrath and I found out he actually beat the cancer and was on his way to great health...He hasn't been online in forever and I don't think he even got to 80. I wish I could get ahold of these guys to talk to them again like the old days...we had so much fun together and I'd love to hear how the whole CUTE guild is doing now. It's funny how these strangers we meet in game become so important to us..We talk with them and play with them all day....You really do gain a bond with people

  8. #8
    Scarab Lord Master Guns's Avatar
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    There's a few. I've been playing this game for over 6 years, I have met a LOT of people. Badkitty..the guild leader of my guild during Ulduar raiding, he was a great guy, so hilarious. I left WoW for a bit, came back, and the entire guild was non existent. I just don't know what happened. =/

    Check out the directors cut of my project SCHISM, a festival winning short film

  9. #9
    Dreadlord Terranullis's Avatar
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    My first guild leader, he turned me from a noob into a raider.

  10. #10
    I cant remember the name but I kept running into someone during vanilla wow, we ran into each other like 20 times while questing over the course of like a week and a half and we eventually added each other as friends and decided to race to 60. He won. It was pretty cool, we didn't even organize anything we just happened to level up around the same pace and played at the same times each day.

  11. #11
    Ovail, Wingz @ Windrunner Horde. Good times.

    If you are either of these ppl, PST.

  12. #12
    I miss my old tanking buddy Lethargy.. We used to just chain run hc's in BC with me healing. He quit not long after hitting 80 in Wrath and i haven't seen him since, damn you Leth! The best tank i ever knew
    Warriors in PvP are like small hyperactive children in a candy shop made of bouncy castle.

  13. #13
    The Patient Saerlaith's Avatar
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    Tjbull, Mutumbo, and Grendull on Stonemaul. I was a wrathbaby and we ran together through the WotLK dungeons. Totally sucked all the time at everything and didn't give up. Or maybe it was just me and you didn't have the heart to tell me. This was before the dungeon finder...we'd spam for a 5th member in Dalaran and then once we finally found one, after repeated wipes they'd drop group. Yeah, we were bad, but I don't care. Those were the best times ever. After months of toil we earned Northrend Dungeonmaster together.

    Since then I learned how to not be a keyboard turner/clicker yet somehow things aren't as fun. Maybe I'm better but the times aren't better. I should never have transferred away. Now I don't know where some of you have gone. I'm sorry for taking you for granted, and for running because I was scared of failing moar.

  14. #14
    The Lightbringer Sett's Avatar
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    A lot of members from my first guild in Vanilla. So many years ago.

    One in BC who was very sick. I wish I kept in contact with her more-she would pass away later. I will never forget her passing so I could have a brewfest kodo. She was so sweet.
    Quote Originally Posted by A Chozo View Post
    Humans Paladins don't have "a lot of lore" behind them.

  15. #15
    Dreadlord Warlight's Avatar
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    I miss alot of people, one of my best friends that i met was a warlock back in TBC. We met in wetlands around level 20 and leveled up toghether for a while. It was funny because I got hacked and someone disabled my chat box and I didnt know how to fix it at the time. So whenever we would want to talk, we would inv one another to a party and talk via raid warning. Haha I miss the guy.

  16. #16
    I miss Pungsoda, aka Lasse. Eventhough I have him added on MSN messenger no one ever logs on to that program anymore. So yeah, I miss Pungsoda. I also miss Zoth who quit around the same time as Pungsoda. They missed out on so much fun in Wrath.

  17. #17
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    Having played since late Vanilla, I have met TONS of people. Some unbearable, but some great ones. In recent years, with the addition of real ID, facebook, etc, it has been easy to keep in touch with people, but there are a few that have fallen off the face of the earth. We used to have a lady in her late 30's raid with us, back when I was like 14-15 during BC. She was one of the nicest ladies I have ever met, completely selfless. It was great to see that people don't ALWAYS treat each other like crap, and early life lesson I learned from her.

  18. #18
    One of the first real guilds I was in back in vanilla was this bunch of casual players, the guild was actually led by 3 brothers. They were really cool, laid back guys. Not very good at WOW, but you know that wasn't even important because we had a lot of fun doing our random things. Eventually when I hit 60, I wanted to raid, and our guild just wasn't big enough or good enough to do it, so I sadly had to take my 60s out of the guild and moved them to a progression raiding guild. Despite that, we always stayed tight, and I always put new alts in their guild to level with them and just kind of hang out /chat etc.

    This went on throughout all of vanilla and TBC but when wrath came out, I ended up trasnfering and rerolling on a new server. It was at this point I made the transition from Horde PVP to Alliance PVE, and stopped focusing on hardcore progression raiding to look for a more casual and friendly raiding environment. I loved all the server firsts and occasional top 10 in the world kills, but I swear everyone I raided with were complete asses and I was looking for a change.

    I had a grand marshal alliance druid on an alliance PVE server from back in vanilla, i rolled it there specifically because I KNEW beyond doubt i'd get grand marshal on it. Battlegrounds were only with your server and only competing (scorewise) with other allies from a pve server, I knew i'd roll them, and I did. I also more or less predicted that eventually they'd remove the restriction preventing PVE to PVP server transfers and eventually they of course did. But that's beside the point, it's the reason I chose that server to move to and made the Horde PVP to Alliance PVE switch.

    Anyway, I found a good guild there and we raided. Progress wasn't as fast as I was used to, but I liked just hanging out with the people at the same time, so it was cool. Every once in a while i'd check back with that old guild of mine on horde pvp, and we'd catch up, swap stories, etc. I guess over the years the visit became more and more infrequent.

    One day I logged on and the guild was gone. I have no idea what happened to it or them. Did they all quit? Did they transfer? I don't know, and I never will. It's a shame really, I miss those guys.
    I like ponies and I really don't care what you have to say about that.

  19. #19
    High Overlord Kapper117's Avatar
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    The relationships you all experience are Virtual relationships which are real relationships and shouldn't be taken lightly compared to real world relationships. If you're lucky you could go into a Pimocchio relationship, yes this is a real term, where you met someone online and then meet them irl. The other way around if meeting somebody irl then going online is a Cyber emigrant relationship.

    Due to the minimal amount of nonverbal ques people online disclose information faster that is deeper and broader with the law of reciprocity. Some researchers believe that emoticons and ways of texting/typing are nonverbal ques in a virtual sense...that is still being researched upon today. You might learn much more information about somebody in 1 week then another person irl knows them for over 2 months possibly.

    What i'm really getting at is, even on here keep your friends close and try not to forget about them, they are good/lasting friendships and they will truly help you...more for people that don't see it that way...

    FTR, I have had several "friends" that I lost in touch with or just did stupid things and didn't count them as "real" and it took me college classes many years later to realize that....and I made mistakes, I hope others don't do the same is all and keep your friends close! never know when you might need an internet buddy!

  20. #20
    I've been at many places during my time in WoW, and there's many people I miss... But I can't choose a single one I miss the most. I'm stuck deciding between three of them.

    The first one is Quidrui, a Night Elf Druid. Back during the days of BC, when I was still a Draenei Shaman named Lihonessa, I owned a guild named The Hand of Argus. Quidrui was one of the co-owners of this guild, and we had a lot of fun playing together. Unfortunately, he eventually stopped playing, and I never heard from him again.

    Another member I know from this guild is Fizzlegizmo, a Gnome Rogue. She was one of the most social and active officers, and everybody always had fun chatting with her or doing dungeons together. Even after I disbanded the guild we continued to play together, though eventually she and her boyfriend both quit the game together.

    Then, last but not least, there's Aiyami the Blood Elf Priest. After transferring to the Horde for the first time as a Tauren Shaman, Aiyami was one of the first people I got to know well in my first raiding guild, and we would often compete against eachother on the healing meters. Although the raiding guild sadly fell apart after a while, she and I continued to stay in touch, and even ended up joining the same guild again a few times. But in the end, like many other of my friends, she too grew bored of the game and quit.

    So now, I'm back in WoW in a new guise, and on a different server. Time to make some new friends.

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